Two-dimensional System

Chapter 916: Danvers: Bah! Who is your aunt?

Everything is already over, who knows that this is just the beginning?

Tony Stark resisted the attacks from his former teammates, and various energy rays made Tony Stark so sick that he was about to vomit blood.

Little Spider-Man walked through the crowd, using his spider silk as a cover for Tony Stark and the Avengers.

He didn't quite understand, why did they become enemies when they were friendly forces?

It must be a nightmare, who must be joking with him again!

But even if you don’t know why “adults” suddenly turn their faces, as a good baby, the first thing Spider-Man remembers is.

His ‘dad’ is Iron Man, and his idol is Steve Rogers. This time he doesn’t seem to need it. He did it on Steve Rogers like he did at the airport.

The little Spider-Man is gone, the young Spider-Man who was interspersed in the crowd when he was fledgling to fight with heroes.

Unsatisfactory agility, one after another spider silk, let the ‘enems’ who were about to attack the Avengers miss their attacks to the sky.

Of course, it was not just Spider-Man who couldn't figure it out, but also another person, who was also surprised.

This person is using his own hands to tear up the magic lady who destroys the hegemony battleship, Aunt Carol Danvers.

The reason why she has a bad tone to the superstar is not because of the superstar's attitude, but because of Uzumaki's attitude towards her.

What's more, Aunt Carol Danvers has heard of superstars in the universe, helping Thanos to collect intelligence.

Carol Danvers also felt sour in his heart when he saw the woman such as Uzumaki God's maintenance and the superstar woman.

This guy is finally himself, a recognized powerhouse, and a recognized superhero.

But this guy, why dare to ignore himself?

Aunt Carol Danvers, how suddenly it feels now that the style of painting changes as soon as it changes?

Somewhat bewildered to stand in place, let alone no one really attacked her, first as the aunt of the Avengers.

The Avengers will definitely not attack, Carol Danvers, and Carol Danvers’ ‘enemy forces’ remember correctly.

At the beginning, the first person to speak and denounce Uzumaki Goddai was her hot woman!

For a while, no one paid attention to Aunt Carol Danvers, with the guilt that seemed to have done something wrong.

I want to stop the people on both sides and continue to fight. After all, things seem to have happened ‘because of her’...

"Hey! Stop it, you guys don't fight!"

Things started because of themselves, but Carol Danvers didn't. He chose because of ‘doing the wrong thing’, escaping reality by being an ostrich.

Because, he is a person of Avengers, Carol Danvers is not worried that the attacks of the Avengers will fall on him.

As a result, they gave birth to their hands facing the ‘enemy army’, and this group of people wished to give themselves face.

I really didn't expect that the situation would become like this.


"This woman, she deceived us!"

"This woman, he really followed, the superstar group belongs to the same group!"

"I've seen it a long time ago. These people have never attacked this woman."

"They are all in one group!"

"For the freedom of the entire universe! For the peace of the entire universe! For the stability of the entire universe! Kill!"


The ray was so unremarkable that it was so accurate that it hit the face of Carol Danvers' aunt!


In the eyes of the Avengers, Carol Danvers, who was being attacked by the energy ray of the enemy, seemed to be braving a blazing flame on the top of his head slowly raised again.

"Haha! I hit! I killed this woman!"

"Hey hey hey! Brother, look carefully, you are the aunt of Volkswagen, but this aunt doesn't seem to be dead~"

The most terrible thing is that Carol Danvers was hit by an energy ray that didn't know where it came from.

It was an alien who knew nothing about life and death. After shooting Carol Danvers, he didn't seem to know how to write the word for death.

what! ?

The alien who shot Carol Danvers stared in disbelief, looking at Carol Danvers whose momentum had changed drastically.

This this this... this is not dead? Is this woman still human?

With such arrogant laughter from the alien, he wiped a handful of Steve Rogers and Hawkeye Button. At the same time, he looked sympathetically at the alien who was not aware of the imminent disaster. .

Young~Too young~

Congratulations, young alien boy, you successfully attracted the MAX anger of the legendary lady Carol Danvers.


A golden flame-like energy burst out from Carol Danvers' body.

Double new mode·open!


I saw this Carol Danvers, the legendary aunt kicking both feet.

The powerful propulsion energy made a huge pit appear in the original position of Carol Danvers.

At the same time, breaking through the wind and waves formed by the atmosphere, the legendary lady and the people around Aunt Carol Danvers were blown to each other.

Be good~

This aunt gets angry, it's so terrifying~


This young alien, the companions around him saw that the situation was not good, the magical aunt Carol Danvers, the ‘killer’ released from her body was really powerful.

He didn't have any courage to resist, to face the extremely powerful miraculous aunt!

Without hesitation, he hit the "brother" in the face of Aunt Carol Danvers with a weapon before him, and slapped it out.


"Then...what...I didn't hit you, it was...his hit you, you... don't come over, just look for him. .. That's right..."

Aunt Miraculous was not interested in this one who was peeing on her pants, she shivered with a slap, and in a blink of an eye, another alien who betrayed her companion flew out.

The alien guy whirled and flew to the horizon to become a meteor. I don't know where he was photographed by the slap of the magic aunt.

As for the young man who hit the magical aunt, the alien client looked at, beat and betrayed his companion.

Unstoppable rushing to himself, the young alien boy made such a thing.

His feet trembled without knowing it, facing the aunt who was rapidly expanding in his pupils.

"Yes... don't you... start... auntie!"


Another meteor flew out, fanning the alien who hit him, and the murderous look of the magical aunt Carol Danvers dissipated.


Who is your aunt? Have you ever seen such a young and beautiful aunt?

Damn it, don't have any eyesight~ still want to be a hero?

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