Two-dimensional System

Chapter 890: Shindai: The life and death of others have a dime relationship with you?

If possible, even Uzumaki Goddai would give her a chance to escape.

Nebula wanted to break free from the **** of the Uzumaki God, but after breaking free. Not thinking, I was going to grab the six infinite gems floating in front of her in such a calm state.

But the first time, he turned around and left here, be sure to tell His Majesty Thanos.

Stop fighting, stop thinking about infinite gems, your unrealistic plans, and your inhuman dreams.

Hurry up, take a ride and run away! Hurry back to our Centaur Star Territory...

There is still this world, this man called Uzumaki Goddai, he is really terrible

He is no longer human, even more demon than a demon. He was simply the man standing on the sixth floor.

They were also whimsical, thinking about grabbing six infinite gems from the whirlpool god.

People have already thought of this level, and they are ready to snap their fingers, waiting for them...

At that time, will they continue to grab the Infinite Gems from the Maelstrom Goddess desperately, or persuade the Maelstrom Goddess to give them the Infinite Gems?

I am afraid that as long as you are not a fool, you know how to choose.

The Uzumaki Goddai is completely innocent, and even from the beginning to the end, they and Thanos are just a joke to others.


Just when Nebula had fallen into his infinite brain loop, he couldn't get out no matter what.

No matter how you choose, it is just a dead end, and the Maelstrom God will not hand over the six infinite gems to Thanos because of Thanos’ philosophy.

Every strong man has his own stubbornness, snap his fingers to halve all lives, this is the stubbornness of Thanos.

And what is the stubbornness of Uzumaki Goddai, this is not clear to everyone, because the Uzumaki Goddai is really invisible.

You think you have touched the idea of ​​the Uzumaki Goddai, but in fact you are just seeing the layer that the Uzumaki Goddai has shown you.

The Uzumaki Goddai directly followed the passage of time and space and came here to get six infinite gems.

As for why it will help Tony Stark's Avengers, Snap Fingers Nebula can't figure it out.

It can also be simply explained as that Uzumaki Goddai must keep his promise.

What about now?

Nebula looked at the Uzumaki Goddai in confusion, she couldn't understand that since Thanos was just a joke in front of the Uzumaki Goddai.

So, what will Uzumaki Kamdai do now?

Nebula, who was curious, heard the sound of Vortex God snapping his fingers.

‘Is it finally here? ’

Zhan Su from the soul, but what awaits her is not in memory.

The Traitor Nebula from the future, the record turned into dust and disappeared in this world.

On the contrary, Nebula felt bound to himself, and the ‘Magic’s Cube’ that he couldn’t struggle to open just disappeared.

Her body became lighter, and when she felt sensation once, Nebula fell heavily to the ground.

I felt the ‘free’ air again, and took two big breaths. The air is full of the smoke and dust of war.

The air quality is inferior compared with the air quality in the ‘Cube’.

However, Nebula is extremely greedy, and the air is full of anti-inflammatory dust.


Nebula raised his head in disbelief, looking at the Uzumaki God who had recovered the six infinite gems again, even looking straight at him.

"What are you going to do? Did you really let me go like this?"

Nebula didn't know the Uzumaki Goddai, did she really let her go?

As a cold weapon, Nebula's life values ​​are to surpass his sister Kamora to prove himself.

Uzumaki Goddai had told her so much, from the point of view of Nebula, Uzumaki Goddai would never let her go.

"Oh~ Although I have always insisted that as long as it is an enemy, I will never beep when I can do it.

Because such a thing is a villain, it will do it. "


"But I found that if I really want to kill you, it's too low in price. You are not enough for me to take action and end your life.

In other words, you are not qualified enough to die in my hands. That's why, the reason you are still alive now, do you understand? "

That means, I have to thank you?

He was lying on the ground with his hands sticking to the nebula on the ground, stubbornly raising his head, looking at the Uzumaki Goddai.

It means she understands, but it is not worthy of joy, but humiliation pierced into the soul.

She is not even qualified to die in the opponent's hand to fight for the hegemony?

"You may not be convinced, but wanting to kill you is as simple as pinching a bug.

kill you? It can't bring me any benefit.

So, you do it for yourself. Although I disdain to kill you, I don't mind slapped to death, an annoying fly. "

Uzumaki Goddai ended the conversation with Nebula, and didn't care about this girl anymore, what he would do next.

The Vortex Goddai walked towards the exit of the ruins. In the Goddai realm, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Thor had already been abused by Thanos.

If you don't go out again, maybe these three people really want dogs.

Of course, there is also Bruce Banner who joined the fight against Thanos later, and Uzumaki Goddai naturally saw what is going on with Bruce Banner in this world.

In his world, Bruce Banner and Hulk are two characters.

Now in this world, Hulk has left his power, but his character has been replaced by Bruce Banner's character and wisdom.

It may have been hit by some kind of skepticism, which led to the current situation of Hulk and Bruce Banner.

But even so, Bruce Banner didn't have Hulk on him, the kind of grumpy anger that gave me the other.

The combat effectiveness was naturally greatly affected. The four besieged Thanos and one person, none of them were able to gain any advantage under Thanos' sword.

As Bruce Banner fell down once, only a little bit of dust splashed on his body, and the uninjured Thanos felt nothing except the traces left by the four.

Looking down at Tony Stark's four gazes, he lifted his eyes to the direction that made him feel.

Is it an ordinary kid, he is so calm, standing there smiling at himself?

"Are you Uzumaki Goddai?"

Uzumaki Shindai nodded flatly, glanced around, struggling from the ground, and the four Tony Stark got up.

"Don't persuade you to give up anything for me. As a person who is neither a good person nor a bad person, I would like to advise you by the way: Don't do something meaningless."

"Pointless? Huh, you said that what I did was pointless!?"

Thanos was extremely angry and laughed, what is the tone of the education elementary school student in this picture of Uzumaki God?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is because of you, these boring people on the head. They call themselves the ‘savior’ who interferes with other people’s right to life. People’s life and death have a dime relationship with you?"

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