Two-dimensional System

Chapter 889: Nebula: No! You can't do that...

But... damn... can't break free...

Is this how terrible this man is?

Nebula's limbs are gesturing in the space of the Rubik's Cube, and the current Nebula has nothing but energy. Apart from normal breathing, I can't do other things.

When I saw the six infinite gems floating in front of me, I was so angry that I was about to vomit blood.

The words of Uzumaki Goddai, like a spell with magic, echoed in his ears.

Constantly tossing in her mind, is she really that sad?

Yes, she was afraid of Thanos, but she was also full of despair in the face of Uzumaki Goddai.

If possible, she is really curious, where is the courage of her future self to betray Thanos?

Now this Nebula has never experienced the future. Nebula has so much love and hatred with her sister Kamora.

In the current Nebula's heart, there is just a murderous machine full of violent emotions, a sharp blade in Thanos's hand.

He specifically cleared all obstacles for Thanos, although he didn't know in his mind, why he knew that he was not the opponent of Uzumaki God.

But still came, unable to break free of the shackles, there was no shock or surprise in her heart.

Because, only in this way can the Maelstrom God Generation be able to be in the same position as Thanos in the heart of Nebula.

At that time, Thanos occupied too much prestige in Nebula's heart.

He raised his head and looked at the Uzumaki Goddai, a light that was not too complicated flashed in his eyes, perhaps this was her ending.

Being able to dedicate his life to the cause of His Majesty Thanos proves the ‘value’ of his existence...

It's just a pity that her value is here in the Uzumaki Goddai, not even a single wave floats.

"From the look in your eyes, I can see your inner thoughts. Do you think you will remember you when you devote your life to Thanos?"

"Haha~ The Avengers can't stop your Majesty Thanos. I believe that soon, you will face more than your Majesty Thanos.

It's that His Majesty Thanos and his subordinates are the last to kill me, but they are just one step ahead of you. "

Nebula laughed dangerously and very coldly. Her death was already within her expectations.

However, Nebula believes that in his heart, the last fluke is that he will not die in vain at the hands of Uzumaki Goddai.

Thanos will take his five obsidian generals to kill all the Avengers.

In the end, the Maelstrom Gods had to face, Thanos plus the five obsidian generals, and Thanos’ countless appearances.

"I have to say, what you think is really naive, do you think you deserve Thanos to avenge you?"


What do you mean? You tell me clearly? I am the daughter of Thanos. Why can't Thanos avenge myself if I die?

Uzumaki Goddai's hands were pooled, and he showed a mean smile at Nebula.

"You said Thanos got six infinite gems, what would he do?"


However, Nebula had never thought about it. This layer was reminded by the Uzumaki Goddai, and Nebula had an ominous premonition.

It seemed that she was wishful thinking, and what Uzumaki Goddai was facing must be Thanos.

This is destined to have six infinite gems as long as the vortex **** generation still has six infinite gems.

"What are you trying to say?"

Hearing the snapping sound of Uzumaki Goddai, Nebula trembled even more from his body to his soul.

The ominous premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger, what exactly did Uzumaki Kamdai want to do?

What will he do?

Coupled with the inexplicable smile of Uzumaki Goddai, the chilly Nebula still feels too naive?

A flash of lightning flashed through Nebula's mind. From the stubborn smile of Uzumaki Goddai, she seemed to be able to guess what Uzumaki Goddai was going to do...

"What do you want to do... No! You can't do this..."

Nebula struggled more intensely, but Uzumaki Goddai was unmoved.

"It doesn't look like you are that stupid. You are not the kind that is hopelessly stupid. Why does Thanos have to pour Infinite Gems?

Presumably, you know this better than anyone else, so you think Thanos can snap his fingers, so I can't do it anymore? "


Why didn't you think of this before?

Nebula's face completely changed, if he still held a sigh of relief before, he would all hope.

It's all put the words that Thanos will avenge her, then what happens if the Uzumaki God slaps his fingers now?

Nebula ridiculously realized that the world's Thanos was a joke with their purpose from the very beginning to this time.

Their attention has always been on the Avengers.

In their view, in the entire Avengers, even if they had to pour six infinite gems.

However, among the Avengers, how many are qualified, what strength Chen can hold the six infinite gems?

In the subconscious, the six gems must be Thanos, so the person who snapped his fingers must be Thanos undoubtedly.

Who can imagine that a whirlpool **** will appear? Moreover, the strength of this guy, even if Thanos is against who wins or loses, it's really hard to say.

If you don't do well, a terrible thought appears in Nebula's mind.

Thanos may, really may not be able to beat the **** of the whirlpool.

Uzumaki Goddai was able to snap the fingers of invalid gems. He had already watched this with his own eyes before, Uzumaki Goddai did that...

However, the performance of the Uzumaki Goddai was too calm, so that Nebula was not sure, whether the previous snapping of the Uzumaki Goddai had any effect?

Thanos was able to snap his fingers, and the vortex gods had already fallen, six infinite gems.

Compared with Thanos, it is more convenient and harmonious. What if Uzumaki Goddai is a snap to make Thanos and all of them disappear?

At that time, even if Thanos and his subordinates killed all the Avengers, what's the point?

Could it be that all of this has been taken, this guy in front of me thought of it?

This is why Thanos and his subordinates have already ignited the war.

What is the reason why Uzumaki God is still able to remain so calm and calm?

And what else can I do now?

Use your mouth to persuade Uzumaki Goddai not to do that?


Why do people listen to you? Nebula truly doubted life at this moment, and the strength of the Uzumaki God Generation was not just strength.

But this guy, what he thinks in his mind, is not on the same level as them.

I'm afraid that even your Majesty Thanos would not want it.

Uzumaki Goddai will be in front of him, snap his fingers at him...

And the poor Thanos, still unaware of this cruel reality, is still carrying his big knife, and slashing at Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and Thor...

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