Two-dimensional System

Chapter 872: Get time gems

Currently, among the three infinite gems obtained by the Vortex God, the one that has helped the Vortex God the most is the space gem in the universe cube.

First of all, Uzumaki God is a space player. The understanding of space is by no means comparable to that of ordinary doctors in physics and mathematics.

The difference between these people and the Uzumaki God Generation is that these people need calculations to prove these spaces.

However, the vortex **** generation can directly create space, which is the gap between the two.

The power that reality gems brought to the Maelstrom God Generation is not good, but it is not without help.

The chakra manifestation is similar to that the vortex **** generation uses the nine lama chakra state, and the vortex **** generation has been limited.

It strengthens the chakra connection with the nine lamas, and when there is no chakra of the nine lamas, the **** of the whirlpool can use this ability.

Realize your own chakras and form something similar to the nine lama chakra patterns.

For example, in the Nine Lama Chakra mode, any position of the Vortex God Generation can stretch out one arm of the Nine Lama Chakra.

This is the realization of Chakra, and this ability, Uzumaki Goddai only needs to pick the blue chakras with one finger.

From this little finger, a chakra hand can be formed to attack the target that Uzumaki Goddai wants to attack.

Also, the coverage of Chakra has allowed the original things to'evolve and upgrade' into what the whirlpool goddess wants in his mind.

It is similar to the ability of the popular Johnny to change the arrangement of the things in his hand and the things he is driving after becoming a ghost rider.

However, this ability will affect the life of the object itself, after a stone is realized by the Vortex God.

It may not be glass, but ashes, or a gas such as air.

Therefore, this ability is not useless but not very useful for the Uzumaki Goddai. The Uzumaki Goddai itself will change the form of Chakra.

Realization strengthens the Uzumaki God's power to control Chakra.

If we say that the previous Uzumaki Goddai, the control ability of Chakra can be accurate to 1 nanometer unit.

The current Uzumaki Goddai, the control of Chakra can be accurate to one-half nanometer.

The Uzumaki Goddai didn't know the dynamics in the dark world, and when he got the reality gem, the space would be of no use to the Uzumaki Goddai.

Let Xiaomo take back Chakra and explore the new unknown world.

And the next destination of Uzumaki Goddai is also very clear. Guyi Supreme Master who just turned around on the roof of the New York Temple, preparing to leave.

Gu Yi, who was just about to enter the house, stopped and turned around as if feeling, looking at Uzumaki Kamdai who appeared in front of him without any signs.

Gu Yi Mage's smile was even better, and he was not afraid of the Uzumaki God Dai who was obviously stronger.

"I'll take it, what belongs to me."

"But, it's not yet us, the agreed time."

Gu Yi looks like a person who abides by conventions and principles.

Uzumaki God Generation rolled his eyes in an angry manner, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he no longer pretended to be a master of Gu Yi.

"Oh? Really? Then watch, another world dies? There seems to be your disciple inside."

Although, Uzumaki Goddai wanted to give Gu Yi mage very much, this guy rolled his eyes, if you really abide by the time and the agreement.

Then you will not be here now, and ‘just’ ready to leave.

Instead, you just left. Don't you just wait for me to do this?

Will you pretend to be difficult, my Vortex God will beg you to give me time gems to save that world?

Gu Yizun mage smiled even more, raised his hands to face, the necklace hung on his chest gestured.


With the eyes "opened" a green infinite gem appeared in the sight of Uzumaki Goddai.

No one could do anything, the infinite gem that was picked up directly with his hand, was held in front of the Uzumaki Goddai by the Gu Yi mage with his index finger and thumb.

"Everything is up to you~"

The whirlpool **** generation almost couldn't hold it back. It is necessary to hand in a gem of time, is it so ritual?

It's just that the vortex **** generation doesn't know, Gu Yi already knows it, among all the infinite gems.

Space gems and time gems, these two infinite gems, what do they mean to the Maelstrom Goddess?

The Gu Yi Supreme Master looked so solemn, so that the Uzumaki God was not solemn, and felt that he was sorry for this Master who worked so hard for the small break.

"of course."

After receiving the Time Gem, Uzumaki Goddai's body for a while, his face instantly changed...

It just so happened that Gu Yi hadn't let go of his finger, he seemed to have known in advance what would happen to Gu Yi.

At this moment, smiling and quietly admiring, Uzumaki Kamdai's expression changed.

There are not many opportunities to see Uzumaki God's face and his complexion changed greatly.

How could Gu Yi mage be so willing to miss it?

Vortex God Generation looked at Gu Yi differently, and Gu Yi nodded silently, as if saying that it was you, everything that he knew now.


Congratulations to the host for getting the time gem, get: 10000S shopping coins, get the power of time!


Because the host gains the power of space and the power of time. Now the system is upgraded and the mall is upgraded.

Regarding, all of the host's spatial abilities and skills are being upgraded with the power of integration time...

Host S shopping currency remaining in settlement: 29500S

Congratulations to the host for living: time-space storage space, time-space jump, time-space folding,

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the time gem, reward skill: Time Slash (the conditions for use have not been met)

That’s right, this is the earth-shaking change that the Time Gem brought to the Maelstrom God Generation

Now all the skill lists of Uzumaki God Generation have been cleared.

Only left:

Host: Uzumaki Goddai

Age: 20 years old (fixed by the power of time)

Bloodstain boundary: fairy body (automatically maintain fairy mode)

Skills: (SS) Time and Space Storage, (SS) Time and Space Jump, (SS) Time and Space Folding, (SS) Chakra Realization, (SS) Yin and Yang Escape (SSR) Time and Space Slash (the opening conditions are not reached)

Special: Eye of Eternal Kaleidoscope, Illusion (SS), Jade for Seeking the Way (*10)

Right and right, what kind of sealing technique, enchantment, shadow clone technique, and chakra nature change and quality change.

A series of things are not planned, but the sealing technique and enchantment are all summarized in the space fold.

The shadow avatar art, fire escape art, Suzano nohu, etc., have been summarized into the realization of Chakra.

While the Uzumaki God was ‘stunned’, he was also learning about this time and space cut that he can use now.

You know this name by looking at it, and it's so powerful that you don't know how to describe it.

But the conditions of using time and space:

Have the power of time (have it), use the power of space (have it), unlimited energy (for satisfaction...)

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