Two-dimensional System

Chapter 871: ; Get reality gems

And when he encounters the infinite energy of the space gem in his body, it seems to resonate with the vortex **** generation.

The feeling of being ‘betrayed’ by his own energy made Carol Danvers terrible.

Moreover, Carol Danvers couldn't accept the reality that the black braised egg was so dead.

After all, they were the partners who stood side by side and fought with the alien Cree.

The same not only believed what I said, but also helped myself a lot. Without the help of the black marinated egg, Carol Danvers didn’t know what to do at the time. At that time, he didn’t seem to be doing anything. Guidance is very important.

To sum it up in one sentence, the current Carol Danvers is nowhere to go and loses direction and goal.

Carol Danvers has a choice, go back to the universe, but now the Skuru is gone.

I don't know for whom, and Carol Danvers, who is fighting, needs to find a race that needs her help.

But when I thought of Uzumaki God, Carol Danvers needed an answer before there was no such answer.

Carol Danvers felt that he was unwilling to go back to the universe.

"So, what are your plans?"

Natasha Romanov watched, the magic lady in front of her spoke with her unique voice.

The chicken feathers in the current S.H.I.E.L.D., Maria Hill in order to protect Natasha Romanov and Hawkeye Button.

The files of the two people have been deleted from SHIELD, and no traces are left.

Only left, the two are now the avengers, especially the invisible things that Natasha Romanov did before, and they didn't stay at all.

"I don't know, maybe I will check it out. After all, I haven't come back for a long time."

Although there is the director of the black braised egg, telling himself from time to time, the changes in the small ball.

At the beginning, my dream was to fly a fighter jet into the blue sky. Who knows that fate dictates that I am already.

Being able to fly on his own and traveling through the universe, Carol Danvers felt that he should stop and take a look.

"Then I want to ask you to stay and join us."

"You? The Avengers?"

Carol Danvers didn't know why he laughed, because the name was engraved on his plane.

Who knows that being ‘inspired’ by the black marinated egg from his own place, he was given the name of this special team.

"Yes, we are a class of people, and we also want to protect this world."

Carol Danvers nodded, smiled and gave birth to his arm, Natasha Romanov also smiled, and the two of them let go.

"I can join, but not now, I need to go and see, maybe you have to wait for me to come back."

Natasha Romanoff knew that this was the best, and looked at Carol Danvers who picked up the jacket that was carried on the railing and put it on.

Natasha Romanoff has a feeling that Carol Danvers will definitely return.

"Then, goodbye~"


Did not wear his own uniform, but a set of casual clothes that he usually wears. He didn't fly away and waved to Natasha Romanov.

Turning around and choosing a random direction, the stride meteor disappeared on the horizon without stopping.

"she left."

As soon as Natasha Romanoff's voice fell, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Hawkeye Button came out of the room.

Obviously, Natasha Romanoff and Carol Danvers were eavesdropping on the conversation just now.

"You said, Carol, the surrogate of Uzumaki God, disappeared after throwing it to us like this? Where did he go?"

Seeing the atmosphere a little silent, Tony Stark asked what he wanted to know the most.

"do not know."

It's so straightforward, maybe Steve Rogers already has the answer in his heart, but he won't make a conclusion without evidence, unless that person is Bucky.

Natasha Romanoff turned around, smiled and spread her hands at Tony Stark.

Tony Stark saw himself unexpectedly, instead of adjusting the atmosphere, he became more and more silent.

"Seriously, I miss that big guy."

Because there was still a woman waiting for him, Bruce Banner left uneasy.

Although he wanted to stay, he had to say that his girlfriend had brought him back, and S.H.I.E.L.D. invited him.

In order to prevent her girlfriend from becoming SHIELD and threatening her chance, she left a secret signal for her girlfriend and told her to hide.

This time, I don't know if the black braised egg is gone, how many forces there are in the world, they are eyeing myself again.

The location where the girlfriend is hiding is hidden, but it can be found with the heart.

It’s nice to join the Avengers with your girlfriend, isn’t it?

And Tony Stark could only sit in the cabin, the temporary Avengers base, staring at the afterglow of the sun.

In their hearts, they all knew where the Uzumaki Goddai might go, but they didn't know how to find it.


Congratulations to the host, get real gems, get: 10000S shopping coins, get chakras to realize the ability, and the effect is more obvious in the host fairy mode.

Uzumaki Kandai looked at the red on the palm of his hand, which had changed from a liquid state to a solid reality gem.

Uzumaki Goddai dropped Carol Danvers and came here, and when this thing found itself, it happily streamed towards it.

If it weren't for the speed of Uzumaki God's reaction, it would be fast enough to fold in space and fix this thing. .

Uzumaki Shendai felt that he could not stop this thing from flowing into his body.

As Uzumaki Goddai held the palm of his hand and wrapped the reality gems, the space cube gradually shrank, and finally disappeared.

After being taken back into his storage space by the Uzumaki Goddai, the space of the Uzumaki Goddai jumped away in the next second, surrounded by wreckage and black paint.

However, what Uzumaki Kamdai didn't know was when he left here.

A pair of eyes opened from the darkness, and the dark elf Malekis arrived, where he placed the gems of reality, looking at the empty table.

With boundless anger in his eyes, the **** thief stole his protection.

"Someone took away my ether particles, no matter who he is, I swear to make him pay!"


Accompanied by a hoarse and angry roar, one after another dark warriors crawled out of the wreckage.

A powerful fleet of dark elves has left the dark realm with great force.

Following the ‘smell’ of reality gems, Malekis led his cursed warrior in order to retrieve his ether particles and destroy the world.

Drove to this little broken ball with great strength...

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