Two-dimensional System

Chapter 802: Rocky is here!

Tow is not an unlearned person. The Universe Cube was also placed in Asgard's treasure house for a long time.

Out of curiosity, Thor has understood everything that has a name.

I just don't know why Odin took the Cosmos Cube out of the treasure house later, or where Odin left the Cosmos Cube.

Seeing serious Odin, Thor was puzzled. What would Loki want that thing for?

“Isn’t the Cosmos Cube abandoned because of inaccurate positioning? And even if you get the Cosmos Cube, I don’t think there is such a large amount of energy on the earth to activate the Cosmos Cube and open up the space for five Zitarians. The door."

Thor said his confusion, and Odin put his hand on Thor's shoulder.

"No matter what Loki has plans to prevent him from bringing her back to Asgard, there is also the Universe Cube, otherwise you can only be trapped on Earth for the rest of your life.

Unless the civilization of the earth can take you out of the earth. And the most important point, we want to repair the Rainbow Bridge, we need to use the Cosmos Cube. "

Thor opened his mouth, did not say anything in the end, just nodded heavily at Odin.

"Then boy, Asgard protects you~"

With a ray of light, Thor disappeared in front of Odin.

On the earth, at this moment, the underground research institute of S.H.I.E.L.D. is extremely chaotic.

The reason is a mysterious and uninvited guy, it's not right...

The reason is that Dr. Eric Shavig, the researcher's Cosmos Cube, suddenly began to become unstable.

All the instruments began to run out of control, and when he heard the news, he brought the black stewed egg chief who came over.

With an extremely ugly face, he asked Eric Shavig what was the cause of the accident.

However, Dr. Eric Shavig told the accident that it was not their cause, but that the Universe Cube was not one-way.

"So Doctor, you mean the Universe Cube is a door, and now this door was opened by the guy behind the door?"

"Yes, Director Fury, you are very wise, just like you said."

"Damn it! Mom messed with Fak!"

Director Hei La Dan knew they were in trouble, although he didn't know who was behind them. But who can open the Universe Cube, this door and come here will be good crops?


It didn't explode as expected, and saw a blue arc supporting it. A man wearing golden armor and a goat horn on his head was peeping, holding a staff and appeared in front of them.

Director Hei La Dan doesn't know who this person is, but from the style of the other party's clothes, the first thought in his mind is: Asgardian!

When Thor was there before, his four friends from Asgard were dressed.

And afterwards, Thor, who regained his strength, was dressed in exactly the same style, but he didn't know who came.

"Mr. Goat in front, you are now in the domain of others, please put down your weapons and surrender~"


Before the director of the black braised egg finished speaking, the words with a special ridiculous flavor seemed to anger the other party.

His scalp was numb, and under the huge crisis, Chief Hei Baodan was thrown to the ground by eagle eyes.

"You are the way to welcome your new king in the future?"

With a look of evil charm on Loki's face, he directly picked up the Universe Cube by his hand and looked at the Universe Cube in his hand.

His eyes were full of greed and evil, and Eric Shavig, who was too late to escape, was directly controlled by Loki's staff.

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

Hawkeye patted Chief Hei Bao Dan on the shoulder, and the latter gave Hawkeye a white. If there is a way, are they like this?

Now it's not just Loki that needs to be dealt with. Listening to the sirens from the base, it is clear that the base will explode soon.

"We have no grudges!"

Director Hei La Dan expressed indignation, as if he was a weak, pitiful person who had no assistants or power to restrain the chicken.

And Loki, it was the one who pushed it with brute force and forced him to lock the man.

In short, the goat head in front of him is a big bad guy who does no evil, and his righteous director of SHIELD was bullied by this guy.

"Does the elephant care about the ants trampled to death by him? I am your future king, surrender to mortals, and I will bring you true freedom."

boom! boom! boom!

However, the reply opened his arms, as if waiting for the black marinated egg and others to invest in Loki that he reported back.

The only reply that came was ruthless gunfire.

This is irritating, his Majesty Loki who has taken the earth as himself, his private property.

In the meantime, Loki found the opportunity with two tricks, and put the staff in his hand against the chest of Hawkeye who attacked him.

With a weird energy, Chief Black Braised Egg was just like that, watching Hawkeye dissipate his murderous attitude towards Loki.

The black pupils changed from black to blue, looking at Loki as if an avid fan saw an idol.

Director Black Braised Egg at this time, she didn't even know what to say if she wanted to scold her.

Why is this guy from the universe so unreasonable?

As he watched, Hawkeye cast his gaze on him, and Chief Hei Lao Dan felt a terrible chill.

Without thinking about it, he immediately fell behind the bunker.

boom! boom! boom!

After the gunshots, Chief Hei La Dan got up from the ground, where is there a half figure?

Listening to the rapid sirens in his ears, Director Hei La Dan dragged himself exhausted, and his sore body began to run out of the base.

At the same time, I did not forget that I took out the walkie-talkie from my pocket and dialed Maria Hill and Cole Coleson, who was organizing the evacuation.

"Hawkeye betrayed, a goat took the Universe Cube and stopped them!"


After a fierce chase, as the entire base exploded, Chief Black Egg was sitting on the helicopter.

"Boss~ Stopping failed, they ran away! What should I do now?"

Holding the walkie-talkie without hanging up, listened to the same explosion sound from the walkie-talkie and Maria Hill's helpless voice.

"They want war, we will give him war!"

Director Hei La Dan was very angry, you aliens, God on behalf of Uzumaki was riding on the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., he endured it!

Thor didn't treat S.H.I.E.L.D. as a one-off thing. He came and left as he wanted, and they agreed.

But what Rocky did he wanted to press SHIELD on the ground as if rubbing it?

The key is that Loki's ambitions have been exposed, and the earth must never be ruled by such people.

Moreover, they prepared so much before, isn't it just for ‘today’?

The arrival of'today' is the director of the black marinated egg, and does not want to see it.

But it is also a ‘good thing’, so it’s okay. Let those congressmen see their hard work for so long.

It's not just a whim, just burn money blindly, their SHIELD is well-deserved, and the earth is guarding!

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