Two-dimensional System

Chapter 801: Thor: I'm going to Earth!

Facing Odin's conclusion, Thor's first reaction was that he couldn't believe it.

In the Nine Realms, there are still their Asgardians who can't find them?


Thinking of someone, Thor's expression hesitated, unless the person who ‘tied’ Loki away was Uzumaki Kamidai.

But this is impossible. People are living well on the earth. When he was on earth, he did not hear from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the wind of the Uzumaki God abducting Loki.

Or was it a force in the universe that controlled Loki? Subconsciously, Thor had forgotten the fact that the Rainbow Bridge was bombed by Rocky.

Odin looked at his silly roe deer deeply, Thor's eyes dodge a little, obviously this possibility does not exist.

"Child, Loki's ambition will ruin him. He is now a Thanos. Loki is not only doing things for Thanos, he also has five Zetaris fleets."


"What's going on? Who is Thanos? Why does Loki be with such a person?"

Thor looked incredulous, he just felt Thanos, the name was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

I feel that this name is very strange, who is Thanos? Is it coming out of that few corners?

"You don't need to worry about who Thanos is. In short, Thanos is a very dangerous existence. You are not his opponent."

"No! Father, Loki is my younger brother. I must bring him back. Although he likes pranks, he hasn't made a big mistake yet, hasn't he?"

How could Thor not ask about Rocky's actions in Asgard?

When he heard that Loki was about to lose the entire Asgard's treasury to the Uzumaki God, Thor was stupid.

Therefore, Thor will treat Loki, regardless of Odin's exile, Loki must also accept punishment.

But for Thor, exile was already the harshest punishment for Loki.

But now, more than a year has passed, and Loki has found it by himself. Thor thinks it is time to end the punishment of Loki's exile.

From beginning to end, Thor didn't mention that Rainbow Bridge was bombed by Rocky. Odin didn't know, even if the explosion sounded through, the whole Asgard.

"But you are alone, not their opponent."

Thor opened his mouth, although he didn't want to face reality, but Odin's words were true and the Rainbow Bridge was bombed.

It's the same thing to really wait for them asgardians to find Loki in the spaceship, and they can't beat them.

The problem is, Loki will not be stupid, where will he stop waiting for them.

Not only Thor was silent, Odin was also silent. In the past, they relied on the convenience of the Rainbow Bridge to fight everywhere in the Nine Realms.

Now, the Rainbow Bridge is gone. They say it is equivalent to being bombed on the bridge and trapped on the island of ‘refugees’.

And Odin said very clearly, if he made up his mind and really wanted it, go talk about what Loki brought back.

Asgard was the only one who could go there. He alone was not enough.

At this point, even if it was Thor, who was very confident of his own strength, he knew that he could not be alone.

Facing the five Zetarian fleets, he can successfully take Loki away, and Loki is not'weak'.

Of course don't get me wrong, what Thor is referring to is Rocky's ability to escape. Thor thinks he can't catch Loki without certain conditions.

'How to do? ’

Thor raised his head and looked up at the ceiling. There was a family portrait painted on the ceiling. Odin was sitting on the throne, with himself, Loki and Frigga on the left and right.

"I must bring Loki back. Father tell me where is Loki now?"

"Even if I told you, are you sure you can bring Loki back later?"

Odin has a sharp tone, this is not a problem that can be solved on impulse. And this time, Thanos was only here to test, which made Odin very upset.

When he was young, it was not that he had not fought against Thanos, and now he thought he was old, he would be able to get involved in the Nine Realms again.

Bring war to the Nine Realms? Odin did not directly reject Thor, but kept briefing him on the stakes of Loki and the forces behind him.

The purpose is to allow Thor to know his limits clearly and find a way to bring Loki back.

Thor was just a little impulsive, and never beeped too much for things that could be solved with force.

So if you can’t solve problems with power, Thor needs to use his brains. Did Thor find the key to finding a solution?

Odin was just silent, and did not disturb Thor, who was thinking, waiting for Thor's reply.

Seeing "Family Portrait" Thor's gaze was a little blurred, and he seemed to be a little distracted, Thor's gaze flickered after thinking of something.


There is no way for my own strength to take Loki from the five Zetaru fleets, but that doesn't mean I can't find someone!

Loki has a helper, is it possible that Thor can't find a helper?

When it comes to the best helper in his heart, the person Thor thinks of is not, his four are behind Asgard's ‘F4’.

But on the small broken ball, the guy who deflated himself and stole his hammer!

"I know what to do. Father tells me now, where is Loki!? What is his purpose?"

"I don't know what his purpose is, but it is definitely not a good thing. Thanos has great ambitions, and Loki has gone to Earth now."

"What? Earth!?"

Originally, he wanted Odin to send him to Earth, even if he had a one-tenth chance, and let him lose another hammer, Thor would have to convince Uzumaki Goddai.

As for how to leave the earth and find Loki Tor, I haven't shown it yet.

However, Thor is inexplicably right, Uzumaki Goddai is confident, Uzumaki Goddai may have a way to leave the earth.

Just as Uzumaki Goddai is not an Asgardian himself, he can use the Rainbow Bridge without their permission.

Now I hear Odin say that Loki is on earth? Wouldn't there be no need to worry about the problem of the earth?

"Quick Father! Send me to Earth!"

Although he doesn't know what Loki is going to do on earth, it is not incomprehensible that Loki bombed the Rainbow Bridge.

Nothing more than, I don't want them to use Rainbow Bridge to find him after they found Loki.

So, Loki went to the earth, where are the five Zitarians that Loki brought?

These are all unsolved mysteries, but this is an opportunity to take advantage of Loki's fault with him and the time of separation to bring Loki back to Asgard.

Only Odin blinked with one eye, he seemed to know what Loki was going to do on earth.

"Perhaps, I know what Loki's purpose is. I placed the Universe Cube on the earth thousands of years ago. Loki's purpose may be the Universe Cube."

"Cosmic Cube? Is that the thing that can open space channels at will?"

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