Two-dimensional System

Chapter 797: The little ball is on fire

Standing on the fleet, towards the fleet on either side of him, Loki is called a scenery.

He didn't believe it anymore, so many Zetarians, plus this one in his own hand, was even more powerful than Odin's Gunganer.

Still unable to defeat the Vortex God Generation, the key is that he is in the dark, waiting for him to get the Universe Cube that Thanos said.

At that time, with his two great expressions in hand, Loki seemed to think of something good, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Counting the staff in his hand, the use of the staff in his mind, Loki thought of a certain possibility, and his heart pounded nonstop.

This post can control people's hearts?

So if this is the case, isn't it too friendly to your own heart?

Thinking of the strength of the Uzumaki God, Loki was already thinking, waiting for him to use his staff by surprise and control the Uzumaki God.

Be sure to let the Vortex God fight for himself, Asgard's throne.

At that time, Loki will not only be the king of the earth, he will also be the king of the Nine Realms.

and many more......

‘If I can, Loki can still be the king of the entire universe! ’

What kind of landscape would it be like to let the Maelstrom Gods fight with Thanos? At that time, it's best to kill Thanos by the Uzumaki God, or control Thanos with his staff...

No way~

Can't continue thinking like this, Loki wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. The more he thought about it, the more attractive he couldn't wait, he wanted to go to the earth to implement his plan.

"Master Black Dwarf, look at Loki smiling like a fool, he must have some conspiracy."

Following the black dwarf's subordinates and Loki who couldn't understand the villain's ambition, this guy was like a clown.

In front of His Majesty Thanos, he hopped around with rhetoric to deceive them, but his Majesty Thanos had no ability.

The black dwarf turned his head and glanced at his subordinate. The subordinate who was talking instantly felt cold and shivered and looked up at the burly black star cautiously.

I was afraid that I would be smashed by the black dwarf. That would be too wrong.

"I don't like this guy either, but this is the decision of His Majesty Thanos, and we can't have any doubts."


Feeling the killing intent that made his scalp numb, the subordinate's legs were trembling, and he nodded and said yes to the black dwarf star.

If they die on the battlefield, they can still get a lot of ‘settling money’, but if they are hacked alive by the black dwarf, there is nothing left.

Simply, Lord Black Dwarf seemed to be uncomfortable with this guy named Loki.

The fleet of five Qitarians, in a mighty form in the universe, no one dared to provoke them at all, especially after knowing that this was a Thanos unit.

The pirates in the universe, no matter how far they hid, they accidentally caused trouble.

At the same time, in my heart, I also mourned for the planet that Thanos was staring at, and it was a silent mourning for the entire star field where the planet was located.

Wherever the Thanos troop goes, which planet can survive?

At the same time, they also began to inquire about the target planet the five fleets were heading to because of their curiosity.

Perhaps it was that Loki, the five Zetarian fleets, were too ostentatious, and soon people in the universe who were curious to inquire about intelligence.

You know these five, the name and code name of the planet that the Zetarian fleet is going to: C-53 planet, also called the blue star!

In this way, the earth was on fire in the entire universe, and what kind of planet it was that made Thanos dispatch the five Zetaric fleets without saying.

According to their understanding, there is even a black dwarf, one of Thanos’ five obsidian generals, on the fleet?

And in charge of command, the ‘commander’ of these five fleets turned out to be the prince from Asgard, Rocky?

Many forces in the star field in the universe are watching and mourning for the blue star at the same time.

At the same time, it is indispensable to inquire about the collection of C53 planet, what is special, they have never heard of it.

Why is Thanos worth it? So much force was deployed with great fanfare.

Soon, all the forces that inquired about Telanstar's intelligence couldn't help rubbing their eyes when looking at the information placed on their desks.

Confirm whether you have hallucinations, or is it your subordinates, in order to perfuse yourself?

Planet C-53 is also known as: Extra Blue Star, just a planet that is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary. The natives on it, even the earth, can't go out?

Not to mention Thanos' fleet, they just sent a small group of men and horses casually to conquer the planet Xiaopo.

Of course, there is one more thing. It must be noted that the location of this special blue star is within the Nine Realms.

As we all know, the entire Nine Realms are under the rule of the Asgardians, which means they are against this blue star.

First of all, the Asgardians were conquered.

The people in the universe who discovered this information nodded suddenly, and they said~

Why did Thanos dispatch five Zetaric fleets just for such a small planet, and at the same time dispatch one of the five obsidian black dwarfs.

If it is to deal with the Asgardians, these people are probably not enough~

Weak planets or star field forces, looking at the blue star at this time, are no longer silent and compassionate.

But deep, jealous, envy, hate!

How can this broken planet, Ho De, be able to obtain the asylum of the Asgardians?

If they also have the asylum of Asgardians, would they still be guilty of living anxiously every day?

Every day I have to worry about whether there will be any cosmic people who are stronger than them, who will take a fancy to their planet.

Or maybe, just because they are there, when the strong pass by, take a look.

Annoyed the big guys in the universe, so that they brought a disaster for themselves and their people.

The entire universe is silent, and the forces still at war have temporarily stopped fighting.

They are all paying attention to how the five Chitarians led by Loki will conquer this blue star.

The most important thing is that they are very curious about what is worthy of this special blue star, and why Thanos takes it so seriously.

In other words, the small breaking ball became popular for a while and attracted the attention of how powerful it is. This is probably the small breaking ball since its birth.

For the first time, when it was so bright, it was not just a strong person who couldn't afford it.

The five fleets dispatched by Thanos, let alone a planet, even if they were ordinary star regions or small forces.

They can push you from east to west, and directly flatten everything.

Soon, every day of every force, the first words they get up to their subordinates are: "Where are the Qitarians today?"

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