Two-dimensional System

Chapter 796: Rocky: Go!

Classmate Matt Murdoch is, of course, it is not without benefit to stack the thickest muscles and suffer the most venomous beating.

After the density of the muscles is high, even if someone stabbed forty or fifty dollars, as long as Matt Murdoch was not killed on the spot.

Matt Murdoch's ability to survive is absolutely beyond the imagination of others.

Muscles are very important. Sometimes, if the muscles are strong, the ‘good luck’ is added.

Some fatal damage from a single blow will be interfered by muscles, such as bullets or knives, which will be resisted by muscles and deviate from the original trajectory.

To protect important parts from harm, it must be luck, and the opponent's weapon does not exceed the limit of Matt Murdoch.

The trained Matt Murdoch, ordinary pistol bullets, certainly will not be fatal.

Of course, the premise is, don't be too unlucky, if bad luck and Lou Liangshui can be choked to death.

If someone hits the head with a gun or something, if it is even worse, he is hit in other terrible places, such as the most vulnerable part of a person.


No matter what muscles are built, it doesn't work, Uzumaki Shendai can't help but shiver after thinking about it.

As long as it is a male creature, there is no absolute weakness, unless it is not a male.

Therefore, this is the reason why Uzumaki Goddai, who can't fight frontally, always loves to stab others' lower back from behind.

If you attack others behind your back, they will not have that high probability of hitting your weakness.

It's really exciting to run with one blow, Uzumaki Goddai will not talk to Matt Murdoch, Pete Parker.

This is all precious experience, only after Matt Murdoch and Pete Parker, the two have experienced more battles.

Whether you can understand it, you have to look at the ‘savvy’ of the two.

So, those in the TV series, those in the martial arts novels, the masters of the school.

Even if it is, the ‘two hands’ that teachers retain in all walks of life are the ‘things’ condensed from these experiences.

And in the distant universe, our long-lost Loki is now kneeling on one knee.

Kneeling with his face very respectful, in front of a floating throne, on top of the throne, sitting a purple guy who looked like a purple potato.

At this moment, he was putting a deep face with one hand, sticking to his chin, and looking at him with death gaze in play, falling on Loki who was kneeling in front of him.

"I felt the breath of the Cosmos Cube not long ago. Someone used the universe to send messages in the universe. Go to the earth and bring the Cosmos Cube back to me."

"Respect your great Thanos, I am very willing to do things for you, but you don't know that there is a very powerful guy on earth."

Loki, who was leaning over, didn't look very good at the moment, but had to make himself smile hard.

Don't let yourself make the purple sweet potato tyrant unhappy because of a little mistake, and run away to kill him.

After he was exiled by Odin, he had been wandering in the universe, knowing that he had met a guy called Ebony Maw.

Claiming to be under Thanos, one of the Five Obsidians obeyed Thanos' will and took him to meet Thanos.

At first, how could Loki submit, but he experienced the exile of Uzumaki Goddai and Odin.

Loki also learned to be smart, learned to pretend to be himself, and not easily reveal his ‘killing intent’.

So, under some words, he witnessed the strength of one of the five obsidian generals, Ebony Maw.

And, after the strength of Ebony Maw's subordinates, Loki gave up his idea of ​​running away or resisting.

Under the big tree, it was good to enjoy the shade. Without the protection of the banner of Asgard, Loki knew that being alone in the universe was very dangerous.

But that's it. It is obviously impossible to make Loki forget his hatred without doing anything.

Loki waited for another chance, a chance to return to Asgard to regain everything that belongs to him.

Who knew that Thanos had summoned himself today, but he wanted to let himself go to Earth?

Mention of this name, a name and a figure, subconsciously appeared in Loki's mind.

Rocky shuddered, resisting his urination.

"I will let the black dwarf assist you. I know that there are many small ideas in your little head. But I hope you can understand that the prince of Asgard, cleverness can't protect you."


Loki responded with a bright face, and at the same time raised his head to look at the big guy standing next to Thanos, and he knew at a glance that he was a tough guy to provoke.

Thanos hooked his fingers enough, and a golden scepter appeared in Thanos' hand.

"this is?"

The first time he saw the scepter, Loki knew that the ‘scepter’ was a good thing, and perhaps even the Gunner in Odin’s hand might not be comparable.

I just don't know, who is more powerful than the Jingji Knife and Wuying in the hands of Uzumaki God.

There is no way, the psychological shadow that Uzumaki God has left on him is really too big.

Loki took the scepter from Thanos's hand with joyful hands and stroked it lovingly.

"I know you really want to be a king. If you can conquer the earth, then you will rule that planet."

"Yes! I will definitely not disappoint, Your Majesty Thanos."

A flame ignited in Loki's eyes, and there was no way that the allure was too great.

In particular, the earth is still the planet of the Vortex Goddai, will the Vortex Goddai be the opponent of Thanos?


This is definitely not a problem, no matter how powerful Uzumaki God is, there is only one person.

The Thanos in front of him was a guy who was more ‘powerful’ than his old bean, Odin, and his forces reached a galaxy.

If Thanos did the right thing, it would be completely frustrated.

"En~Go, the five fleets of Zitari are already, ready to go."

Seeing Loki's happily leaving back, Ebony Throat came out and bowed to respectfully salute Thanos with his head on the throne.

"Your Majesty, Loki cannot be trusted."

"Of course, I won't believe him. I just asked him to give it to me and try the strength of the earth. Just look at the black dwarf. Don’t interfere with Loki’s behavior. If you see something wrong, you can leave the fleet and Loki behind. Ji will come back."


The black dwarf with the big axe in both hands patted his already hungry big axe.

"set off!"

Not long ago~

A whole fleet of five Zetarians docked, and the energetic Rocky gave an order.

He set off in a mighty manner, marching towards the distant Nine Realms, looking at the poser Loki, the black dwarf standing not far away was very upset.

Leng snorted and turned his head away, knowing that the poor fellow Loki was nothing but the cannon fodder for Pathfinder Thanos.

‘Hmph~ You are proud, the poor fellow who was abandoned by Your Majesty Thanos and didn’t know. ’

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