Hawkeye Button is very aware of his ‘influence’, although there is no Thor, no veteran American Captain Steve Rogers, or Iron Man Tony Stark’s powerful appeal.

But at least, in the eyes of Hawkeye Button, his influence should not be very low, especially at the moment of his death. Your image and influence should be sublimated. As for how far it can be sublimated, Hawkeye Button doesn't know, anyway, it won't be very low.

This is also the only way Hawkeye Button can cause trouble and discomfort to food critics in a desperate situation. You can kill me, but the name Eagle Eye Button will forever be remembered in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, passing on from generation to generation.

Your food critics will never erase this name. This name will become the most powerful history of mankind. Until the end of this world, until the last person in this world takes the last trace of this world, civilization completely disappears in this universe.

However, this world and this planet may perish. In Hawkeye Button's heart, as long as this world and this planet still exists, Tony Stark is such a brilliant person.

Whether it is traveling through time or creating a spaceship, taking the last kind of fire and civilization on this planet of this world, leaving can also take away everything that happened.

So, even if he died, Hawkeye Button is worth it. Isn’t that what a person’s life is like? The calm and violent coming, no one knows your arrival, but it can let people all over the world know what kind of person you are, under what circumstances, and in what way you left.

As a father and husband, Hawkeye Button knew that he was very incompetent, but as a ‘person’ Hawkeye Button did the best he could.

Why don't food critics just kill themselves? Instead of ‘humiliating’ him in this way? On this point, Hawkeye Button can imagine it without even thinking about it. It must be a food critic, who saw through that he wanted to sublimate his image.

That’s why they used such an ‘extreme’ method to vilify their image in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. Let your image no longer be as heroic as you have shown before...

The current Eagle Eye Button does not need to look at what he is doing. He listens to his ecstasy "screams". Eagle Eye Button knows that he is now, in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, that he is probably An image of an'actor', a clown, etc. exists.

"Ah! Food critic, you devil, **** bastard..."

Hawkeye Button was anxious, his eyes were red as if he was about to eat people, and he stared at the food critics and cursed. He wants to struggle to give food critics.

With two punches on the handsome and brutal face, I am sorry for the torment I have suffered if I don't give them. This **** **** should be put on the gallows, should be cut a thousand times.

Because of thunder and lightning, Hawkeye Button now only feels his whole body numb, and he can't use a trace of strength at all. His own limbs didn't even exist, anyway, Hawkeye Button's neural response had been blocked by the lightning of food critics.

Therefore, Hawkeye Button's only "weapon" that can attack food critics is his mouth. Hawkeye Button, who was not supposed to be a shrew, has now gone all out, not scolding food critics. Hawkeye Button couldn't bear it anyhow, the kind of feeling that the lightning on his body brought to him, which couldn't be described in words.

Only by transforming the urge to scream deep in my heart into the most vicious curse Hawkeye Button against food critics, can I control myself and stop myself from screaming.

After much deliberation... Ok, Hawkeye Button didn’t think much at all. In order not to make myself so "uncomfortable" Hawkeye Button, I gave food critics a'concerned greeting' without thinking about it. One time.

What is the situation? Hundreds of millions of people were staring at it dumbfounded, can this be the case with the "strange" scene? Obviously, you eagle-eyed Button, you still called so "happy" before?

Well now, you are not only yelling at food critics, but can you be more professional? At least your yelling and cursing must be like that? You now......

Listening to Hawkeye Button, it's like a girl is arguing with her boyfriend in the tone of "sprinkling dog food", whether it is men, women or children.

All of them clasped their hands tightly, rubbing their arms constantly, the goose bumps that kept growing up, Tian Lalu was really dying~

A big man, it's hard to imagine what this guy thinks, why should he make such a noise? After being electrified, can people forget their gender? The effect is too bad...

The hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room felt as if their heads had been severely broken by a hammer. Some strange things were stuffed fiercely into my head~

Ok! Miraculous has a strange amount of knowledge, which is increasing rapidly and richly. Their understanding of the world seems to have more unusual views. It seemed that there was a door. At this time, with the lightning of food critics and the ‘screams’ of Hawkeye Button, they were forcibly pushed open.

Oh, **** it, come here~ close this door for me, don't open it! No~no~no~

There are also a small number of people who realize that if the door is opened, they will definitely give themselves a different view of the world.

Their faces were horrified and looked like skinny skeletons. This is definitely the end of the world...

God, hurry up and let Hawkeye Button die. This guy tortured not only their ears, but also their souls.

Maria Hill turned her head and stopped looking at these two products, as long as the food critic did not poke Eagle Eye Button with her index finger in the first place.

Then there is nothing to worry about, which proves that food critics don't want to kill Hawkeye Button. On the contrary...

Hawkeye Button died so that Maria Hill didn't care at all. The current Maria Hill wanted to let the food critic directly stab Hawkeye Button to death.

If this guy doesn't die, Hawkeye Button will definitely not be able to go out with his face.

Maria Hill does not need to estimate, but is very sure of one thing. If Hawkeye Button goes out without disguising, he will definitely be crushed to death with a flowerpot...

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