Everyone who is attacked by thunder and lightning knows that they will not feel very well. We all know that you are suffering.

Everyone wanted it, rushed to Hawkeye Button and slapped the old guy twice. And sternly told the other party that we are all, watching you accept the thunder and lightning torture of food critics.

But you, this painful cry, do you want to be so "ecstasy"? It doesn't feel like you are suffering and suffering. On the contrary, it makes people start to feel that Hawkeye Button is actually enjoying it under the thunder and lightning torture of food critics?

We are neither blind, nor are we idiots, okay~ We can still distinguish clearly what pain is, what happiness looks at you, and where is there a little bit of pain? Don't be too happy for you, okay~

And ~ Hawkeye Button’s mystery performance also made everyone suspect that they were attacked by lightning. Is there really no pain? Is it really ‘comfortable’ like a food critic attacking Hawkeye Button?

I didn't have a face before, I want to be generous Eagle Eye Button, you will give me all the tears that you deceived before. Hundreds of millions of people watching the live broadcast on the Internet gritted their teeth at Hawkeye Button. They have never seen such a brazen person.

I also said that other food critics, and Miss Maria Hill is an actor, you Hawkeye Button is the true actor~

Their eyes were deceived, their ears were offended, and their brains felt the ruthless irony from Hawkeye Button. All the people gritted their teeth at Hawkeye Button, wishing that this guy would die now, such a shameless slut. No, this guy is originally a bow and arrow player, as long as he carries an'arrow', it is a bitch.

"Hurry up! Food critics go down the barrel with one finger and let this food disappear into the world completely."

Hundreds of millions of people on the Internet, who turned into anger, are sending out barrage to denounce this Hawkeye Button's unkind behavior. Just now they were still thinking that Hawkeye Button is worthy of being a superhero, and he should be regarded as his life idol or something.

At least after seeing Hawkeye Button's bow and arrow technique, the people who signed up to learn archery were staring dumbfounded at all, then lowered their heads and looked at the receipt in their hands.

After that, he seemed to think of something, and looked at him fiercely, showing himself the invoice, and the cashier who collected his own small money. The latter felt the Xueyan's scorching eyes and shook his head again and again, and waved his hands at the latter:

"This student is here. Although I can understand your feelings very well, the tuition fee is not refundable here..."

The cashier was crying, and picked up the introduction on their admission notice. The big red letters were written on it. The student's face flushed red after eating Xiang Xiang, and finally looked fiercely at the receipt sheet in his hand.

Just be in front of me. Don’t embarrass me with a weak and weak face. She is just a little cashier girl who works as a worker. She is so clean and tidy. She tore all the receipts in her hand to pieces... ...

Humph~ Then Danzi took the torn receipt in his hand, raised his hand like a snowflake, and instantly fell to the ground.

Just when the student turned around and was about to leave happily, an aunt with a broom in her arms was staring at the student who was about to leave with a bad face.

Looking at the murderous aura in his eyes, the person's substantive murderous aura seemed to be condensed into a knife, preparing to make countless holes in this student's body.


Looking at the aunt who stomped the frame on the floor, the young man's body shuddered for a moment, and the cashier who raised his hand to say something behind him.

Withdrawing his eager face, after coughing and coughing, he returned to his usual calm, and explained to the unlucky college in a gentle tone: "Then what I want to remind you, the most severe cleaning sister here is you Behind."

After speaking, he opened his eyes blankly, facing the back of this hapless man, I am sorry to raise my brow~ Maybe our non-refundable fee is indeed a bit harsh, but we are professional in picking fire~

Thirty minutes later...

"Boy! Clean up quickly. If you don't clean this place today, don't even think about going back."

Unlucky student:...

Uuuuuuuuuuuu~ do you want to bully people like this?

The hapless lady looked back, holding a feather duster in her hand. With tears and rain, he immediately turned around, bent over and continued to lower his head to clean his own hygiene.

And now, we are really panicked by the Hawkeye Button who was stabbed to death by food critics by countless people. He really didn't know what happened to him.

Originally, he thought he was going to die, but what he didn't expect was that his way of death was different from what he thought.

Damn, you kid kill if you want to kill, do you have to humiliate me like this? Hawkeye Button screamed uncontrollably, and at the same time his eyes seemed to brave the offended flame, staring at the food critic.

General Rose was also dumbfounded, looking at the eagle-eyed Button with a face of shame and anger, it seemed that the blood was accelerated because of thunder and lightning.

Although Hawkeye Button is very embarrassed now, his face is flushed as if he was caught by something. What the **** are these two guys doing? Don't they know that hundreds of millions of people are staring at them now?

Outrageous! Disappointment!

General Rose's hands trembled, but he didn't know if the old guy was too excited. Anyway, he blew his beard and stared. I wanted to clean up these two shameless guys in the video screen.


Listening to Hawkeye Button's screams, Miss Maria Hill, who looked worried before, subconsciously covered her mouth with her hand.

What are these two people doing? And still in front of her big girl?

"Little...boy, if you want to kill or shave, hurry up..."

Hawkeye Button really couldn't stand it anymore. He was so old that he didn't expect to experience such a shameful and ugly encounter now.

I'm dying, it still seems to be broadcasting now? The ghost knows Tony Stark and those guys. Now that he sees himself like this, I am afraid that even if he is dead, he will be laughed at by Tony Stark and Steve Rogers!

If Hawkeye Button can kill people with his eyes, the current food critics may have been killed by Hawkeye Button's eyes long ago, and he should have killed countless times without even scum.

Is this **** guy just trying to reduce his'influence' after death?

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