Seeing his narcotic arrow hit, the corner of Bruce Banner's green fat man's soft waist, Eagle Eye Barton's mouth made a tacit smile with a knowing smile. The body didn't stop because of this,

The fat green Bruce Banner ‘inherited’ Hulk’s body, but also transformed from a ‘human’. What is the human weakness, even though Fat Green has a thick skin on his body. The weakest is that the defensive power is dozens of times higher than that of humans.

But the weakness of the fat green man should not be listed. The soft waist is undoubtedly a weakness of the fat green Bruce Banner. If you just want to hurt Bruce Banner, the fat green man, the pistol bullets won't work.

At least you need this type of bow and arrow weapon in the Hawkeye Button. In order to break Bruce Banner's green fat man's defense, the arrow shot at Bruce Banner would naturally be quick and play its due role and task.

Hawkeye Button is that, even in the most dangerous moment, he will never forget what his purpose is here, and what kind of heavy responsibility he carries on his shoulders.

If you say it is a superstar lady, you don't need those idiots to do it. The superheroes of their Avengers have already worked on the superstar lady. But why, the superheroes of their Avengers, even if they can find all kinds of reasons to start with the superstar lady, they dare not do it?

You provoke the superstar lady, doesn’t that mean you provoke the Uzumaki Goddai? When you deal with the superstar young lady, wouldn't it be the face of Uzumaki Kamdai? They can deal with superstars, but there is no way they can survive the Uzumaki Goddai, not to mention the Uzumaki Goddai who may be angry.

Everyone knows the strength of the Uzumaki God, but no one knows what the limit of the Uzumaki God is. If Uzumaki Kamiyo gets angry, how terrible Uzumaki Kamiyo will be?

These are the biggest obstacles that the Avengers dare not move, the superstar lady sister, and the motivation for Hawkeye Button to hug General Rose. As soon as his body moved, Hawkeye Button squatted on the ground and stopped taking control of the anesthetic arrow. Bruce Banner was already shaking.

The anesthetic is aimed at superheroes, specially configured by Tony Stark. Bows and arrows are also designed and made by Tony Stark himself, and they are available in unlimited quantities.

Since Bruce Banner is fat green, there is no way to be a teammate with himself normally, and win the food critics together, and the "uniform" food critics cooperate with them.

So now, as Bruce Banner is the best teammate, he will sleep on the ground obediently and be a fat green man who sleeps obediently. He no longer spoils himself alive and furiously, and no longer adds difficulty to his task.

The moment Eagle Eye Barton got up, he did not hesitate to face the food critic, and made up a few more arrows. Although the previous arrow did not have Bruce Banner Fat Green, who helped food critics stop the shooting, it was easily escaped by the food critics.

Because, the first flashing arrow not only pitted Bruce Banner, the fat green man, but also almost pitted himself. Therefore, the current Eagle Eye Button is very strict in managing the flashing arrows on his body, and he is also very cautious in the timing of his use.

Food critics looked at Hawkeye Button’s behavior without a trace of panic, even if Hawkeye Button took himself, the latest "toy", Bruce Banner Green Fat Man, he was drugged and fell asleep. 'There is no way to help yourself.

The food critic did not appear either, a trace of panic shot Hawkeye Button at his arrow, and he dodged it easily and easily. The food critic suddenly stopped and looked at the two arrows inserted at his feet after being dodged by him.

At this moment, food critics felt the taste of thunder and lightning that erupted from these two arrows.


Watching the food critic dodge his arrows, he was trapped by two of his own arrows specially prepared for food critics with lightning properties.

Hawkeye Button couldn't help it, and almost jumped up. It was really not easy to be able to do this step. Hawkeye Button looked at the food critic who was trapped by himself, with thunder and lightning arrows from the left and right, with a smile that seemed to have seen victory.

In the next second, they might sit in the car, and then rush to General Ross together to stop the superstar lady from killing.

Well, even though it took so much time, Hawkeye Button can only be in his heart. Quietly pray that General Ross will have a great fate and will not be easily found by the superstar lady.

"Success? Was it successful? Haha, I was covered by my high-voltage electricity. Even if it was Bruce Banner, it would be uncomfortable for this guy to be trapped? So now, should I be able to have a good chat? ?"

Hawkeye Button did not immediately put away his bow and arrow, although it appeared to be his own victory. But an excellent fighter cannot take advantage of his side and surroundings, as well as the enemy.

And, even though it looked like he had won, Hawkeye Button frowned after he smiled. He always feels that the superpowers in front of him shouldn't be that simple, right?

Is it a bit ‘sudden’ when I win by myself? From the beginning, I planned so much. Bruce Banner also appeared in the middle, and the fat green ‘rebellion’ became the miserable experience of the twenty-five boys.

I just won that way. Isn’t it a bit too ‘easy’? Of course, if you face it, the combination of Bruce Banner and food critics, as well as Hawkeye Button just not knowing how to start because of the bite.

In a blink of an eye, there was such a sudden change in asking for instructions, and he said that he won. And this food critic, it seems that he hasn't done anything yet...

‘Well~ If it’s really weird, isn’t this kid who lost because he was too arrogant? ’

Dealing with the two avengers was so ‘leisy’, and it didn’t seem like they were fighting. Have you found an opportunity to pierce the opponent's "weakness"?

Facing the fatal blow of Hawkeye Button, even if it is a food critic or Bruce Banner Green Fatty, the two can only carry dogs?

Hawkeye Button's thoughts were flying, as if he was facing a high wall before, just like an illusion, his whole body instantly loosened.

Looking at the food critic whose body is constantly twitching inside the high-voltage electricity, Hawkeye Barton's head tilted:

"There won't be any more twists and turns...hmm..."


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