But it's a pity that all the plans in Hawkeye Button's heart failed smoothly, no matter what position he changed. No matter what position and speed Hawkeye Barton shoots at the food critic, how many arrows he shoots past.

Between Hawkeye Button and food critics, there will be a fat green man. And Bruce Banner's big hand is merciless, and a slap will take Eagle Eye Button, every arrow that holds infinite hope, to be ruthlessly photographed.

This makes Hawkeye Button very uncomfortable. How can this big green-backed pig's hoof be so heartbroken? Look at the palm of Bruce Banner. Even if you can't shoot, you still have to use your own green palms. Shooting Hawkeye Button at the food critic, Bruce Banner's missing arrow is blocked.

To Hawkeye Button, he blows his beard and stares. Sometimes when he is against this guy, this fat green man is not like this. Isn't it just for a look, it's almost... okay...

The little white-faced super-powered boy? Do you need to dig your heart out to do this? Do you want to work so hard? Have you forgotten, are you still waiting for your Cortana? Are you worthy of Natasha Romanov? It didn't take long for Xiaona to leave, so she turned to abandon Xiaona and your teammates?

Hawkeye Button stared straight, bullying his chest constantly, running and jumping fast. Concentrate on looking for opportunities, and lock in food critics to take the opportunity to shoot arrows.

This is not only consuming, Hawkeye Button's physical strength, but also willpower and mental power are also being consumed violently.

However, Hawkeye Button also discovered an extremely cruel fact. That is, no matter how he runs, he is centered around food critics.

No matter how fast he is, Bruce Banner can easily catch up and keep up with his movements and speed. If I didn't talk about Bruce Banner's solution, I wanted to let my arrows fly in front of food critics. There was no hope at all.

Since Bruce Banner would catch up with him at a long distance and shoot his arrow flying, Hawkeye Button gritted his teeth and slammed his heart, his legs slammed on the ground, turning into a cannonball and rushed towards Bruce Banner. Vice President and Bruce Banner, the green fat man has the posture of you not me.

Bruce Banner was expressionless, and there was no extra emotion in his eyes. He slapped the head of Hawkeye Button who was thinking of himself.

Think of those arrows that were shot by Bruce Banner. It wasn't just when they shot and fell to the ground. Those poor arrows didn't even slap Bruce Banner, and they were shot in half.

As for Hawkeye Button’s head, if you can’t avoid this slap... Then what will the ending look like? All those who watch this scene through the live broadcast can already foresee what Hawkeye Button’s future will look like. Up.

With the slap of Bruce Banner, it is definitely no longer a brutal description. Hawkeye Button stared at the unsentimental Bruce Banner, the fat green man.

The tight face finally, the closer he was to Bruce Banner, the moment Bruce Banner’s slap was about to fall.

Hawkeye Button's heart felt like a man should be cruel to himself. I saw Hawkeye Button running fast, bending his knees because of the inertia brought by his running.

Kneeling with his legs on the ground, Bruce Banner's big palm hit a lonely one, and Hawkeye Button's scalp followed closely. Bruce Banner brought Zhang Feng with his big hand.

After leaving only three marks on the ground, Hawkeye Button looked at the food critics nearby, almost unable to hold back the excitement and tears in his eyes.

It's not easy!

It can be regarded as passing Bruce Banner, this unwilling fat green man, this pig's hoof did not live up to his green color.

That big green hand almost didn't bring him the palm of his hand, and it lifted Hawkeye Button's scalp.

Up to now, past Bruce Banner, screaming at the food critic ~ two arrows can't wait, and the eagle-eyed Patton is still lingering.

My scalp was just now, only 0.0 mm away from Bruce Banner's big hand.

This damned Bruce Banner, as if he was wicked. After being passed by Hawkeye Button. Forcibly stopped his body, turned and slapped the back of the head against Hawkeye Button in the slide.

I haven't had time to see my own results. I don't know if my arrows or food critics have escaped. Hear the movement behind him.

Hawkeye Button didn't want the back of his head to give Bruce Banner, the big green man, a slap on the spot. At the same time from his quiver. Draw out another arrow with a huge amount of anesthetic.

Turning to face Bruce Banner who had shot empty again, a merciless arrow on the side of the waist. Hawkeye Button's eyes flickered. Inexplicable brilliance, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Hawkeye Button is also very good at picking positions, he is just under Bruce Banner's body, taking advantage of Bruce Banner's opportunity to turn around.

Shooting his own anesthetic arrow at Bruce Banner's side waist without any protection, this part of Bruce Banner's waist is just like Bruce Banner's soft waist.

If this is to give Hawkeye Button more time to accumulate energy, I really don't know if Bruce Banner's big waist was just given the arrow by Hawkeye Button to wear it.

However, if he didn't attack this position, Hawkeye Button couldn't find anything else, and he would strike a shot at the place that had an effect on Bruce Banner.

Take a look, look at the rough skin of the fat green man, and then look at the arrows on the palm of the fat green man's arm, which were left to stop him from attacking.

Think about your arrow again. Although the arrow is not a vibrating or alien metal, it is also the most solid, sharp, and toughest metal in this world with few digits.

The arrows made of these metals actually left a deep mark and a few bloodstains on Bruce Banner's big hand.

Bruce Banner used these things again, his green palms were left behind by the arrows on his arrows when he patted his arrows.

The rest of these, sticking to the palm of Bruce Banner, the arrow on his arm, is to protect food critics from resisting.

However, as Bruce Banner's big hand shook the other hand, and the arrows were easily pulled off, it was foreseeable that Bruce Banner would not bear the name of this fat green man at all.

Now his anesthetic Jane happened to be shot at Bruce Banner's waist. I don't know if this anesthetic medicine can have any effect.

But it should be medicinal, the fastest time to take effect, right?

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