Bruce Banner, who hugged his head and squatted down, looked at him, not abandoning himself, and set his own arrow, a little dumbfounded, this is not the end, right?

You really treat yourself as a bully, right? If you don't pick you up, you will be forced to me? Hawkeye Button, your kid has learned badly~ Bruce Banner jumped down angrily with grief and anger. Bruce Banner who jumped down suddenly happened to shoot him with the second arrow that Hawkeye Button shot at him. Ya hides perfectly...

Hmm~ The arrow was almost wiped, and the soles of Bruce Banner's feet flew past, if it were for a second at night. Then Bruce Banner's feet may be shot through by this arrow.

Watching Bruce Banner jump up and avoiding the Eagle-eyed Button of his arrow, his face was relieved. He knew that Bruce Banner, the not-so-smart fat green man, must have not said his words. Listen to it. Otherwise, why would Bruce Banner's first move be to squat down instead of walking away?

Hawkeye Button clearly remembered to say: Be careful, food critics may hide behind you...

And his own arrow looked at Bruce Banner's head, but only passed Eagle Eye Button's heart, and the precise calculation Eagle Eye Button knew.

The rate of fire, the parabola and the point of impact of this arrow of my own, and even the rotation speed of the arrow itself, all shot towards Bruce Doña's back.

Gradually just need, Bruce Banner can take a step forward and avoid this arrow. Hawkeye Button was on this battlefield, and no food critics were found or found around. But the only place where people can hide is behind Bruce Banner.

This big body is blocked, and a little guy with a body like a food critic can instantly be covered by Bruce Banner's body.

But isn't it? As Bruce Banner jumped up, the food critic hiding behind Bruce Banner was also there, and Hawkeye Barton's eyes appeared.

Bruce Banner, who jumped up, just watched Hawkeye Button's arrow and flew towards the food critic who did not know when he came behind him?

"Bruce, what are you waiting for!? Don't hurry up and take the opportunity!?"

Hawkeye Button pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth, and there was no problem with his prediction. But after a turn of his gaze, he looked at the silly Bruce Banner in the sky, and the little temper of Hawkeye Button detonated again in an instant.

‘Next! There is no next time. I have acquired Bruce Banner's stupid Hawkeye Button, and found that he and the other party seem to be at odds with each other, and there is really no way to cooperate. ’

Obviously, the positioning and combination of him and Bruce Banner are so ‘perfect’ in theory?

But after the two cooperated, they found that "each other" was a big pit. Both of them had their own ideas, but they couldn't think of going together.

Obviously they all fought together, but the two of them didn't cooperate at all so many times. After being called by Hawkeye Button, Bruce Banner reacted and looked at the smiling food critics facing them, after a while.

Finally decided...


Bruce Banner in the sky, as soon as he fell hard, he fell towards the food critic below. With a huge fist following Hawkeye Button, the second arrow swung towards the food critic.

This time, Bruce Banner is very close to the food critics, but eagle-eyed Button has his own way. Even if he is reluctant to make a move, Bruce Banner thinks of the food critics and punches.

Because, Bruce Banner realized that since Uzumaki Goddai was going to be a food critic, he just didn't want people to be recognized.

If you don't want people to recognize it, then Uzumaki Goddai is also, and the current food critics naturally will not use any of the tricks of Uzumaki Goddai.

This makes, in the live broadcast room, under the eyes of so many people. Food critics will not let people, from his tricks, connect him and Uzumaki Kamdai.

So that is to say, now I am dealing with food critics, before the food critics are restored to the identity of Uzumaki Goddai. Bruce Banner is certain that the food critic is also Uzumaki Kamdai.

He wouldn't use Vortex God to replace any ability, or power. Recalling that in another world, Uzumaki Kamdai just clapped his palms, and both himself and Tony Stark were swept around.

Naturally, food critics will not use the weird and desperate ability to deal with Thanos.

That being the case, Bruce Banner asked himself, what else is he worried about? At least I am not the opponent of Uzumaki Goddai, but it's always okay to play with Uzumaki Goddai, right?

With determination, Bruce Banner threw a fist at the food critic, who twitched the corner of his mouth, followed by a finger move.

The food critics didn't care about it. The arrow in front of Bruce Banner, the arrow from Eagle Eye Button, and the spiritual Chakra on his fingers flew towards Bruce Banner first.

This time, in Bruce Banner’s green eyes, a flash of ‘great light’ came from the food critic’s head...

And this time, Bruce Banner himself discovered that the strange thing before was not dazzled by himself. It was this thing that stuck Hawkeye Button's arrow, and then Hawkeye Button's arrow was changed direction, and finally he was pitted by Hawkeye Button's arrow.

Thinking of the uncomfortable feeling before, Bruce Banner resisted letting himself go retching, and the corner of his eyes twitched this time. The food critics still planned to use this arrow.

Change the direction again and shoot him? Although I don't know what effect this arrow has, Bruce Banner has a solemn face on his face.

As long as there is something interesting about the arrow in front of him, Bruce Banner immediately turns and leaves without hesitation.

After being yin once, Bruce Banner would really doubt whether he was **** by Hawkeye Button.


The targets of these ‘lines’ are not Hawkeye Button’s arrows? So is...

call out! Shoo!

'not good! body......'

How can food critics use the same trick twice? Seeing his own mental Chuck line and shooting Bruce Banner, the food critic doesn't need to move his fingers.

Just a thought, Bruce Banner let go of his fist, and then in Hawkeye Button's incredulous gaze...


"What!? Bruce Banner, you are crazy!?"

This arrow turned out to be so, was Bruce Banner slapped it flying?

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