I couldn't find it in the surroundings. The food critic's figure made Hawkeye Barton unexpectedly. At the same time, he also felt that the super boy this time seemed a little different from the people he had encountered in the past.

This young man with superpowers has a little bit more than the average person, and his special abilities are so crazy that there is a big difference from those who are so proud of superpowers.

A big drop of sweat hung on Hawkeye Button's forehead. If this kid is really so difficult and troublesome in front of him, then his plan is about to die.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Bruce Banner shook himself, so much so that he was blinded by Hawkeye Button's arrow. Blinking and trying to open his eyelids.

Seeing the surroundings swayed, and even ghosts appeared, this powerful flashing arrow was not only. The dazzling white light produced after the explosion only hit Bruce Banner's eyes, and at the same time the white light seemed to pass through. Bruce Banner's green eyes penetrated Bruce Banner's brain.

Now Bruce Banner was originally not too ‘smart’ Yazi, and now the whole situation is down.

'who am I? Where am i? Why am i here? ’

Bruce Banner, whose brain has finally returned to normal operation, has a green face that is awkward, and the strong white light flashes him very uncomfortable, even now the brain is still playing back subconsciously, and the white light occupied that moment. A scene of his eyes.

While his head was dizzy, Bruce Banner suddenly started retching. People who didn't know thought what happened to Eagle Eye Button and the poor fat green Bruce Banner.

"You... are you okay?"

Hawkeye Button was also stunned by Bruce Banner's series of follow-up reactions. He knew what his arrows looked like, but he wouldn't make it like this, right?


Leaning forward heavily, Bruce Banner turned his head and gave his "teammate pig" a bitter look. Is there anything that can't be like this, don't you have a few in your heart? Of course the ordinary flash can't help him Bruce Banner, but who makes Bruce Banner absent-minded now?

From the very beginning, when Hawkeye Button acted on food critics, Bruce Banner began to worry about it, and what kind of pressure he was under in his heart, Hawkeye Button simply couldn't understand. Therefore, Bruce Banner, who seemed fierce at the time, was actually not in a good state of mind.

In Bruce Banner's heart, even if there is no evidence, the food critic is Uzumaki Kamdai. It's just a pity that Hawkeye Button, the pig teammate, only believes in the evidence, but no matter what he says, no matter how you explain it, this not very smart pig teammate just doesn't listen to advice.

The mental resistance of Bruce Banner, who was in a trance, was naturally not high. This time, the dazzling white light directly completed the critical attack on Bruce Banner. Bruce Banner was not caught, and Eagle Eye Button flashed a white light into a fool.

"I am you......"

"Be careful!"

Bruce Banner was very upset, or Hawkeye Button’s arrow, became the fuse that detonated Bruce Banner. Believe it or not, Hawkeye Button, Bruce Banner is not planning to attack food critics anyway.

Isn’t it just for the food critics to stop the superstar lady and kill General Rose? Bruce Banner is not going to follow Hawkeye Button's plan to carry out his plan to kidnap food critics.

Because, in the eyes of Bruce Banner, Hawkeye Button’s kidnapping plan is completely infeasible. Bruce Banner doesn't plan to be there, and there is no future for him to follow Hawkeye Button.

In the eyes of Bruce Banner, there is no difference between the food critic and Uzumaki Kamdai. Uzumaki Goddai is not an unreasonable person. The key is that since Uzumaki Goddai wants to appear as a food critic, he doesn't want people to know.

His true identity as a food critic is actually Uzumaki Goddai. The so-called superstar lady, why did she suddenly get angry after knowing that General Ross, the person she wanted to deal with was a food critic. Bruce Banner, who originally had some thoughts, was flashed by a white light, although his mind was temporarily stopped.

But the brain that was re-operating again took the upper hand, and a possibility appeared in Bruce Banner's mind.

Then, if you want food critics to help, you must continue to help the food critics to ensure that they will not let people discover his true identity. In fact, Uzumaki Kamiyo will just follow along.

But without waiting for Bruce Banner to express his thoughts, even Bruce Banner just prepared, replying to Hawkeye Button that he had nothing to do, and was interrupted by Hawkeye Button before he finished speaking.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, and Bruce Banner heard it with a squeak, and this was the second arrow on the Hawkeye Button's bowstring.


Why does Hawkeye Button shoot the arrow in his hand at him? Bruce Banner watched, the arrow zooming rapidly in his eyes.

‘What’s the matter? Could it be possible that Hawkeye Button, a silly idiot, still wants to kill himself? ’

Also, this guy wants to shoot a black arrow at himself, but why should I be careful? Be careful? Watch out for the black arrow of your pig teammate?

Although such an arrow did not cause any harm to Bruce Banner at all, as long as the arrow did not hit his vital point in an instant.

But when I thought of the horror effect of the arrow, Hawkeye Button, the first one. I don't know what effect the next arrow of Hawkeye Button will have of Bruce Banner.

I no longer aim at it. A hundred arrows like this can come down with a slap. I don't want to be blinded by white light or green light or red light. Bruce Banner avoids one side of his body without thinking about it. This black arrow comes from the pig teammate Hawkeye Button.

I didn't dare to pick it up, but couldn't I hide it if I didn't pick it up? Didn't hear clearly, Hawkeye Button said more carefully. What did he express again, Bruce Banner, who was afraid that he was being flashed, said he respected his heart first.

Bruce Banner instantly squatted sideways, the arrow was coming towards his head, and he said that Diao Min wanted to murder him?

But after squatting down, Bruce Banner was depressed to find that this arrow seemed to be equipped with a chip, firmly locking him...

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