Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1061: ‘Shame green’

The superstar lady generously said that it’s okay, but I’m a professionally trained alien lady, generally I don’t laugh.

Unless I really can't help it, I haven't seen the big guy on the opposite side, is it already shameful? Compared to stupid races, low-intelligence alien species, Miss Alien sisters have not never met, and the low-intelligence species destroyed in Thanos’ hands are even more unknown.

In the eyes of Hawkeye Button, Hulk Bruce Banner and others, the superstar lady is an alien, but in the eyes of the superstar lady, the two guys in front of her are also alien species.

Of course, the most important thing is that the "brain-disabled" teammates like General Rose are not from their side. If you think about it this way, the superstar lady will immediately feel a strong sense of happiness surrounding her.

Mr. Uzumaki Kamdai is a good boss, a wise and sacred weapon, although she has thrown her a little girl in appearance without politeness in this small farm where birds do not shit.

However, the Uzumaki Goddai also gave the bank card given by Tony Stark to the superstar alien lady.

It’s just the latter. She didn’t buy things randomly just because she got a bank card. The superstar lady, even if she was not a “butler” or graduated from a “butler”, but she sat perfectly in a “butler” should do it. Arrived.

But it's a pity that the things on this planet, the superstar alien lady, are not interested in anything. There are so many weird things in the entire universe, even more so than the interesting, fun and useful things on this planet.

Anyway, the bank card that Tony Stark gave Uzumaki Goddai was handed over to Miss Superstar. This lucky one had a hapless bank card and was thrown away by the superstar lady.

At this moment, I was lying quietly on the small farm after entering the door, the tabletop in the living room was dusty~ Now I see that Hawkeye Button and the Hulk Bruce Banner are not shy about themselves, the superstar lady He did not leave.

Dangren, the superstar lady will not stop there, she will help the two people the most. Within the scope allowed by the'ability', the superstar lady will provide these two people with something'useful' for them intelligence.

For example, now, although they are often on the Internet, if two people quarrel, they will provoke each other's dissatisfaction. You can come here to beat me along the network cable. At that time, few people who could actually ‘crawl’ along the network cable and beat people could do it.

Unless he is a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., or an existence like Iron Man Tony Stark, or an artificial intelligence steward like Uzumaki God: Xiao Mo.

But now, there is another ‘alien’ in this world who can do it. This person is the superstar lady, although she doesn't care, but this guy has such a bullish tone, which arouses the ‘curiosity’ of the superstar lady.

It's hard to imagine that such a ‘stupid’ brain-disabled patient would still be the ‘high-level’ in this world?

This world has not yet been called by this. General Ross’s brain damage has finished playing. I have to say that the people on this little ball can protect this planet from being damaged by these brain damage. There are indeed some things. .

What makes the superstar lady admire even more is that the longer the time spent on this little broken ball, the better the superstar alien lady will learn about this little broken ball.

Reminiscent of this, it was this seemingly unremarkable little break that not only failed Thanos’ plan, but also caused Thanos and his subordinates to suffer a fatal blow.

Imagine that in the past Centaur galaxy, with Thanos, Five Obsidians, and so many canine teeth disappeared. Without the remaining power and force of Thanos and the Five Obsidians, what would it be like?

How can this small break, how can Jiang Ran block Thanos' footsteps? And on this small breaking ball, it is necessary to have technology without technology, and to say that all the people are soldiers. There is no need for the five obsidian generals, only a team of Zetarians can wipe out the creatures on the entire small break.

The premise is that there are no such people as Captain America Steve Rogers, Iron Man Tony Stark, Hulk Bruce Banner, etc.

After learning more, the superstar lady discovered one thing, this unremarkable little break, not only has superheroes, but also a mysterious organization of magicians.

Moreover, this organization of magicians has existed in this world and has protected this little broken ball for thousands of years.

In the eyes of the superstar lady, this is simply impossible, and in the incredible, it can be seen that this uncommonly small break is'unusual'.

Think about it, not just one or two infinite gems, but six infinite gems in this world. This little broken ball has appeared on any planet.

Perhaps, this is all of this, it seems unbelievably crazy, the ‘reason’ for Thanos to break the ball on this small break?

The current superstar lady uses the mobile phone network signal on the table to release her own heart telepathy ability and go to look at the other end of the phone.

What kind of person is General Rose, who made the Hulk Bruce Banner look shameless and made Hawkeye Button express his helplessness to the alien sister.

Ok! ?

Although the distance between the two sides is far apart, these are not problems for the superstar lady without any difficulty. After the superstar lady found General Rose, she enveloped her heart's telepathy on General Rose.

With the telepathy ability shrouded in General Rose, he originally thought that he could do it easily without any hindrance to knowing.

On the other end of the phone, the superstar lady named General Ross Brain Disabled, what is the purpose of the superstar lady, after the telepathy fell on her, her expression was taken aback and her face was surprised.


At the beginning, the superstar lady thought that the other party was just one person, and the result of ordinary brain damage would not use her, all the telepathy.

However, afterwards, the superstar lady who had no information to defeat, the first feeling she got from General Rose was...

Feeling the feeling that General Rose brought to herself, the superstar lady looked weird and looked up and stared with an expression of hesitation. There was no shame on his cheeks, but Bruce Banner, a big man who was holding back his anger.

The superstar lady is hesitating, do you want to tell Bruce Banner what she feels from General Rose?

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