Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1060: Sorry, I'm embarrassed in front of Miss Alien~

Have you ever seen a big, green man, his face will start to be embarrassed because of two sentences from others. Is the faint green picture increasing with the accelerated flow of blood?

If you haven't seen it, congratulations to your current Hulk, Bruce Banner's face now darkened because of embarrassment.

Getting greener and finally developing towards blue, and at the same time, the cheeks are still, with a green shyness?

They are all going to travel north and south in the universe. After so many years, I have seen a lot of superstar ladies who have been stunned.

Although the big green guy in front of me is not very powerful, I follow this big guy. Especially if this big guy gets angry, Miss Superstar also knows that she doesn't have much chance of winning.

Even if he has telepathic ability and can control this big guy for a period of time, this big guy is not without chance.

As long as this big guy's own anger is enough to reach a certain limit. When the big guy is completely overwhelmed by anger, his telepathy is useless.

As for why it is green? Sorry for the Hulk Bruce Banner, not only the skin is green, but even the blood is green. I want to see the real shame on this big green face instead of shame.

At least, it takes the Hulk Bruce Banner to mutate again to convert the green blood into red blood. In this way, we can see two pieces of blood emerging from the big green cheeks due to the accelerated flow of blood. 'Shame red'.

The superstar lady had a horrible expression on her face, and finally forgot her expressionlessly, and sat across from him with a gossip-looking Hawkeye Barton.

It seems to be saying to the other party, do you need me to'evade'? Only the latter shook his head. Regarding the intelligence chief in front of him, the superstar lady was able to control her own behavior in the face of such a fun ‘intelligence’. She was once an agent of SHIELD.

I have also seen a lot of agents who can't control their own curiosity for intelligence, whether it is useful or not. I couldn’t help but admire the superstar lady’s face. Even though he has always been a combat agent who does not need to collect information, the agents who have been around for so many years have been more or less carried under the influence of the second biography. Some'occupational diseases'.

Isn't this?

Looking at Bruce Banner with an ugly face, Hawkeye Button was gossiping, and the Hulk didn't mean to avoid it, if he wanted to avoid them.

They would not turn on the hands-free phone in front of them so that they could easily hear the conversation between General Ross and him.

"I'm sorry, General Rose may have some misunderstandings. I am not your soldier, and I am not your subordinate. I am doing what I am doing there. I don't need to answer you."

Bruce Banner is a person who doesn't directly express his anger through words. Anger has always been something Hulk does.

But since Hulk and Bruce Banner merged together, Bruce Banner found that he seemed to understand anger.

If this was Bruce Banner, he would definitely be speechless, even if he didn't want to tell him where he was.

Then Bruce Banner would just hang up the phone in his hand, and then check the price of the phone in his hand.

If you can afford it, then just throw it into the lake. If you can't afford it...

Anyway, General Ross will not compensate for his mobile phone money. We didn't have this incident at the time, just forget the unhappy General Ross.

As for the other party? Think of it as farting. It’s not wrong that Bruce Banner is such a ‘generous’ person~

"Dangjean, you should be thankful that you are not my soldier, because if I had a soldier like you, you would have been to a military court a hundred times.

But now, even if you are not my soldier, don't forget that you are the Avengers and I am the councilor who oversees your Avengers.

I am now qualified and have the right to know where you are and what you are doing. Otherwise, I will use Bruce Banner to disappear for no reason in an attempt to do something illegal that endangers the world. I can use this to issue your wanted at any time.

I don’t think you want to change from being a hero to the wanted criminal who everyone shouted and killed. "

General Ross on the other end of the phone, but no matter who you are, Bruce Banner, the Hulk now, was created by General Ross.

Can you turn the sky away? If you don't listen to me, then I will once again let you go back to the days of hiding in Tibet.

General Rose's words were over, the embarrassment on Bruce Banner's face disappeared, and the superstar lady heard from the rough breath of the other party, that the big guy opposite herself was really angry.

And even on the side, with a look of gossip, just waiting for Hawkeye Button to join in the fun. The sadistic expression on his face also disappeared, turning into a serious and angry face.

Although they had known it a long time ago, this General Ross was one, and his brain was not very good. But the other party threatened Bruce Banner, the "honest person" in this way. Don't get me wrong. Bruce Banner was originally called the "good old man". It's just that the name of the good old man is better than Bruce Banner. Suitable.

However, Hawkeye Button really felt that General Rose was really too much. Even the superstar lady who didn’t want to be aggressive and looked indifferent, looked at Hawkeye Button with good looks, in front of Button. Pointed to his own brain, and gestured to the guy on the other side of the phone, afraid that it was not a brain damage?


She was born as a human and ended up being caught. The alien lady showed a joke, and Hawkeye Button almost was in front of the superstar lady, "inferiority" to the point that she couldn't raise her head.

Although this brain damage is not himself, it is a scum of ‘brain damage’ from among their humans, and it simply discredited them as a whole.

It has lowered the ‘IQ’ level of human beings in front of the cosmic civilization, and this is simply giving again, the lower limit of human wisdom.

For this reason, the embarrassed Hawkeye Button could only spread his helpless hands in order to stop human beings from the little sister of the universe.

Said don't care, such brain-disabled patients, among us humans, are only a few of them.

For Hawkeye Button, who invited himself to eat several foods anyway, the superstar lady smiled and said that she could understand~

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