Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1037: Jump cha cha! ?

The super virus little Spider-Man also knows that he was ‘stupid’ to commit a fatal ‘mistake’ in front of the food critic, the big demon?

The super virus little Spider-Man under the mask, his face changed suddenly, and he worked hard at the moment he lost his balance, relying on his strong physical fitness.

When he started to adjust his body shape in the air, he didn't need to think about Super Virus Spider-Man, he already felt the danger coming.

You don't even need spider induction skills. It's super like a spider and already knows what is waiting for you.

The fist of a food critic, that's not a joke~ Damn it, after all, I was careless, but who can imagine that this **** **** in front of me will suddenly come to me like this?

Super Little Spider-Man can be regarded as seeing, what is the real social evil, this **** in front of him is completely unreasonable, and he does not say anything in advance when he plays. He has to change his tricks in the middle of the game, and he will not greet them at all. The opportunity is not given.

As soon as the mistake of Super Little Spider-Man appeared, the Internet exploded again in an instant:

‘Water? This little spider-man is playing Dandan? What's the fight? lost balance? Make such a mistake? ’

‘Oh~ no more~ no more expectations, as expected, this little spider-man is just a rotten bug that can’t hold on to the wall. ’

‘Call me a fan again and I will sip him immediately. ’

Not only did the Internet explode, but inside the dark warehouse, with bloodshot eyes, staring at the screen nervously.

A fat bearded man is also watching the battle between Super Little Spider-Man and the food critic.

It can be said that on the Internet, the people who are watching this battle, I am afraid that no one can compare to him, and look forward to Super Spider-Man to break through himself and defeat the opposite food critics.

Even killing food critics can avenge mystery Mr. Quentin Baker. Before that, Uzumaki Goddai was still weird, playing live broadcasts on the Internet.

The shooting angle is so precise and professional, it is like a blockbuster filmed on-site by a professional photographer who is very friendly.

If Uzumaki Goddai is here now, he must be able to see that there is nothing wrong with this fat man, who is controlling several unmanned cameras to shoot.

The whole scene of him fighting Super Little Spiderman, two people. Originally, these unmanned cameras were originally controlled to shoot Mr. Mystery, and Super Little Spider-Man, cooperating to fight the elemental water demons.

But what I didn't expect was that things would always go beyond the scope of their plan, to say that the fat guy still thought before.

Why was it clear that Maria Hill’s attack was a bit hasty, but the mysterious guest Quentin Baker did not have a chance to escape.

But why, the mysterious guest just stood still, causing himself to be involved in the range of Maria Hill's energy weapon attack.

Before, everyone in Fatty's dark base was wondering if the mysterious guest Quentin Baker had any plans.

Temporarily made a change, let his own death come, so that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., even the superheroes, and even every superpower, became a rat crossing the street.

But the facts have proved that they think too much, Mr. Quentin Baker, the mystery guest, at that time stood still and just got caught.

The food critic, the **** + demon, was controlled by illusion, and only then stood there stupidly and was killed by Maria Hill.

The fat man and all the people were surprised and angry. They didn't seem to have died as a food critic, but why did this guy suddenly come out to target the mysterious guest?


Food critics are targeting mystery customers, and Mr. Quentin Baker is targeting them, and they finally have hope.

It seems to be able to return to the ground and embrace the sun again, but why are there always some inexplicable people jumping out?


Then the fat man remembered, isn't the food critic, the food anchor he discovered?

why? Why is this guy targeting Quentin Baker? Although it’s not wrong to calculate the food critics’ understanding of them, they have been doing very ‘perfect’.

On the Internet, there is no trace of them targeting food critics. S.H.I.E.L.D. has discovered that food critics are evil and dangerous.

He is trying to control the chefs of the world, and he is trying to control the world with chefs. He is the heinous villain.


The fat man couldn't accept it. This good friend of his own, Quentin Baker had no connection at all.

The food critic seems to have been caught by S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., but it doesn’t seem to be driven to ruin by the SHIELD.

Looking at the food critic and Maria Hill, the pair of dog men and women scowled, and the fat guy wondered if it was right. The food critic used his control ability to control Maria Hill and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

Then, with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., did they find them? How to explain otherwise?

Quentin Baker died in the murder, and the food critic became a common enemy of everyone in the dark base. Since then, they began to become active on the Internet, and advertised the ‘evil things’ that the food critic and Maria Hill did in the town on the Internet.

Maria Hill, food critics, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. have all become rats for a while.

They are also waiting for the relevant departments to attack, no matter what the purpose of those people is.

In short, their original face, they had already seen clearly, but they didn't care. They just get what they need. They have to kill the food critic. They killed the food critic as a mystery guest. Quentin Baker took revenge. The most important thing is to avenge themselves.

"Damn it! You smelly Spider-Man, can you fight? It's an eighty-year-old grandma, who is better than you!

Bang bang bang!

The fat man was blown up by the stupidity of Super Little Spider-Man. He didn't know the ability of food critics before.

After knowing the ability of food critics, you guy is still embarrassed? Are you worthy of the mystery guest, the cultivation of Quentin Baker?

You just avenged him? Are you sure you are not talking to the bastard, the food critic, dancing cha cha?

"Huh! Fatty, do you see what we detected!? It's Baker! We detected it, Baker's equipment signal!"


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