Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1036: Mentality change

The kind that makes oneself powerless, but affects one's ‘judgment’, making every attack he makes the smallest difference.

If it is a normal attack, why is this happening? And before that, Super Little Spider-Man was full of confidence, but the cruel reality told Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

There is a real problem, and the problem is big. The source of the problem is the **** in front of you. He is not just mocking, irritating you, and irritating you.

He also seems to have another purpose,

Super Little Spider-Man felt aggrieved, but he had nowhere to vent and find someone to tell him the grievances and uncomfortable deep in his heart.

What does this **** want to do? Hit and not hit himself, as if this guy punches at random and he has no "half life".

If this guy is really serious and fights with himself seriously, then the food critic, asshole, takes a serious punch, wouldn't he be gone?

And this guy just dodges and teases himself so ‘naughty’, making himself busy attacking him desperately.

He couldn't hit it, and when he wanted to give up, the **** made another bad one.

Let the feeling that I felt at the beginning appear again, it feels like the thigh meat hanging in front of the lion and tiger's mouth.

It exudes a tempting fragrance, but it does not allow people to eat it, not bad **** as a food critic.

It was the bad guy who was sitting on the back of the tiger and lion, holding a pole in his hand and hanging the meat in front of the lion and tiger's mouth, but he didn't eat it.

For such a short time, Super Little Spider-Man wanted to take off his face mask, and he was very handsome in front of food critics.

Then he turned around and left, without such bullying, but this **** was not just playing with himself and killing Mr. Mystery, who was also a teacher and friend.

So, this guy is a bad guy who has done all the bad things, and he can't let this guy go.

Of course, it feels like Super Virus Little Spider-Man, it feels a little bit worse, and he has hit the threshold all the time.

As long as it passes, Super Virus Little Spider-Man has a hunch. As long as he crossed over, it would definitely be a qualitative change.

One's own strength can definitely be improved by leaps and bounds to another level, and this level is the ‘distance’ between himself and the **** of the food critic.

The battle with food critics also reminded Super Little Spider-Man of his previous experience with Steve Rogers and other superheroes.

Although both sides played ‘very fierce’, they both restrained themselves, knowing that the other side is a good person, one side only wants to stop, the other side only wants to escape.

Both sides were in their respective ‘releases’. Fighting with aliens and Thanos was another feeling. At that time, Super Spider-Man was very brave.

However, Super Little Spider-Man knows that whether he is dealing with the Five Obsidians or Thanos, they feel suffocated and desperate.

If there are not so many people, plan how to deal with Thanos, and Ebony Maw Super Virus Spider-Man, knowing that the other party will be gone as soon as they raise their hands.

The reason why I can wander and survive ‘easy’ is that someone is moving forward with a heavy load, and at best, his strength can be resolved.

Those alien ‘dogs’ under Thanos, but once there are more ‘dogs’, they can drown themselves.

This is the gap between himself and Iron Man, Steve Rogers, Thor, and this is why after Thanos disappeared, the superhero dream of Super Spider-Man has faded.

Because the previous Super Little Spider-Man was a frog at the bottom of the well. After seeing the breadth and danger of the universe, he made his own position clear.

It’s better not to make waves for your own strength. At that time, the Super Little Spider-Man felt the faint gap between him, and he couldn’t catch something.

Super Little Spider-Man knows that he is looking for it now, and it has been placed before his eyes, that is: level.

In the face of the ‘weakness’ and ‘despair’ of food critics, but I have insufficient energy, Super Spider-Man feels that he can do it.

As long as you work harder, you can be yourself. Being capable is just not ‘ready’.

As soon as this idea came up, Super Virus Little Spider-Man was taken aback by himself.

Perhaps, the current Super Little Spider-Man has not only learned the importance of ‘level’, and is about to comprehend the ‘core’ concept of food critics.

Even the previous leisurely and leisurely attitude, at ease with the status quo, just enough strength.

Anyway, when encountering difficulties, there are always tall people standing in front of them. This time the tall ones are gone, and there is also a Mr. Mystery guest who was also taken away by the food critic and Maria Hill.

I didn't put myself in the right position. Why can other people become the protagonist? Some people are a supporting role throughout their lives? Can't even make a supporting role?

It's not that other people have suffered more pressure and problems than other people. If they can bear it, they will be the protagonist. If you can't bear it, it can only be a supporting role. In the past, Super Little Spider-Man was just a ‘little guy’ who followed, behind Iron Man and other big guys, waving small flags and shouting cheer.

Now the eldest brother took the initiative to give up his position and made it clear that he wants Super Virus Little Spider-Man to go up, so the super virus Little Spider-Man mentality.

Like before, it is absolutely impossible. Although not to say that it is doing better than before, the Iron Man's ‘predecessors’ are better.

But at least, it's the main thing to improve his strength persistently every day, and I didn't see Iron Man at the beginning.

Don't you give yourself all day, stay in the basement, and upgrade your steel mark suit all day?

The current super virus little Spider-Man can finally understand what it means to hate less when the book is used, and when the ability and strength reach their needs, the bank does not give loans, and the future cannot be overdrawn in advance. '.

The mentality of Super Virus Spider-Man has changed again, and the position of food critics and the things they want to do have not changed.

So I seized the Super Virus Little Spiderman, a time for self-doubt, reflection, powerlessness, and want to give up.

The food critics once again threw a (B) level illusion toward the super virus little spiderman. This time, the food critics affected the super virus little spider to balance the senses.

It just so happens that the super virus little Spider-Man is just right to go out for food critics.


When I realized that I had made such a low-level mistake when I was punching and attacking, I lost my ‘balance’ in front of food critics?

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