Two-dimensional System

Chapter 992: Hero debut (part 2)

If you want to die, you have to talk to the Keren in your heart, saying the words in your heart: I...

Then can the dog take it? And if he took the dog and went to get the lunch box, then his sweetheart, Michelle Jones, is still here.

If this monster kills itself and does not go home to sleep and continue to do evil, then who will protect his sweetheart?

My sweetheart, wouldn't Michelle Jones also want to go with me to pick up the lunch?

Moreover, not just my sweetheart, but my little friend Ned, and other classmates who often joke with me but who are not really evil?

If he is dead, his Aunt Mei will definitely be sad, right? How can I make Aunt Mei sad?

I'm preparing for the ten thousand reasons I can't lose, and I can't easily lead a dog. he! Little Spider-Man Pete Parker desperately.

In the eyes, I finally lost the randomness I had just now, and started to concentrate my attention, getting serious in the eyes.

Finally, a strenuous force was born. Perhaps this was the tenacity that was not easy to admit defeat and was crushed, supporting Pete Parker to get up.

As a real spiderman, a real superhero, the warrior goes to fight the monster in front of him.

There was a flower in front of everyone, and Pete Parker was almost blinded by this light.

Subconsciously raised his arm, blocking his face and finally saw it.

What came from afar was a green light that was so green that it made people feel scary...

"Haha! Water Demon! You are against me! I won't let you be a villain!"

This green light appeared in the sight of everyone, and everyone could only see this light from a distance, but they still couldn't see who was coming.

In this green light, came from far away, the new blood boiled, the inspiring shout.

And under the mask of Pete Parker who had just taken out his fighting spirit and was about to work hard, he looked at the person with a blank expression.

As soon as this person came, he attracted the attention of my super fierce ‘water demon’.

Watt? What the **** is this man?


Afterwards, in everyone's comments, I saw a beautiful arc of green light facing the fierce roaring water demon.

Passing in front of everyone, but also perfectly avoided the attack of the ‘Water Demon’.


Immediately there was a green light, from the source of this green light, shooting at the fierce water demon.


I saw the water demon who was hit by the green light from the origin of the green light, and instantly let out a painful roar!

Following the painful retreat of the water demon, this green light emitting thing has revealed its true face.

I saw a guy wearing a ‘fish tank’ on his head, falling down just to stop, above Spider-Man’s head.

While striking the water demon with his own green light, while facing Spider-Man who had just gotten up from the ground, Peter Parker, who had a silly look on his face, taught:

"Remember, only magic can defeat magic. This guy is made up of elements, so physical attacks are useless to him."

Pete Parker: ...

Do you think I am a person who can use magic? You said this to me. Doesn't it mean saying it for nothing?

Besides, what is magic? In the nine years of education I received, there was no magic.

You suddenly asked me to use magic, are you sure? Isn't this endangering my fat tiger?

"It's a mystery!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

When the green light on his body dissipated, the mysterious guest, who was still very green with the fish tank on his head, appeared in front of everyone.

The crowd began to howl in excitement, wondering if it was the pink of the mysterious guest.

Not only the people in the small town are cheering for the arrival of the mystery guest, but now even the Internet is coming like a savior to the mystery guest.

It started to boil, one by one on the network screen, wailing for a change.

This is also impossible to hear the sound, and cannot send the video, otherwise it is uncertain.

On the Internet now, what will it be like, staring at the tablet. Maria Hill who was commenting turned dark, you people are really a bunch of clowns.

Wasn't it crazy before calling it? Why is it like this time, can't stop taking stimulants?

You guys, I’m afraid it’s not all poisonous~

"It was him who turned up? That is the black hand hiding behind?"

Maria Hill stared coldly, leaning against the mystery guest who was educating Pete Parker on the screen.

After waiting for a long time, I thought it was someone, but this guy turned out to be?

Maria Hill's eyes began to deepen, and everything was fine.

Ever since he came out of the elemental congregation, the earth element in it has not only led to the mysterious visitors from the ‘other world’.

Even more attracted, also from other worlds, the savior Uzumaki Goddai who saved their world.

After that, there was no news from the Uzumaki God, and the Black Braised Egg Board Master disappeared somehow.

Immediately after that, what appeared before her was the **** of the food critic.

And now, like a superhero... not right!

Like a savior, the mysterious guest who descended in front of them, this guy appeared.

This water demon seems to have encountered a nemesis, the attack on the mysterious guest, the mysterious guest can step on time.

Just like before, Spider-Man Pete Parker stepped on time and just happened to take the people in the town away from the water demon.

"Don't ask me, the answer is in your heart, ask me? Do I have any evidence~"


Once again, Maria Hill was irritated by the **** food critic next to her. This person is not choking, and it is really not the style of this bastard.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of state of mind he has, in front of this bastard, it is still easy to get angry like this.

Glancing fiercely at the **** of the food critic, Maria Hill had her eyes set on the mysterious guest on the screen.

"Sir Maria Hill, good thing, from the very beginning, the water demon, the power from the body weakened at a rapid rate.

It really verified what the mystery said, only magic can deal with monsters! "

Maria Hill and the food critic turned around with a speechless look, and there was something vaguely revealed in their excited eyes.

At first glance, it seemed to be the loyal little brother of the mysterious guest, and said excitedly to Maria Hill.

The food critic's mouth twitched, and he was indescribably embarrassed. As Uzumaki Goddai, he knew clearly.

The thing told him from the Jindai realm was that it created the tsunami and S.H.I.E.L.D. energy detection instrument data.

It's just an instrument on the other side of the sea. As for the water demon's energy is fading?

The seemingly mysterious "magic" attack worked, but the real reason is that the energy that created the tsunami is almost running out...

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