Two-dimensional System

Chapter 991: Old pie player

Where did the superheroes go when the world was in danger?

Why is Spider-Man alone? Where is Captain America Steve Rogers? What about Iron Man Tony Stark?

Don't tell us anything, the two of them have already launched the arena, and each retired to live their own lives.

What about Hawkeye Button? Where is the Hulk Bruce Banner?

When people and the world need these superheroes, where are these heroes? ?

Where is the savior Uzumaki Goddai? We trust them so much, these superheroes.

But how do these superheroes return their trust?

Why should we let this monster destroy the city? At first glance, this monster was the same fellow as the earth element among the elemental crowd that came out to raging before.

They still remember that it is such a monster, they have destroyed the world of the mysterious guest.

And in their world, there are so many superheroes, but why are they all gone at this time?

Everyone is asking, where are the superheroes, this kind of question.

They have also asked before, but different from the entertaining mentality before, they are curious about what the usual life of these superheroes will be like gossip.

Now they seem to be asking the teacher about their crimes, with a questioning tone in it, making Maria Hill feel dizzy.

"What do these guys want to do? Is it possible that they want to provoke the relationship between the heroes? Make people no longer trust these superheroes?"

If you don't know the operation behind it, you really can't see it, but you see someone operating behind it.

Then it's really sinister if you use your heart.

"At this time, are you still watching? Don't want to think of a way to do something?"

Maria Hill looked at the food critic with a blank face. This guy is not a superhero, so he doesn't care about the reputation of the superhero.

It doesn't help how he is anxious, but in his heart, he is still looking forward to it, no matter who it is.

At this time, where is the savior Uzumaki God? Is it true that you left? But it's not like leaving.

Because, according to the latest news, the superstar who was saved by Uzumaki God is still there~

The Uzumaki Goddai will not be so fanciful, in front of so many people, he will not care about anything after saving the superstar.

Pat your **** and leave cleanly, right? Then that's too much...


Just as Maria Hill was talking about the pitted Uzumaki Goddai in her heart, where did she go. The food critic was so good, he sneezed for no reason.


I took a deep breath of food critics and felt something was wrong. I would still be sick?

It's not right, it's very wrong. Could it be who is behind, talking about yourself? So, who is talking about him?

The person who can make him sneeze is not an ordinary person, and food critics will feel it.

It must be someone who is related to him, but there are only a few people in this world who are related to him...

At the person who could make himself sneeze, the food critic cast his eyes on Maria Hill inexplicably.

As for whether the superstar lady is talking about herself?

That's absolutely impossible, Miss Superstar now, holding the bank card given by Tony Stark in her hand, before she can buy enough things she likes.

I would never think of myself, the reason why I didn't bring it with me when I came out, the superstar lady.

That's because the superstar lady is so easy to identify, people in the whole world, except for newborn babies.

Everyone knows that the superstar is from the **** of the whirlpool, and when you see the lady of the superstar, then the person next to him is undoubtedly the **** of the whirlpool.

In this case, no matter what the Vortex God's alternate transformation technique, it will become doubtful.

The superstar lady's goal is too big, and she can only let this superstar lady play her own.

When I have finished everything I have to leave, I will pick her up again.

Anyway, as long as Uzumaki God thinks, if you want to find someone in this world, it really shouldn't be too simple.

However, Uzumaki Goddai, what the current food critics did not expect is that it is not just the superstar lady who is having fun.

Even Xiao Mo next to him, this little guy, played happily without Uzumaki Kandai's knowledge.

It's just that Xiao Mo, the little girl, doesn't even know who he is playing with or even what Uzumaki God is playing.

Anyway, the current Uzumaki Goddai, the food critic, is talking with Maria Hill SHIELD and the mysterious guest...

No, I still have to join a little Spider-Man who joined in the middle of the game, Pete Parker's ‘melaleuca game.

The first person standing on the first floor is undoubtedly the little Spider-Man Pete Parker who was "being" joined in the middle.

This guy doesn't know anything, even if he participates in it, what's the situation of campus tours in Europe.

I don't know who arranged it... No, this should be known just now, after all, Pete Parker is already at the rest stop.

I have seen someone from S.H.I.E.L.D., then this is not too stupid little Spider-Man, Pete Parker's brain.

Should be able to turn the corner, this time his European campus tour, whose masterpiece is it.

What about the second layer? The one next to him found a big hand in the darkness.

Shrouded in the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., the disappearance of the black braised egg is still the trouble of S.H.I.E.L.D. looking for food critics.

It's all about this ‘guy’ hiding in the dark. As for whether this ‘guy’ is one person or more than a dozen people, these are still unknown.

And the third level is, the mysterious guest, who united himself, many abandoned and depressed little friends.

Together, through the holographic system, to achieve their own ulterior goals, of course, if you want to say the goal, you will undoubtedly become the "god" admired by all people~

After all, the savior Uzumaki God, standing in the position of ‘God’ is really tempting.

Without taking the Uzumaki God away and not allowing himself to reap the hearts of the people, how can he become the "god" in the hearts of people all over the world?

And he~

Uzumaki Kamdai's vest: food critic!


Stand on that floor with it, this~ just look...

"After all, don't worry, don't you think this is coming~"

At the reminder of the food critics, Maria Hill's pupils shrank and stared into the screen.

After defeating Spider-Man, he was about to kill Spider-Man's water monster, and he would die, and he couldn't let go of his Aunt Mei and his purpose this time.

He hasn’t even talked to the girl in his mind, Michelle Jones confessed~

How can you just take a dog like this?

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