"..." Hao Lian and Guang swayed a few times as if they had been hit hard, took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"It's like, only when I touch the seal can I completely kill me, that's it."

"Hahahahahaha, liar!" Hao Lian and Guang laughed, tears welling up from the corners of his eyes, "Liar! You are lying to me, this can't be true!"

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and then instantly appeared behind the White Devil, the Cui Emperor's tongue radiated the ultimate light, and slammed into the White Devil's vest.

"Ding——" But the almost indestructible little sword lost all its luster the moment it touched the White Devil's body, turned into a piece of rusty iron, and fell.

"Why do you think you can wake up the day after tomorrow and the perception ability of the artifact?" The white devil's nightmare-like voice resounded again, the coquettish smile in the scarlet eyes and the fear on Hao Lian and Guang's distorted faces were two different things. an extreme.

"Do you think that your hatred for me, your unscrupulous means, and your desire to kill me no matter what, come from?"


Chapter eighty two

"Humanity is really a very interesting thing." The white devil stretched out his hand, and the splendid colors of aurora surrounded his fingertips. The same light appeared on Hao Lian and Guang's wrists and ankles, pulling him in mid-air. into a large font.

"For example, emotions. Your emotions are really wonderful things, there is no scientific logic, and there is no benefit to the survival of races and individuals. But it happens to exist, and it is deeply rooted in the soul of every human being. , isn't it amazing?"

"You know what? Hate, like love, doesn't come out of nowhere. He needs incentives and seeds. Where do you think your hatred for me comes from?"

"I haven't had a sign of recovery for hundreds of years, no restrictions, no killings, no curses, hundreds of years, and no harm done to your race. The hatred of a war is often lost in decades. To be able to be calmed down, where do you think you, and your comrades, have doubts about me, where the ordinary hatred without any root comes from?"

"No... No, that's not the case! No!" The emotions on Hao Lian and Guang's faces collapsed every time Bai Mo said a word, as if the whole person was being shattered bit by bit. The foundation of the pillar that supported him to this step was being dug out bit by bit, and the whole person was hollowed out, crumbling and empty.

But his struggles and roars can only make the smile on Bai Mo's face thicker and thicker, and slowly, as if introducing his most exquisite products, "Because from the beginning, you are my firm. It is a chess piece that is indispensable for my recovery. It is no different from the Sheepshead cultists, a special chess piece used to dismantle the cage set up by my brother inside, a false vengeful soul."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, however, it is directly in the brain, Hao Lian and the whole person, the whole body is irregular, like a snake write. The bound hands and feet also twitched frantically, squeezing bruises and wounds with the energy confined to them. But it doesn't seem to feel the same.

The pain of the body has long been irrelevant to him, his life has been denied, and the pain from the soul that all the pillars have been smashed is almost torn apart from his whole person. That kind of pain can't even be resolved, no matter if you are in a coma or forget, there is no way to do it, you can only suffer like this until your body completely collapses.

When Hao Lian and Guang collapsed, Bai Mo was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "That's why it's interesting to say that humans are."

"呲——" But before he could appreciate it for a long time, a strange sound rang in his ear, as if a flame was burning something, and some kind of sound that trembled violently quickly swept from his ear.

The white devil turned his head sharply, the emaciated young man was wearing torn black clothes and waving a cyan long sword covered with azure flames. The air screamed in this extreme flame. is the origin of the sound.

Fan-shaped flames spread out from the sword and swept straight towards him. The White Devil instinctively felt a sense of crisis from the firelight. The whole body flashed, slightly dazed, and appeared dozens of meters away.

"You are..." The white devil who avoided the attack then focused on the attacker, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the next moment, the wound caused by the blade he had escaped suddenly burst on his body Come on.

The incision with a depth of more than 30 centimeters is almost like cutting off the top of his head.

"I am, there is a source, there is an incentive for hatred." Xie Zhifei put down the sword in his hand and stopped it in the air so lightly. The crimson and swelling mutation that was like a monster before receded, and only the blue flames were still burning in his hands and eyes.

The flames also became less violent and became more pure and quiet, like dancing crystals. But this kind of burning is obviously much more deadly than the original. The space near the flame burning is broken to varying degrees, and the black cracks like spider silk continue to appear and heal. And in the air where he cut out the blow just now, there was also a trace of red fiery color left that did not calm down for a long time.

"It's really interesting, Twelve Pillars..." Obviously most of the head was lifted back, but it didn't affect the White Demon's speech at all. Dark mucus poured out of his head, pulling the back-turned skull back to its original position. bits, and then glued together. "I didn't expect to wake up to be able to..."

"Bang——" Another loud noise, Jian Pu's fist fell straight from the sky and landed on the head he had just repaired, knocking him straight from the air to the ground. All that was left was a small black hole like a burrowing bomb.

"Young people are troublesome. After a while, he will be able to say more useful things." Greedy Wolf stood at the small black hole punched by Po Jun and pushed his glasses. "This kind of boss who talks a lot and loves to blow himself up is rare. Isn't it a waste of other people's attributes to fight hard? Do you think so?"

Just as he finished asking this sentence, the White Demon also just got out of the ground and was almost face to face with Greedy Wolf.

Before the White Demon could react, Greedy Wolf jumped back a few meters and pulled away again, "Ah, it seems a little too close."

"You..." The White Demon said subconsciously, but only after uttering a word, a mouthful of black blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Sorry, bad habit, I took something away." Greedy Wolf raised his hand, holding a huge beating heart in his five slender fingers. The White Devil lowered his head to see the circular penetrating wound on his chest. While the greedy wolf jumped away, he also punched through his chest with a single blow, tearing his heart away from it.

The next moment, the heart turned into a black liquid in Greedy Wolf's hands, and the sand flowed down like nothing left, while the terrifying black hole in the White Devil's chest grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Although I've seen it once. But I'm still surprised to see it with my own eyes." Instead of being angry, the white devil looked at Greedy Wolf and Po Jun in front of him with an almost admiring look, "Humans can actually grow to such a level. What does it look like, the final frontier? It's such an amazing possibility that I even want to give you a place in my kingdom."

"That's really insensitive." Greedy Wolf adjusted his cuffs, "Our department has no interest at all in your country."

However, before he could make the first move, Xie Zhifei, who was farthest away, was already the first to kill, and the deep blue wrapped in the blasting flames slammed down Huashan Zhi with force.


Chapter 83 Destruction and Looting

Xie Zhifei is very good. Physically, at least, it's better than ever. The brain power, physical strength, and neural reaction speed have all been nearly doubled, and the result is that the combat power is soaring at almost a stage-level speed. At least from the point of view of the attack that each person just launched on the White Devil, it is difficult to directly judge who caused more damage, whether he, Greedy Wolf or Broken Army.

This is a very scary thing, which means that at least to some extent, his power has reached the level of the final frontier of mankind. He himself knew this, compared to when he liberated the power of Ben Wolf in Sicily, he could even clearly recognize the source of this power.

From the moment Shi Yuqing's hand fell from his, he could feel a crisp sound from somewhere in his body. The sound as if something shattered, a chain, or a shackle, or his last limit as a human being.

But that didn't matter anymore, because even more majestic and huge sadness poured out from the bottom of his heart in an instant. And following that sadness is the desire to destroy, just destroy it, just destroy everything.

Since it is the world that does not give me a gift, it would be good to destroy the world itself.

At the moment when this idea appeared, blank space suddenly spread in his field of vision, and his spirit was pulled, or it reached a certain place. some empty space.

A place where there is nothing and nothing exists, but the concept of place determines that there must be something in it, otherwise, it will only fall into the shadow world as if Xie Zhifei has just arrived in the shadow world.

There was something here, but he just couldn't see it, all that was unfolding in front of him was an expanse of pure white. Sadness and anger, all emotions were pulled out of his body. There is only absolute cold and rationality left, even if he looks at himself, it seems to be casting his gaze from a higher angle behind his body, looking at it.

"Are you begging for destruction?" The voice suddenly sounded in front of him, and the pure white space bulged a certain outline, obviously nothing existed, but when the light filtered there, there would be some kind of refraction, showing that there was a Humanoid creation.

"Is it such a destruction?" The outline raised his hand, and countless porcelains, famous paintings, and various exquisite works of art from ancient times fell from the sky and shattered. Xie Zhifei shook his head. The moment he shook his head, all the fragments of the artwork disappeared in place.

"Is that kind of destruction?" A huge shadow flashed overhead, and countless huge black bombs fell from the sky, each of which could roll up a fireball with a diameter of more than five meters, and the fireballs exploded and superimposed until the flames Connected into the ocean, completely covering everything.

"No." Xie Zhifei shook his head again. The sea of ​​flames brought by the carpet attack and scrubbing also disappeared instantly.

"Is that such a destruction?" The outline suddenly stretched out his hand, with a slender machete in his hand, and stabbed straight through the white devil's chest. Some kind of power, completely wiped out the vitality of this perfect creature from the inside, it was only such a knife, but Xie Zhifei could feel that the white devil was really dead.

His heart shrank suddenly, and he even subconsciously wanted to nod his head, but a cold force slammed into the middle of his palm like a needle. It was so powerful that it was as though a meat knife had plucked out a piece of meat from there. His movements froze for a moment.

"Do you want this kind of destruction?" The outline raised the machete in his hand and pinched the sword jaws with two fingers. Xie Zhifei could catch the sword as long as he stretched out his hand to pick it up, and what it represented behind it could kill the white devil. the power of.

But he looked down at the palm of his hand, and naturally he didn't have a piece of flesh gouged out, not even a red mark. But when he looked up, his eyes were full of determination.

"Do you want this kind of destruction?" The outline threw away the machete in his hand and floated up in the air. The blank space immediately became the appearance of the world. Xie Zhifei, who was transformed into an outline, floated in the air, and the red sky fire carried a long The long flame tail slanted across the sky, often eroding for miles after landing. The ground is no better than the sky.

Pieces of the earth are arched or sunk, and the dark cracks are as deep as they lead to the netherworld. Huge black wolves are running on this broken land, spreading despair farther away.

"No." Xie Zhifei shook his head firmly and stretched out his hand. Shen Qing had already held it in his hand. The next moment, he threw the blade, took it back, and stabbed the sword straight into his heart.

"Ding——" The blade pierced into the body, but there was a sound like piercing glass. With Xie Zhifei as the core, a huge crack began to spread to the whole world that seemed to be doomsday, and everything in Tianhuo and Benlang stopped. Then it turned into fine fragments and fell to the ground.

What lies behind the blank world is revealed. Then Xie Zhifei saw the twelve pillars that reached the sky and the earth. Colorful and transparent, shining pillars that can shine through the whole world.

He took a few steps forward, and the blue pillar appeared in front of him. Gently put his hand on it, and the blue light lit up from the pillar, slowly covering everything in.

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