Shi Yuqing's sudden appearance, Hao Lianzhixia's words echoed in Xie Zhifei's mind.

The two steps Hao Lian and Guangcai were talking about couldn't be more obvious. The first step is to reconstruct the body, which is now complete. Then it is to regain the power that was sealed in Shi Yuqing's body and reconstruct the core.

What they are doing now is to gather the strength of almost the entire clan to inscribe the gods on Shi Yuqing, a former clan of theirs. You don't even need to think about the effect of this dark divine pattern. It is to completely erase Shi Yuqing's mind and convert her into an instrument or system that controls darkness.

She will definitely survive, but only a skin will survive.

"Get out of here!!" Xie Zhifei shouted again, and the dark green in his hand swayed in front of him. This is a huge energy that Xie Zhifei has never achieved before. Every muscle in his arm was shaking violently.

The blade pierced through the air, and actually brought out a huge axe-like air blade. Unlike Ji Qinger's sword qi, what Xie Zhifei drew was simply an invisible air squeezed with enormous force. It was more similar to the last punch of the broken army on the top of Behemoth's head. The ultimate in pure power.

The axe-like air blade did not fly far, and the blade shape only maintained a few meters. Hundreds of chaotic air currents collided and exploded, and the broken trickle tore the air with a sharp whistle.

The violent energy is like a beast trapped in a cage. It can't wait to open the cage with its sharp claws and roar and struggle out. Hundreds of air currents continuously squeezed each other to produce a splendid explosion effect. The white air explosion took Xie Zhifei as the center and exploded like a fan. At the same time, the pulling force in hundreds of directions makes it impossible to defend at all.

The shock wave of the explosion was like a hurricane, and instantly enveloped the team in front of them. Various forms of defenses quickly cracked under this wild impact. Everyone was caught in this turbulent flow of unknown direction and was knocked up and down.

After finishing the blow, Xie Zhifei felt that his hands felt as if they had been taken out of time, and they instantly softened. But there will be no second chance like this, and the whole person rushes forward. He rushed out of the encirclement abruptly.

In the sky, Emperor Cui's tongue has led the long black river to reach Shi Yuqing. The tip of the sword is like a hollow finger, and Shi Yuqing makes a slight spasm, and the silver-white pattern that is different from the material will automatically appear. Her skin started to grow.

Different from the divine patterns on Hao Lianhongyu or Hao Lianmengchun that Xie Zhifei had seen before, the divine patterns grown on Shi Yuqing's body were only as thick as hair. Shi Yuqing's skin covered in darkness is like the most expensive black porcelain. Thousands of silver threads are as thin as hair, extending like spider webs. Discover graceful arcs, rigorous structures, and unbelievably complex nestings.

Although the silver lines are as thin as hair, it is difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye. It looks like the capillaries of the human body, giving the illusion that the silver liquid is flowing slowly.

Compared with the divine patterns on her body, Hao Lianhongyuan and the others' divine patterns looked like toys smeared by children. And this is a true masterpiece, perfectly constructed.

And in fact, it is something that is completely on another level compared to the Divine Rune for someone to gain extraordinary power. It is to replace the dark system that governs the world in place of the White Devils. It is a blueprint made by Lord Siguang, and it is a delicate and precise artwork that the Hao Lian family spent more than a hundred years to complete.

It's a pity that this work of art really has to cost a girl's life, and Xie Zhifei would never allow this. He jumped from the ground suddenly, and Shen Qing slashed towards the long black river that stood in the sky.

But the blade was just half drawn when it was caught in the air, and the Cui Emperor's tongue was guiding the inscription of the divine rune. Hao Lian and Guang stood in front of Xie Zhifei with their bare hands.

The emerald green divine pattern on his body lit up, and his two palms firmly pressed the dark blue blade to prevent the blow from falling.

"Don't stop me!" Xie Zhifei exerted his strength again, and the blue flame spewed out from his eyes for a while, and the dark blue blade slowly slipped out from the palms of Hao Lian and Guang Er. It will be cut down in the next moment.

But Hao Lian and Guang didn't mean to dodge at all. Instead, they shouted, "I will never allow others to interfere with our sad wishes!!" The emerald green light bloomed even more clearly.

But the blade still slipped from his hand, Hao Lian and Guang didn't dodge until the last moment, just turned their heads as much as possible. Then Xie Zhifei felt the jerky sharp blade smashing through flesh and blood, and Shen Qing slashed into his shoulder heavily.

The skin and muscles were torn apart suddenly, and finally the blade was blocked by the shoulder blades that also shone with emerald green light.

The severe pain caused Hao Lian and Guang's mouth to twitch, but his eyes looked into the distance through Xie Zhifei in front of him, "Finally... it's here!"

Xie Zhifei raised his head abruptly, and the sculptural body of the white devil was suddenly slowly raising his hands, slowly closing his hands, facing Shi Yuqing in the distance, as if he was about to pull something out of it. And the silver thread-like divine pattern has already covered Shi Yuqing's body densely, just waiting for the white devil to extract the power of darkness from Shi Yuqing's body, Hao Lian and Guang's plan will succeed.

"No!!!" Xie Zhifei let out a heart-piercing scream, and suddenly drew the long sword in his hand, and wanted to fight back there. But the dark green blade was stuck in Hao Lian and Guang's jade-like bones. And the two of them are slowly falling from the sky, getting further and further away from Shi Yuqing.

"Hahahahaha-" Blood spurted out of Hao Lian and Guang's wound, Xie Zhifei's movement of drawing his sword made the blade rub against Hao Lian and Guang's bones like a saw, causing astonishing pain. But he was laughing wildly, as if he couldn't feel it at all, only the raised hand of the white devil in his eyes.

The darkness on Shi Yuqing's body seemed to be summoned slowly, causing the silver-white divine runes to flow like mercury. As if everything was going according to the script.

A complicated incandescent magic circle was formed in front of the white devil's hand, and the next moment, a fiery beam of light shot out from the magic circle, and the sky penetrated Shi Yuqing's chest. The crimson blood was sprinkled in the air, pulled down by the gravity of the earth, and the light scattered through the blood beads, like a string of bright gems sprinkled in the sky.


Chapter eighty-one you think

Hao Lian and Guang's smiles instantly froze on their faces, along with the faces of more than 200 warriors from Hao Lian's clan praying together. The impact was so great that they couldn't even react to what expression they should use to face it.

The pupils were instantly enlarged and tightened like the rubber ring of the camera, staring at the blood flowers scattered in the sky, and the girl who fell like flying catkins.

"No!!" Xie Zhifei let out a mournful cry, pulled out his sword suddenly, kicked Hao Lian and Guang's heart, and rushed towards Shi Yuqing's fallen figure. The speed was as fast as a light arrow, but Yuqing's movements were so light when he caught it, as if he was picking up a bubble or a snowflake. Once the movement was a little bigger, she would shatter and disappear.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die!!!" The monster hugged his girl, and the child cried out in an awkward manner. The claw-like hand tried to reach out, but didn't dare to touch it.

The round wound on her chest looked so hideous, and the bright red blood was gushing out of the hole like a spring, and it couldn't be blocked at all.

This time she was really going to die, without any hope or any assumptions, the long spear of the beam pierced her chest in front of him. Blood and life flowed out from the wound together, and even the darkness that covered her whole body began to recede, revealing the original skin of the girl below.

Her skin, which was as delicate as porcelain, was now as pale as paper. She raised her hand tremblingly, wanting to touch the face of the monster who was holding her. All may collapse, and even though the voice has fallen to the point of collapse now, not a single tear has flowed out. Because in his eyes, there were only blue tongues of fire left.

Xie Zhifei grabbed that hand and put it on his face, and could feel the slight trembling of her skin and the loss of a lot of blood. She must be cold now...

"Don't cry..." Shi Yuqing actually opened the corner of her mouth to reveal a cheerful smile. "You are my hero, how can there be a crying hero?"

Xie Zhifei shook his head violently, how could he count as a hero, where would a hero watch his girl be kidnapped and watch her die in front of him over and over again!

"Okay, don't cry, you've worked hard..." Shi Yuqing's trembling hand exerted a little force, as if trying to support Xie Zhifei's shaking head, "Isn't this the result? It's the same in the story, Either the princess and the prince lived a happy life, or the princess died in the prince's arms, and then the prince became a hero... ahem—"

Because she said too many words in one breath, she suddenly coughed twice, and pink blood foamed from the corner of her mouth. The blood had poured into her throat, and as more and more blood foam was spit out, the cough became less and less. This body is like a car whose fuel has completely bottomed out, and it can move forward a few meters by relying on inertia. But it can stop at any time. "

"Don't, don't, don't, don't!!!" Shi Yuqing's hand lost its strength and was about to fall from his hand. Xie Zhifei held that hand tightly, as if doing so would grab her life.

"——" Xie Zhifei's body twitched violently, and it reflexed to a great extent. He opened his mouth wide as if he was roaring in the air, but he couldn't make any sound, and in such silence , a certain sadness that reached its limit broke out unscrupulously.

"Impossible!!" On the contrary, the other person broke out completely. Hao Lian and Guang, who fell heavily to the ground, looked at the white devil who put his hands in the air in disbelief, and shouted frantically. .

"How could this be? It shouldn't be like this, what's wrong? What's wrong?!! It shouldn't be like this!!!"

"You should first extract power from her and regain your identity as the prince of darkness!!!" Finally, he pointed a finger at the white devil and asked loudly.

What I didn't expect was that Hao Lian and Guang's questions were actually answered, "When has my identity been stripped away?" Not turbid, but like two transparent rubies inlaid in the eye sockets.

As he spoke, the silent runes on his entire body were also lit up again, and he moved his limbs gently, but the slightest movements often caused the air to crackle and crackle. Xie Zhifei could easily achieve the strength that he could only achieve by breaking away from him before.

"!!!" Hao Lian and Guang pointed at him in disbelief, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"That's right, I'm resurrected." The White Demon nodded, "I don't need to recapture the power within the Lady of Shadows, and I don't need to regain any authority. Before the various parts of my body were released, I was already resurrected."

"This...impossible!!!" Hao Lian and Guang let out a sharp cry. He had realized that something was wrong, but he didn't want to believe it.

"You think you and your clan are so clear about my resurrection process? Even my elder brother doesn't know how I can be resurrected. Why do you know? Don't you have any curiosity?" Bai Mo asked rhetorically.

"Because, that's what I told you." The coquettish red light flashed in the eyes of the white devil, and the corner of his mouth raised a sarcastic smile. "Everything you know is meticulously made up for you."

"That's impossible! Those are all documents handed down hundreds of years ago..." Hao Lian and Guang retorted subconsciously.

"How many years do you think I've existed?" The White Demon laughed instead, "How much time do you think I have to carry out this plan?"

"My brother finally made a mistake, believing in short-lived species like you, and believing in your extremely fragile spirit and belief!"

"The Hao Lian family has never forgotten their oath and responsibility for thousands of years!!"

"Even the correct oath cannot be passed down. This is your true sorrow." The white devil said softly, and then smiled again, as if he really felt sad for mankind. "Just modify a little detail, a generation has passed, do you know what a huge change the whole event will bring?"

"It's very difficult for you to pass on in your short life, and you don't even have the ability to question and examine." He raised his hand, and the light beam from that hand penetrated Shi Yuqing. "It's like replacing the lock in that little girl with authority. I really need her, I just need to kill her."

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