All existence will perish.

There is an essential difference between dying and being killed.

She will die.

She can't die.

Someone is going to kill her.

Then I'll kill that man first!

The rage that almost dissolved his will finally flowed to his limbs, Baihui, Xie Zhifei raised his hand, his skin exuded an astonishingly high temperature, his blood vessels floated up like a small snake, and every beat of his heart would distort the surrounding space.

If you fight a dragon for a long time, you will become a dragon yourself. It turned out that it was not that some monster was about to crawl out of the body, but that he had become a monster.

Xie Zhifei split his mouth, his smile sharp and bone-chilling. So what does it matter, you already deserve to die, don't you?

He slammed on the ground, and the cobweb-like crack spread out for dozens of meters, rushing straight into the air, where there was no dark back, only a hole that was shrinking to the size of a fist.

"Give me back!" Xie Zhifei's hand slammed into the closing portal, and the crack in the bite space penetrated directly into his skin like glass, directly twisting the arm.

But he didn't mean to withdraw his hand at all. Instead, he stretched the other hand in, as if he was pulling the safety door, trying to pull it away abruptly.

The space cut into the skin, through the flesh and blood, all the way to the bone, and even made a high-pitched scream like metal friction. Xie Zhifei's expression became more and more hideous. The crimson energy was continuously accumulated in the body, and there was nowhere to release it.

In the depths of the bones, some kind of change occurred, the blue fire light lit up, withstood the cutting into the space, and the crimson energy also found the outlet to vent and poured out together.

He tore the door open again!

"I said, let you call someone out!"

"That's... Xiaofei?" Liu Huan didn't dare to be sure of his own judgment, and it was difficult to determine whether the existence was chased by the shadows of the princes of darkness or not.

The aura of black and red surrounds the whole body, and the blue fire burns straight out of the eye socket. Although there are many scars on the body, there is no blood flowing out. On the contrary, like the eye socket, sparks explode inside.

Before he could answer, Xie Zhifei moved first. After looking around for a week, he locked the direction of the moving shadow. He stomped his feet suddenly, and actually stepped on the sound of an empty explosion, turning into a red light arrow and hitting the shadow straight.

"Ding--" A violent collision sounded throughout the valley.

Xie Zhifei pulled out Shen Qing at some point in his hand, but the long sword was held back by a small emerald green sword and stopped.

"Go away!!" It was Hao Lian and Guang who stopped Xie Zhifei. At the moment of Xie Zhifei's attack, he suddenly disappeared in place and appeared directly between the shadow and Xie Zhifei. Xie Zhifei's attack for the shadow file.

"It's not time yet." Hao Lian and Guang frowned and looked at Xie Zhifei in front of him. The majestic anger and a certain aura he was not familiar with made him feel very uncomfortable. And the direct consequence of this lack of habit is uncertainty, as if the script he had already written had changed with Xie Zhifei's ears.

"I said, get out!" Xie Zhifei's hand muscles holding the dark green sword hilt swelled abruptly, the pressure on the blade increased sharply, and the Cui Emperor's tongue was knocked out.

But at the same moment when the small sword flew out, Hao Lian and Guang probed their hands again, a small black hole appeared in front of the sword and in front of his palm, and the small sword flew out directly in front of his palm. Jiang Jiang was an inch in front of his chest, blocking Xie Zhifei's Shen Qing for the second time.

"Only when the White Demon is resurrected can we kill him and save the world!!" Hao Lian and Guang were anxious, and said these words to Xie Zhifei as quickly as possible.

"I, only, want, people!!" Xie Zhifei said word by word, the strength in his hand was also divided, the blue flame healed the wound on the body, but the tongue of flame protruding from the eye socket became more and more It got longer and longer, as if his entire face was on fire.


Chapter 78 Infighting

Hao Lian and Guang didn't expect Xie Zhifei's answer to be so straightforward. In his impression, Xie Zhifei was still in a state of cowardice and confusion that he was knocked out by the Cui Emperor's tongue.

Therefore, like Hao Lianzhixia, seeing Xie Zhifei after waking up, there will be a sense of dislocation in the face of two completely different people. No one knows what Xie Zhifei gained after that night of deep thinking. Just like no one knows what an unbreakable soul is needed to resist the erosion of the wolves.

And Hao Lian and Guang, who planned to use this method to buy time, were now experiencing some of the unexpected results. There is no confusion or confusion. I only want people, and I will answer his questions about the world and all human beings, and all the follow-up cannons are stuck in my throat.

"You... this lunatic..." Hao Lian and Guang can only throw out such a sentence, and everyone knows that once a party starts to use insulting dialogue to try to show the correctness of their side in a quarrel . It is often to prove that logically and theoretically he has fallen into a defeat.

"Peng——" There was another explosion-like collision sound. Xie Zhifei had no intention of having such a meaningless argument with Hao Lian and Guang. The Shen Qing in his hand smashed down in an almost arrogant way, crushing Hao. Lian Heguang was speechless at all.

"Daughter of Shadows, she was originally the head of the Hao Lian clan! She is not the family of the White Demon." At this time, Xie Zhifei turned his head and shouted to Yi Nian and Ji Qing'er.

"Save the people! Save the people, and the White Devil will not recover!"

After he shouted, everyone who was a little confused by the chaotic situation returned to their homeland. After all, from just now, a series of various things have completely lost control.

First, the recovery of the White Devils, which was originally planned to be completed in a few days, was extremely accelerated, and then there was the appearance of a shadow that had never been heard of before. What was even more shocking was Xie Zhifei, who appeared after the shadow.

Xie Zhifei has completely fallen into the weird side. Fool, at least there are people like Yi Nian and Ji Qinger who are skeptical. But Xie Zhifei's appearance was too shocking, almost completely monster-like, which made them believe what they said before.

But then he shot at the shadow of the White Devil without hesitation, but Hao Lian and Guang, the mortal enemies of the White Devil, who wanted to kill him quickly, took the initiative to stop him.

In the end, the roaring monster who should have completely fallen into the weird side turned his head and tried to convince them with clear logic, and his purpose was to save people.

Who should you trust? This became the question before everyone.

Hao Lian and Guang had problems, whether Yang Gu or Shadow, he must be hiding something, and now he took the initiative to intercept Xie Zhifei's matter, which explained the matter more clearly.

But the matter of the Hao Lian clan and the White Demons being feuding is mostly true, whether it is Hao Lian and Guang, or all the Hao Lian clan who follow him, they really want to completely destroy the White Demon. Every word and deed can be reflected.

The bigger problem is that Xie Zhifei's problem is bigger than that of Hao Lian and Heguang. He has indeed concealed the identity of the daughter of the shadow. After sniping the White Devil's Son of God, he disappeared with the Shadow Daughter, and he didn't know where he went.

And now, he ran out after the shadow of the White Demon, roaring in the world in an almost bizarre posture. It can be seen from his conversation with Hao Lian and Guang that he doesn't even care whether the world is destroyed or not, he just wants to save the Shadow Daughter. How credible are his words?

Such choices are placed in the game, and they are all important branch plot options that absolutely affect the ending of the story. Under normal circumstances, everyone will save a file first, and then make their own choice after considering it again and again.

However, the reality is not archived, and this process of consideration will be stretched several times. Of course, this is also for ordinary people. There are always some people who are not ordinary people. For them, this is not a multiple-choice question at all. The so-called choice occurs because they do not know which is correct.

The silver-white light flashed, like the reflection of the wings of a dragonfly on the water, and the sword in Ji Qing'er's hand had already been drawn, and it was just a short distance away. In an instant, he crossed a long distance and appeared behind the white devil's shadow.

Should I trust Xie Zhifei or Hao Lian Heguang? There is no need for her to choose such a question, and she has never doubted Xie Zhifei.

The sharp blade of the Yue Girl Sword pierced into Shadow's vest, and then there was a fierce sound of gold and iron symphony, and the unstable shadows that formed Shadow's body stuck the sword in Ji Qing'er's hand like a rasp. Constantly biting and twisting, making it difficult to advance.

At this time, Ruyue's crimson knife light slashed diagonally down from the top, and Luo Hu, who was thinking about it, followed him. Even Ji Qing'er turned her head in surprise and looked at this unhappy little bastard. It's hard to believe options that might affect the future of the world, and he made them so easily.

However, before Ji Qinger could ask, the shadow that had been attacked twice in a row finally responded, and the shadows poured out of its body like a tide. The two who came up by surprise were forced back again.

At the same time as the landing, Yi Nian still had thoughts and joked with Ji Qinger. "Look at it, I'm different from you. It's not for the kid. How can a hero save the world by sacrificing innocent little girls."

After he finished speaking, he shook the knife in his hand, "So, I hate this kind of thing that can't be chopped the most."

"I... Shi Yuqing is my best friend..." Ji Qing'er blushed and explained subconsciously. But at this moment, the shadow that poured out changed its appearance in the air, condensed into two huge fists and slammed down at the two of them.

"Now is the time for bickering!" The purple smoke wall stopped the two of them at the last minute. Liu Huan folded his hands in a gesture of covering, and before anyone came over, the sermons were done one step ahead. "However, you white-haired monkey, it is rare to say something human." He squinted his eyes and looked at Yi Nian.

"Who are you calling the white-haired monkey!" Yi Nian shouted to Liu Huan, the knife light in his hand slashed towards the shadow in front of him the moment the purple smoke wall disappeared, and the strange tacit understanding between the two was still the same as before.

"Stop them!!" Hao Lian and Guang struggled to resist Xie Zhifei's storm-like attack, and finally took out some energy to order the Hao Lian family.

Just saying that almost made half of his palm cut off by Xie Zhifei.

The Hao Lian clan's clan members also moved very quickly. At the same time as Yi Nian's second knife was cut out, Lei Ting and the water jet stopped together in front of his knife light.

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