No one can ignore such a change. Except for Po Jun, who was at the center of the accident from the beginning, Greedy Wolf appeared in the same place like a ghost, glanced at the dry sacrificial skin on the ground, and turned to ask Hao Lian and Guang. "The white devil is awake?"

Hao Lian and Guang rarely did not answer, but stared at the huge eye in the sky, and for the first time a very strong emotion appeared on the face with a faint smile.

The emotions of hatred, anger, surprise, and anticipation were mixed together strangely, and the muscles of the whole body collapsed so tightly that the whole body was trembling slightly. He was nervous, and he didn't dare to blink, as if he was afraid of missing the moment when the White Devil appeared.

Greedy Wolf got his own answer from his performance, and frowned as deeply as Po Jun beside him. What was the reason for the early recovery of the White Demon, he did not know and did not want to know. But the impact of this event is real.

The original preparation time was almost squeezed to the limit, which would greatly reduce the assistance they could rely on. At the same time, a large number of high-end technical personnel did not complete the evacuation, which would cause a lot of restraint to protect them.

If it is completely ignored, regardless of the results of the battle with the White Devils, the loss of this group of industry-leading scientists and senior engineers will be to the Fool, China, and even the world and people. are incalculable results.

"Construct the fortifications on the spot! Continue the strategic arrangement after confirming safety." Compared with Po Jun's savage-like physique, Greedy Wolf's body is definitely slender. But at this time, the voice he shouted was extremely loud, and a gust of wind swept across the small Yanggu.

All those who were shocked by this sudden mutation felt a sharp tingling sensation when they heard the sound, as if a needle had pierced their arms. He quickly regained his senses, and immediately began to act according to Greedy Wolf's order.

Originally, the multi-purpose vehicle laying the energy pipeline quickly switched the working module. The iron knife of hard steel cut into the soil, knocked, smashed, and lifted the soil. At the same time, the broken soil was thrown three meters high, and the depth exceeded one meter five. The trenches appeared quickly. The action team grabbed the shovel and jumped into it to repair the cat's ear hole.

The scientists and engineers of the scientific research team were not idle, and they selectively removed the steel plates originally used for the construction of strategic fortifications.

Take out a piece of toothpaste-like green glue from the backpack and apply it to the edge, and start splicing. Just like a child piecing together Lego toys, the speed is fast and the movements are skilled. I don't know how many times I have practiced it. I don't know what the green gel is, and after sticking, the small flamethrower quickly heats up and becomes as strong as the material itself.

The half-dome's double-layered semi-circular defensive sphere top shell was produced at an astonishing speed. At this time, the crawler that had dug the trench came over, lifted the top of the shell, and bit into the top of the trench that had just been dug. At the same time, the execution group is also internally riveted and reinforced with the terrain. The movements are skilled and fast, and I don't know how many times they have honed them.

For more than ten minutes, there were more than twenty silver-white mushroom buns hiding in various parts of Yanggu, and all the Fools and non-combatants hid in them. Well, among the combatants, if it wasn't for the black moon being pulled to the death, most of the William who had reacted would have also hid in it.

On the opposite side of the Fool are the warriors of the Hao Lian family. This warrior team, whose average age is less than 30 years old, stood neatly behind Hao Lian and Guang. With their breathing, faint light spots rose from them, and the Divine Rune was obviously fully mobilized.

The two emotions of relief and death were condensed in them. Like their patriarch, they also stared at the huge eye in the sky. Waiting for the appearance of the fateful enemy who has been entangled with their family for thousands of years.

Without letting them wait for long, the red light that formed the giant pupil suddenly lit up, each of which was like the filament of a kilowatt incandescent lamp that was energized, and the light was so dazzling that even the flares in the sky were covered in the past. .

On the contrary, the dark pupil part has become deeper, and the incomparably pure black is condensed inside, and the light, air and even eyes will be completely absorbed by the darkness. Then someone came out of there.

Or maybe something else.

It was something that was not human at all, but still barely maintained its human form, and the fragmented darkness formed the outline of a human being. The details of facial features and muscles do not exist at all, and the thin ones seem to have only two dimensions.

The unstable body is constantly changing, and there are burrs like old photos that are dizzy. Such an approximate thing came out of that pupil.

"Is this the White Devil?" Greedy Wolf frowned, feeling the cold and dry aura in the air like a cold wind.

"No." It was not Hao Lian and Guang who answered him, but Po Jun beside him, "The breath is not right." Although it was still strong, it was still worse than Bechymos in Sicily. The grand concept that belongs to the gods does not exist in the existence in front of him. Moreover, he who fought with the White Devil's Son of God, which is one of his descendants, could feel that although the taste was similar, it was not exactly the same.

Compared with the White Devil, the smell of the existence in front of him is too simple, like only the top notes of perfume, but without the complexity and the changes that follow. just part of it.

"This is his shadow." Hao Lian and Guang finally spoke, and it was only half an hour after the opening of the sacrificial ceremony to the appearance of the shadow. But his voice seemed to be twenty years older all of a sudden.

The gentleness and elegance have all disappeared, and the voice is dry and mean, like rough metal colliding together, full of hysterical madness.

"The White Devil is sealed in Yanggu, and the shadow is here to wake him up completely." Hao Lian and Guang stretched out their tongues and licked their dry upper lip, and a **** smile emerged from the corners of their mouths. It was as if the old glutton had seen his favorite food, his eyes were full of naked desire, but he was repressing it, waiting for the food to be the most delicious.

"Shadow? Why didn't you mention this?" Po Jun turned his head, almost interrogating.

"Because I don't need it." Hao Lian and Guang smiled again, "Get ready, the final battle is about to begin. The battle to completely kill the White Demon..."

His voice fell, the shadow took a step forward, the red giant eyes behind him began to slowly shrink inward, and the two red swimming lights collided and turned into a single point, becoming less and less and smaller, as if a single The door is about to close.

Everyone held their breath, and when the door was completely closed, it was time for the shadow to move on to the next step. Perhaps that is what Hao Lian and Guang said, when the final war began.

The giant eye finally shrunk to the size of a fist, and the next moment it will burst into the air like a spark, and everyone's heartbeat has reached the threshold. , the battle will start immediately.

At this moment, one arm suddenly stretched out from the shrunk pupil, and then the second, two hands firmly grasped the frame of the shrunk pupil, holding it tightly to prevent it from closing. The force was huge, and the veins burst like a small snake.

The blue fluorescent light burst out from the hand and the pupil, and then the pupil, which was closing, was forcibly propped open again, from the size of a fist, to a size that could allow half a person to pass through.

"Give me back the person!" A voice like Jiuyou's evil ghost came from behind the forcibly propelled door.


Chapter 77 Fury

Fear, Xie Zhifei thought that he had almost forgotten this feeling, but when the shadow appeared, he realized that the innate instinct of this creature has always been deeply rooted in his bone marrow, and every A trace of blood is hooked together, and there is no way to remove it.

The reason why I thought I had forgotten him was because I hadn't encountered anything that could make my life feel in danger for too long. Even in Sicily, Behemoth's opponents are still the three final frontiers, although the gods and beast tides that fight against him are also very strong. pushed him to the limit.

But that was also the result of him constantly calculating victory and squeezing himself step by step. And when he finally faced Bechymos, he had completely let go of the power of the wolf and turned into a crazy beast, and it had nothing to do with fear.

The shadow in front of him just appeared in front of him, and he didn't even look at him. He couldn't move because of fear.

Huge pressure like a mountain and an indescribable murderous aura, he is also an expert in the use of murderous aura, and can use such moves as pressure. But the clearer you are, the more you can feel the gap between yourself and the other party.

Even if he knew instinctively that the other party had no intention of killing him, but just by looking directly at the figure, he would know instinctively if he dared to make any changes. That murderous aura like countless sharp blades that drink blood will tear him apart without hesitation.

Dare to take any action, and can't make any action. All muscles, even cells, were frozen in such murderous aura. I can only watch the shadow walk in front of me step by step. Casually grabbed Shi Yuqing, who was also shocked by murderous intent, from the chains.

Like a rag doll, he casually stuffed her into the body made of shadows. Just like a **** walking in the world, except for him, everything in this world is just props and dolls that can be manipulated at will. No one, no thing or existence can go against his will.

In front of him, no one could make any moves, not even prostrate and look directly, and could only fear and surrender under the vast majesty.

The shuttle-shaped door of light opened in front of him. Even if it was far away, Xie Zhifei could still feel the smell of order, which was completely different from the shadow world.

He is going to the real world.

The brain comes to this result.

Sealed in the shadow world is the shadow of the White Devil, which is also the source of his power. This is the chance he left for himself to turn the tables, thinking that Yanggu is the garden of the Lord of Siguang. The Shadow Realm is the palace of the White Devils.

Even if Lord Siguang wins the battle, he still cannot stay here for a long time, because there is no light here, and he will weaken infinitely. Only one seal is left. Separate the White Devil's power from his body, so that he can never recover.

And after his shadow is revived, he will use the blood of the Shadow Daughter to open the door of the cell that holds his body.

Shi Yuqing will die.

Xie Zhifei suddenly wanted to laugh, but Shi Yuqing would still die. Saying that she is more important than the world, saying that no matter where he goes, he will definitely save her?

What are you kidding? ! the second time? Even right in front of his eyes, he just watched her being taken away like this? There is no room for excuses and explanations. He just watched her being taken away from him?

He still remembered the joy in her eyes when he appeared twice. And she couldn't even lift her head when she was taken away.

The spread of guilt is like the extraction of thousands of vines from the seeds, which instantly take root in every corner of the heart, absorbing all the emotions and memories as nourishment.

And the guilt that breeds ignites anger, and anger leaps into every corner of the body with every heartbeat like the essence, and a fiery heat completely different from burning blood bursts out from every cell, almost burning Xie Zhifei's reason. Lose.

Something terrifying, ghastly, was about to crawl out of his body. And it was with the power of this thing that he finally broke free from the coercion left by the shadow, and moved his fingers slightly.

The world is wrong.

Errors also have a reason for their existence.

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