But time is running out, and Xie Zhifei will definitely not give up such an opportunity. Burning blood, the blood-colored pattern burned on him in an instant, and the blood-colored tide surging in the pupil shrinking in.

With a click, a footprint was left on the ground, and a cobweb-like crack spread around it. And Xie Zhifei had turned into a light and shadow and rushed out.

"Uh-" When the last Sheepshead Cultist reacted, cobweb-like blood lines had already surrounded them. The next moment, all the companions around turned into a pile of fragments and fell to the ground.

His brain, which had been destroyed by the power of the white magic, could not understand the situation in front of him, but he was able to recognize that the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him was not his companion.

"Roar—" Subconsciously, he opened his mouth and roared at him. There was some kind of blood sticking to his tawny teeth. It was a scene that could instantly destroy one's appetite.

Sure enough, even in such a situation, the thoughts spilling out of the Sheepshead Cultists in front of them did not change much, but the share of violence and killing in the chaotic instincts within them has increased significantly.

"Well, maybe you can try it like this." He was thinking like a child, but this time he actually provided him with a fairly reliable idea.

So the Sheepshead Cultist, who was roaring and was about to pounce, instantly felt a massive amount of thinking information being crushed in front of him.


Chapter 63 Chaos IV

As the saying goes, mentally handicapped children have a lot of fun. Although Xie Zhifei is neither a mentally ill person nor a mentally handicapped child, the fact that he is thinking about running a horse now is not much worse than the two.

Therefore, compared to him, who was a realistic pessimist in normal times, his thinking is indeed broad and broad now, and sometimes the angle is absolutely extraordinary. Just like when he discovered that the Sludge Monster relies on overflowing thoughts to carry out his own thinking. Such a biased angle is not something that ordinary people can react to so quickly.

And now the last Sheepshead believer left in front of Xie Zhifei realized the power of Xie Zhifei's deviant thinking.

Xie Zhifei's idea is very simple. Since thinking can be spilled, and can also be heard, heard and understood by others, the Sludge Monster can even rely on things to complete his own thinking. So what happens when he directs his thoughts to others?

The Sheepshead Cultist in front of him was so stupid that he couldn't expect to get anything other than breath from his mouth. But anyway, he knows what he wants, and he can just guide him to think what he wants.

Now that he has thought of it, then just do it, so the next moment, Xie Zhifei's mind directly crushed the sheep head cultivator in front of him. For the first time in this special place, the soul strengthened by the Green Pond is expressed in such a direct way.

The emerald green storm exploded directly in front of the face of the Sheepshead. This was a real brainstorm, and there was not much left in his poor ruined brain. In the face of such a storm, even without the ability to resist, it was crushed into slag. Then instinctively began to follow Xie Zhifei's thinking.

"Boss... over there..." Xie Zhifei's intermittent thoughts were quickly captured by Xie Zhifei. Xie Zhifei, who nodded with satisfaction, let go of the Sheepshead Cultist in his hand and turned his head to look in the direction in his mind. The emerald green storm suddenly disappeared just like it appeared suddenly.

Only the Sheepshead Cultist who was standing there dumbfounded was the only one left. The thinking that has been completely crushed once, there is nothing left. If it was a beast driven by instinct in the past, it is now just a skin bag.

Following the direction pointed out by the Sheepshead Cultists, Xie Zhifei went all the way, and as expected, he encountered two waves of Sheepshead Cultists in a row. After doing the same thing again, I met a person with a slightly clearer mind and got a lot of useful information.

It is mainly divided into two aspects. One is the shadow world itself. After all, the shadow world has always existed for a long time, and it has not been long before this wave of Sheep Head cultists have moved in. The shadow world itself has many secrets, and what surprised Xie Zhifei was the foggy place where he left.

It is a forbidden area known as the Black Howling Swamp, and there are not one out of ten people (sheep head cultists) who enter it. Thinking of the weird silt monster and the extremely low visibility, it can really make people get lost in it forever.

If it wasn't for the power from Ben Wolf that made his habit of chaos faster than he imagined, plus a little luck when choosing a direction. He really may not be able to get out. Especially the last imagining, the pile of mist surging from the depths, made Xie Zhifei feel a chill behind him.

And the second news is about the White Devils. According to the priests, the Lord of the Sheepsheads, that is, the resurrection of the White Devil, has already been mentioned on the agenda. 'The Son of God has exchanged his sacrifice for the leader of the Forsaken's family, and the great Lord can immediately retrieve the power stolen by the Forsaken and rule this world. ’ This was the thinking in the head of the Sheepshead.

If nothing else, the leader of that sworn remnant is Shi Yuqing. After Hao Lian knew that Xia Cope had learned that the Daughter of Shadow was once the head of the Hao Lian family, he understood that the Daughter of Shadow was just the name that the Hao Lian family used to call their former compatriots. Naturally, this title does not have much hope that it will be used by the Sheepshead.

According to the legends of the Hao Lian clan, the White Demon, the former Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Siguang, are brothers of the world jointly managed, so there seems to be nothing wrong with the White Demon calling the elder brother who has sealed him an Abandoner.

"The Lord is accumulating strength for his recovery, and the priests are building the altar..." This was the last useful news Xie Zhifei got.

It seems that I have a little more time. Xie Zhifei, who was rubbing his head, thought so, that brainstorming, which has always been easy to use, finally reflects its own shortcomings.

Using it for the first time for this thoughtful and logical Sheepshead really gave him a lot of useful information. But the backlash was also beyond imagination. After thinking with Xie Zhifei for a period of time, the Sheepshead Cultist's thinking showed amazing resistance, and that resistance even far exceeded the intensity of his own thinking.

In the face of resistance to Xie Zhifei, he chose to directly suppress it without hesitation, and as a result, the head of the sheep head cultist in front of him directly exploded. And his thoughts exploded in Xie Zhifei's "brainstorm" like high explosives.

Xie Zhifei immediately knelt on the ground and cried out in pain, as if he had pushed a red-hot soldering iron into the depths of his brain and stirred it vigorously.

It took a long time to slow down. This kind of thinking does have a power far beyond reality under the strengthening of this special place in the shadow world. But what hasn't changed is that it is itself the most vulnerable part of humanity.

This method of Xie Zhifei's use is like directly exposing his soul, and he can indeed achieve the effect of crushing in the face of weak enemies. However, if the opponent has room to resist, the damage caused to him is also doubled. Simply put, it drags the damage directly to the level of real damage.

The mobs that couldn't break the defense with normal attacks were more likely to be dropped by Xie Zhifei in seconds, but at the same time, they could also cause enough real damage. And when Xie Zhifei encounters a person who is about the same level, or even just one or two levels below him, he will most likely suffer a big loss. Because after all, there is still a hand of self-destruction, which can achieve the effect of hurting the enemy 800 in the case of self-destruction of 1000.

And the Sheepshead believers are all lunatics who dare to blow themselves up. Xie Zhifei, who had figured out the situation, quickly sealed the trick that had not been used for a long time. Sure enough, no matter how broad a neurological patient's thinking is, the results of this thinking are not acceptable to normal people...

And now he probably knows the current situation, and doesn't have to rely on this trick anymore.

Holy sites and sacrifices? Xie Zhifei narrowed his eyes slightly, although his mind was still groggy as if he had been punched. But it has not affected him to continue to set foot on the road ahead.

After all, time waits for no one.


Chapter 64 Chaos Five

As Xie Zhifei advanced, traces of human beings finally began to appear on the deserted plain.

Of course it's just a trace. In a place like the Shadow Realm, apart from a few twisted trees and thorns less than two meters high, there is no other material at all. Even the black soil on the ground showed a strange and brittle characteristic, which was difficult to use.

Of course, Xie Zhifei didn't expect to see a city of sheep head believers here. However, it was so desolate that he couldn't help frowning. After all, there is no cover, and it will definitely greatly increase the difficulty of mixing in.

Although it is not clear where Shi Yuqing is, according to the thinking of the Sheepshead Cultist, things like holy places and sacrifices sound like places with strict discipline.

After Xie Zhifei forgot a glance from a distance, he slowly stepped back. Not that he had given up, but it was clear that some preparation was needed before moving on.

After less than an hour, Xie Zhifei returned to the original place, but this time he had a white robe painted with strange patterns on his body. As for its original owner, it has now fallen into the bottom of a crack in the earth in the distance, if there is a bottom there.

It obviously wouldn't take so long if it was just to hunt down a Sheep-headed cultist and unplug his clothes. In Xie Zhifei's current position, the density of Sheepshead Cultists was already very high. In about five minutes, Xie Zhifei had already completed his hunt.

The rest of the time, he spent observing the thinking pattern of the Sheepshead.

Although it sounds a bit strange, in the film industry, the thinking will overflow unconsciously. Thinking is actually the best way to identify, more reliable than smell and appearance.

After the Green Pond had greatly strengthened Xie Zhifei's soul strength, he could even feel the thoughts of the Sheepshead Cultists from a few hundred meters away.

And the Sheepshead cultists who were caught by Xie Zhifei had no way of concealing their thinking at all. Xie Zhifei's thoughts, which were pure in themselves, were thoroughly understood after ten minutes of study. The rest of the time is just how to simulate.

The benefits of high soul strength are reflected here. In the previous fight with the Sludge Monster, Xie Zhifei already knew that the overflowing thinking was only the most superficial thinking. He can completely think about one thing on the surface, and at the same time think about another thing deep inside. This kind of double-packaging of thinking sounds difficult.

However, even if Xie Zhifei was able to complete the double-thinking package, how to make the leaked outer thoughts consistent with the Sheepshead Cultists still wastes a lot of his efforts.

After all, he had to make sure that he was really thinking about something else, and that what he thought on the surface couldn't go wrong, which really made Xie Zhifei's brain hurt. But he finally succeeded. What actually helped him was the thinking of the horse-running thinking that had been against him from the beginning.

Perhaps only in a place like the Shadow Realm can one feel the strange situation where one's mind is not under his control. And it was this situation that allowed him to use that part of his uncontrolled mind as a shell of disguise.

The world is really much more fantastic than imagined. Xie Zhifei couldn't help sighing after finishing it.

But no matter how magical and fantastic the world is, what he wants to do is always the same. After taking a deep breath, he confirmed his chaotic thinking.

Xie Zhifei started walking forward. Not walking fast, crooked, as if aimlessly, stopping for two steps and then continuing, there is no difference between the sheep's head cultists wandering in the shadow world.

But if you connect the paths he travels, you will find that although he will deviate from both sides from time to time, the whole is indeed moving in the same direction.

But after all, no one can open such a perspective of God, so Xie Zhifei still seems to be just a low-level sheep head believer wandering aimlessly.

At least in the eyes of the first high-level Sheepshead Cultist he met after he had walked for a long time, he really just happened to wander here.

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