And Xie Zhifei's situation was really bad at the beginning. The erosion of chaos made it difficult for him to even maintain the main body. But perhaps because there is still order after all, he quickly completed his self-construction.

And at this time, the voice appeared. Looking back at its first two sentences, you will find that it does not reveal any useful information. After Xie Zhifei completed his guess, the information in his words became more and more specific.

I just thought that he could be the same as Xie Zhifei's psychological voice, it was just the overflow of thinking. Even if the main body is established, when thinking about a certain thing, thinking and memory will still overflow, and the voice that captures this thinking will persuade Xie Zhifei according to what Xie Zhifei thinks.

But just like what Xie Zhifei said, the description of Ben Wolf captured by the voice ultimately originated from Xie Zhifei's own thinking. But he knew better that his guess was wrong. Destruction is a more essential concept that Ben Wolf cannot understand.

But by borrowing it, Xie Zhifei was able to complete the thinking that he could not do well. After all, although the concept of the subject has been clarified, it is just a change of thinking from a wild horse that runs away to a running child. But the voice was very good to complete the part of his thinking that he couldn't do.

The most important of these is the relationship between chaos and order, and order itself is one of the manifestations of chaos. Just like the infinite monkey law, as long as there are enough possibilities, there is a chance of any outcome.

Then, chaos and order are not so clear-cut, and more importantly, he suddenly reacted to one thing. That's where it's definitely not as utterly confusing as the voice says.

You must know that the headquarters of the Sheep Head Cultists is also here. Although those guys have been transformed and infected by the power of the White Devils, they have become half crazy. But they are still human in nature.

To put it simply, it is like a program modified from a C program to a JAVA program, although it is very different from the original. But it is still essentially a program. Living in pure chaos is no less difficult for creatures of order than turning a program into flesh and blood.

So there must be order here, and the wolves are creatures in chaos. So maybe he can't survive in pure chaos, but there is no reason why he can't adapt to an environment that even Sheepshead believers can adapt to.

This is also the biggest reliance for him to dare to come to the film world, but in the chaos just now, he himself forgot all these things, or he didn't think it would be more appropriate.

That's why he thanked the voice for the reminder, the voice with logical thinking, which helped him complete all the things he didn't expect.

Xie Zhifei gave up his resistance to the erosion of chaos, and the so-called resistance would only make the order in his body collapse faster. After order and chaos are no longer in contact, the power that belongs to the wolf will flow.

Although it still seems a little disconnected from different sources, at least he can adapt to this space. So he was able to stand up and be able to see.

Gray and white, the whole world has lost all its colors, and there are only shades of gray and white. Movie world? The name is also appropriate. After taking a look at the world, Xie Zhifei turned his attention back to more important goals. The one whose purpose was to confuse him, but helped him sort out his emotions, "Voice".

After looking left and right a few times, and there was really nothing else nearby, he was sure that the sound really came from the lump in front of him. Pay attention to the quantifier lump. In simple terms, the thing in front of him is a big lump of silt in a stinky ditch, a dark black sticky bubble that keeps rising upwards. There are also a few things like bones or dead branches stuck in it.

Compared to it, the slime, which is a close relative, is much cuter.

"Ugly is just an appearance. Judging at first glance is an irrational behavior." To Xie Zhifei's imagination, even though his identity was revealed, his voice did not turn into anger, but continued to maintain a philosophical tone and Xie Zhifei communicated.

And hearing it, Xie Zhifei raised his eyebrows, thought of a possibility, and smiled, "This is really interesting..."

And this time, before he finished speaking, the voice that had been restrained until now suddenly attacked him. Inside the silt-like body, an attack was fired at him at the speed of an arrow.

Xie Zhifei seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and turned his whole body to the side to avoid it. But he obviously overestimated his ability in the shadow world. With the movement of his thoughts, the whole figure was like a puppet that was being pulled, swerved suddenly, and then fell to the ground.

When the strong impact and pain came, Xie Zhifei realized what happened just now.

"Sure enough, people can't be too proud." With a wry smile, Xie Zhifei stood up again.

"Among the seven original sins of mankind, pride is the most serious sin, and the consequences it brings are naturally fatal. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that arrogant soldiers will be defeated..." The Sludge Monster did not take the opportunity to attack, but continued to rustle. babbled.

"You say yes." Xie Zhifei didn't deny it, "Anyway, goodbye now." Then he planned to turn around and leave. In the short period of time just now, he probably understood the nature of the silt monster.

It is a being that does not have thinking and thinking itself, but it does think and respond accordingly. Just like the attack just launched. Its thinking can only be generated when it receives the surrounding source of thinking.

So from the very beginning, it was following Xie Zhifei's overflowing thinking in a dialogue, and even if the truth was discovered, there was no sign of embarrassment. And the attack it suddenly issued was also because Xie Zhifei started thinking about attacking it in his head after he smiled, and it also followed this thinking to its own thinking.

There is no way to think deeply. You can only think according to the overflowing shallow thinking, which can basically be judged as not threatening. At most, it's just a little talkative, just think about other things and walk away slowly.

Of course, the main reason for leaving is that in the current situation, he should not be able to beat it.

As he thought, after he slowly retreated, the Sludge Monster had no intention of catching up. The entire shadow world was filled with thick fog, and the visual distance was no more than fifteen meters. Controlling his unskilled body, Xie Zhifei walked staggeringly.

After walking quite a distance, he suddenly thought of some terrifying possibility, and looked back suddenly to where he came from. The same thick fog allowed him to see only a short distance, but he seemed to be able to feel something huge in the fog behind him beginning to churn.

"No! No!" Xie Zhifei patted his face sharply, "Don't think about it, save people first, save people first." Then he continued to walk forward.

And the fog that was surging behind also calmed down slowly with this situation...


Chapter 62 Chaos III

Xie Zhifei did not have any goals or judgments to choose the direction. Instead, he thought of getting away from the unbeatable black mud first and left in the opposite direction.

In fact, in a place where there is no way to judge the east, west, north and west, if you choose a direction at will, the possibility of the wrong road is far greater than the possibility of the right one. But because of the fact that the child continued to run around in his mind, he didn't realize it at first.

And by the time he realized it, he had come a long way. Although there is no way to judge, this period is very long, how long it is. But Xie Zhifei, who began to think about this matter seriously, found that he could only go on.

Because now he still doesn't know where he should go, except that he can't go back and meet the silt monster again, all the other directions are the same.

So it's better to bet on your luck the first time, or wait until you encounter a different situation for the first time to get information that can change the status quo in which all possibilities are equal. And moving forward is significantly greater than the likelihood of getting information.

After all, even if the possibility is the same, at least if there is a boundary in the shadow world, and he has gone so far in one direction, then the possibility of reaching the boundary here is obviously the greatest.

Perhaps it was because of luck, or because the final judgment was indeed correct. After Xie Zhifei walked for a while, the length of the distance that could not be judged. He came out of the fog.

As if it had penetrated a layer of enchantment, the grayish-white mist quickly faded. It disappeared completely within a range of tens of meters. Let him be able to see a clear shadow world for the first time.

The twisted trees and the cracked ground have a strange feeling of apocalyptic wasteland. Several huge pillars of black smoke stretched from the ground to the sky, if that could be called another chaotic gray of the sky.

After Xie Zhifei glanced around, he took Shen Qing away from his hand. In the previous fog, Shen Qing had been held in his hand, and this protective artifact always radiated a faint light in an environment like the Shadow Realm. So it was held by Xie Zhifei in his hand to assist in advancing.

Thinking that since Xie Zhifei obtained this weapon from the Destiny Arena, although he also followed Ji Qinger seriously to learn swordsmanship for a period of time. But the way it is used has always been very rustic, or weird. Digging soil, chopping branches, and this time being used as a flashlight and crutches in one.

If Shen Qing had an artifact, he would probably have cried a long time ago, and then clamored for a change of owner.

But in short, Shen Qing is a good employee who works hard, but when there is no fog, he still walks with a light tube, except that it is easier to expose his existence, there is really no other benefit.

During the long progress just now, Xie Zhifei also slowly became familiar with his own body in this world. At least the walking posture is not as awkward as it used to be. If I was attacked by the Sludge Monster again, I wouldn't fall to the ground again...probably.

The physical quality has dropped by more than 90%, and the same is true of Haoran Qi. It is probably the reason for incompatibility. The order has not reached the divine weapon level like Shenqing, and it will be greatly suppressed here. Of course, Xie Zhifei thinks that Shen Qing has also been weakened to some extent, but he knows too little about it and can't feel it.

Saying that, here I am crying again for the poor choice of the master of this artifact. Of course, not all power is suppressed here, and the power from Ben wolf has been strengthened. After burning blood, the physical quality can be greatly improved. Under the circumstance that the basic quality has been weakened so much, the result is similar to that achieved by releasing it outside.

The blood itself also carries a special kind of corrosive, which will cause material damage to the target itself before cutting. However, it was not divine corrosiveness, but a chaotic environment, where some originally hidden attributes began to manifest.

Destroy...? After Sicily had completely released the power of Ben Lang, Xie Zhifei seemed to feel it in the burning Cang Yan, which belonged to the power of a certain essence of Ben Lang.

This destructive power is also reflected in the condensing of the red spear of Zhang Er, even if the amount is different, the blade of the spear becomes like iron. It made Xie Zhifei not quite sure whether he was getting stronger or weaker.

But no matter how strong or weak, what to do is always the same. After roughly confirming and getting acquainted with his current body and strength. He moved on.

As the saying goes, misfortunes don’t come singly, but luck is actually the same. Things like fortune last for a period of time. Xie Zhifei's fortune during this period looks really good. He didn't go very far before he made new discoveries.

After there was no thick fog, there was nothing to obstruct the vision except for the cracks on the desolate land. The wide field of vision allowed him to see the distant scenery very well. Then he found his purpose.

In fact, rather than seeing it, it is more about hearing it.

"" Thoughts like this were broadcast in the air. And its sender has no intention of restraining at all. That instinctive way of thinking mixed with sulfur. Xie Zhifei really couldn't think of anyone other than the Sheepshead Cultists.

Sure enough, he soon saw more than a dozen sheep-headed believers in white robes standing at the same place about a hundred meters away. It seems that the leakage of thoughts is not the case of himself alone, but that everyone in the film industry has such a situation. However, in comparison, his own restraint is much stronger.

Although from a distance, he could feel that this group of people didn't think about anything useful, and most of them were the kind of cannon fodder he encountered in the community park for the first time who couldn't even think.

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