When I saw that I was about to be wrapped in the surging water, the crimson knife light suddenly lit up! Xie Zhifei subconsciously raised the red spear in his hand and blocked it in front of him! The guns and knives collided, and the powerful impact directly knocked the two back and flew out!

"If you open teammates to hurt, you will be banned!"

"Never mind, I'd rather have a title than be sealed in that thing!" Yi Nian got up from the ground. At that moment, he regarded Xie Zhifei as the target of his attack, and escaped by attacking him. And where he was standing, a water polo with a diameter of more than five meters has risen from the ground and floated in mid-air. If he hadn't escaped, the result would have been to be trapped in this water polo.

What will happen after that? The ice fog spreads on the surface of the water polo at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye the water polo turns into a big ice puck! Ice goblins are basically idiots, but the nature of goblins also makes them keen on games. One of their favorites is to freeze frogs by the pool.

The water polo is wrapped, frozen, and the next moment can make something similar to amber or crystal ball. As soon as he thought that if he was inside now, the consequences would not be much better than that of a frog. He had a black line in his head when he thought about it. And the ice fairies' offensive is obviously not over yet.

With a roar, the ice ball suddenly exploded, and a huge, pure ice giant jumped out from it. About four meters tall, strong and huge, it seems to be the ultimate upgraded version of the frost demon.

Ice Elemental Summons. One of the goblins' housekeeping skills, Qiu Zhiyu can summon spirits, ice fairies summon ice giants, fire fairies summon fire giants, wood fairies summon tree people, basically people, no, goblins will. Click on a basic skill. Really useful.

And this ice element giant is obviously just the beginning. After him, one after another water **** rose from the ice crystal wood, and then one after another ice element broke out of the ice, completely surrounding them. This is by no means the effect that one or two ice fairies can achieve. After the frost fairies, the ice fairies also gathered.

Unlike the frost demon, the ice fairies have five senses, and they are not so sensitive to human reactions, so the distribution is very loose, but the first ice fairies made several screams before dissolving, and one of them was obviously a call. After a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops came to meet.


Chapter 41 Demonization

run. Xie Zhifei's first reaction was this. Hundreds and ten frost demons were able to make a few people so embarrassed. Now the frost demons have become ice giants, plus the ice fairies lurking on the side. Although the ice elements do not have the ability to cast spells, the ice fairies have them. The ice elements are hard and huge, and have a self-healing effect. Coupled with the ice fairies' blizzards, ice picks and ice spears, they are a perfect T-addition brush. combination.

Sounds great, doesn't it, but not so great if you're the one being spoofed. Just thinking about pushing these things away, Xie Zhifei felt a chill in his heart, not to mention that the ice elements could be summoned continuously. Whether it can be finished or not is still a question mark.

Just when he was about to open his mouth and put forward his suggestion to temporarily avoid the edge, he found that everyone in the team except him didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. There is a big world, I can't go anywhere. Is there any way? Or are there many more Holy Light bombs? Xie Zhifei thought so in his heart.

Then I saw the purple air between Liu Huan's hands, which was clearly she was using the ability of her celestial illusionist, and a thin layer of gauze wrapped their group. And an identical figure rushed out from the spot, carrying out Xie Zhifei's idea of ​​running away just now.

The ice elements let out another roar, and they chased after them. Not only them, but the ice fairies hiding in the dark also flew out one after another, chasing after them. Xie Zhifei scratched his head in confusion, and then suddenly understood.

Although compared with the frost demons, the ice fairies are more advanced and stronger, except for one thing - judging the enemy! Only the instinctual frost demons could directly feel Xie Zhifei's aura, so they were able to surround them immediately, but the five senses of the ice fairies still existed. They still rely on their own vision to search for the enemy.

Therefore, after the Holy Light Bomb emptied the frost demons, the ability of Liuhuan had room to play, and it could do this kind of non-destructive thing. It's just that Xie Zhifei still has one doubt left.

"Should we just ignore these ice fairies?"

"As the Holy White Spirit is purified, the cradle will be completely restarted, and all pollution will be washed away. These fairies will naturally return to the Sea of ​​Elements." Yi Nian replied.

"Then why didn't the Holy White Spirit restart at the very beginning of the pollution?" Xie Zhifei wondered, "It stands to reason that death is not terrible for it, is it?"

"Because it is in charge of the lifeline of the cradle's spiritual energy, it is actually the first elf to be polluted, and the restart is based on itself. If it is restarted directly, it will only cause all the elves in the entire cradle to be polluted."

"It gathered all the pollution sources into itself from the very beginning, to buy time for the other fairies to leave, and then sealed itself in the cradle, waiting for the pollution to disappear. Or it would be purified." With such a dialogue, he carefully advanced to the depths of the cradle under the cover of the Six Magic Mist Shai.

The ice crystal trees are getting bigger and bigger, which is the proof that everyone is approaching the core step by step. And in the center of each goblin gathering place, there will be the largest Primordial Tree. It is the home of the Guardians and the connection point between the Sea of ​​Elements and Albion.

It also serves as the center of religion, entertainment and politics. It is the second favorite activity place for fairies of their respective races. What is the first? Naturally, the palace of Goblin King Oberon and Queen Titania, the Eternal Tree in the middle of Albion.

It is a place that has been recorded in countless legends. If humans get lost in the forest, they may encounter a banquet hosted by fairies under trees as large as the world. The fairies will warmly invite human beings to participate in this banquet, and countless fairies will play and play games at the banquet, breathing fire, making ice... and so on. It's fun enough to keep everyone entertained.

But if anyone gets lost in the banquet and eats or drinks any food from the banquet, then that person will forever be a member of the fairy kingdom and never return to the human world.

According to such legends, the tree that was used for banquets, which seemed to be the same size as the world, was the tree of eternity, Keryus. The name of such a big tree can be seen in almost all myths due to the propaganda of people who have left the fairies' banquet by mistake. In China, there is a giant tree whose spring is eight thousand years old and eight thousand years old is autumn. In Norse mythology, the world comes from the giant tree Uktrahir, which grew from the giant Ymir. When Hogg bites off the root of the world tree, the world will be destroyed.

Xie Zhifei and the others didn't have a chance to see the huge tree this time, but they stood in front of the primordial tree next to it, the mother tree of all ice crystal trees, the Holy White Spirit, and the seven-colored white deer Lorne's palace. .

The diameter of the huge tree is nearly 100 meters, and the size of the canopy is even more extraordinary. The branches form a palace of crystal, and when looking up, it is shining like a diamond. You can imagine how beautiful this place will be in the peak period. The light is refracted by the ice crystal wood and becomes colorful, falling from above, and countless ice fairies fly between the branches, leaving behind ice crystals and dust in the air.

The majestic and graceful white deer rested in the crystal palace, and the goblins played around him, leaving a string of silver bell-like laughter.

But now all of this does not exist. If the black aura in the ordinary ice crystal wood is still like the ink in the mixed water, the mother tree in front of it has completely turned into pure black, and you can even directly feel the magic power of stagnation. The feeling of flow in it.

Xie Zhifei remembered what Chen Ye said earlier, that Lon concentrated all the contaminated spiritual energy on himself to buy time for the evacuation of other fairies. It is simply unimaginable what kind of result will be brought about by the concentration of such a huge amount of pent-up magic power on an individual.

But fortunately, he didn't have to imagine and guess, because a voice sounded soon.

"Humans!" Different from the figures of the ice fairies, the voice was deeper and muddier, as if it was the sound of bubbles bursting from the viscous oil. "Leave-!"

"Be careful!" Xie Zhifei and Yi Nian shouted at the same time, Xie Zhifei grabbed Master Chen, Yi Nian shoved Liu Huan next to him, and the four fell to both sides. A black figure passed through the four of them, leaving a deep mark on the frozen ground.

What's even more terrifying is that the apparently too fast speed is not easy to manipulate. The black shadow slammed into the dense forest of ice crystal wood, and the sound of countless branches breaking came out. In the last muffled sound, a The huge ice crystal wood actually fell straight down, raising countless ice foam.

Xie Zhifei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this kind of speed, this kind of power... Are the few of them really here to solve it, not to be solved by it?


Chapter 42 Corruption

Xie Zhifei and the four got up from the ground, no wonder they were so embarrassed, because the speed of the Holy White Spirit's charge was too fast, even on top of the ice spear issued by the ice fairy's ice spear technique.

Before that, Xie Zhifei had seen this kind of speed in the battle between Po Jun and Joseph Alfred. When Po Jun was pursued by the three thousand needles of the corpse, the speed of dashing in the air was a little faster than this.

In other words, the fallen Holy White Spirit in front of him may even have broken through the fourth level? Even if the speed of breaking the army is not the strength of breaking the army, it can be compared with him. It can't be a general three-level level.

However, compared with Po Jun, who can turn, shift, and stop several times in the air with ease, the Holy White Spirit is obviously more than one step behind, not to mention changing directions and sudden stops, it seems that it is Even normal deceleration braking it may not be able to complete. Otherwise, it would not have knocked down the ice crystal tree.

But even so, the speed and strength shown by the Holy White Spirit just now was still enough to keep the four of them vigilant. After all, if they were scratched, it would not be as simple as seeing blood. Most are the consequences of either death or injury.

"Moo—" The thick deer ming came from where the ice crystal wood fell, and a huge black figure turned around, shook his body, and shook off the ice chips on it. Then, step by step, he walked towards a few people.

Although Titenya said that the Spirit of Saint White was the elder brother of the white deer under her seat, but at the moment of seeing it, Xie Zhifei just wanted to say, the difference between the two of you is too big! Titania's deer is not much different from other deer except for its color.

But in front of him is the "Spirit of Holy White", which is probably the existence of the giant in the deer, referred to as Roadhog. The shoulder height is more than one meter five, plus the antlers on the top of the head, the whole height is about two meters five, and the muscles of the whole body are vigorous, like the hounds such as Bit or Dogo, which have been domesticated by humans for hunting or fighting over a hundred years.

Compared with the muscles that were as strong as a beauty pageant champion, what was even more shocking was the dark oil-like aura entangled in it. The elf named Holy White Spirit no longer sees a little pure white on his body. If it weren't for the bright seven-folded colored sign beside his body, Xie Zhifei would really think that what he was standing in front of him was some kind of malicious manifestation. existence.

There was no sanity in his eyes, and anger and hatred made his eyes look like two scarlet lights. "Human—" A low voice came out of its mouth, and the air vibrated with it. Master the level of element manipulation! A few people's minds are stunned again. The ice fairies can complete the spell or shape of a certain type of element through spells or talents, which is the manipulation level.

The Holy White Spirit in front of him has reached the point where the element itself will correspond with its actions! Therefore, every time it attacks, it will inevitably bring the corresponding elemental impact.

"Get out!" Ron roared again, and icebergs sprang up from in front of him at a very fast speed, and he wanted to skewer the ground from bottom to top into skewers! Several people quickly jumped a step to both sides. Xie Zhifei and Yi Nian glanced at each other, and almost at the same time, two beams of brilliance lit up, and the swords and spears attacked Ron from the left and the right.

The latter stepped on his front hoof suddenly, and two ice walls rose up in an instant, blocking them in front of them! But how could the two of them return without success because of the two ice walls. Nodding with a thought, he retracted the knife to his waist, and stabbed forward sharply. The speed was so fast that a conical knife gang appeared in front of Luo Hu! Straight through the ice wall in front of you!

The red spear in Xie Zhifei's hand naturally did not have the penetrating power of Luo Hu, but it did not mean that he had no choice. The red lines on his body flashed, and he twisted in mid-air, turning his whole body nearly 180 degrees. There was a crackling sound like whiplash from the wrist. The red spear slammed heavily on the ice wall in front of him, and it smashed the ice wall directly!

The Luohu knife in Yi Nian's hand passed through the ice wall but could not penetrate Lorne. Compared with the solid ice wall, its body was actually stronger! The vigorous muscles gripped the blade tightly like a steel wire. What's more important is the layer of oil-like black substance on its body!

There is a saying in the jungle that there is one pig, two bears and three tigers. The wild boar will take the initiative to find the pine tree, break the bark with its fangs, and wrap a thick layer of pine oil on its body. This layer of pine oil, coupled with the thick subcutaneous fat layer, can ensure that the fangs of tigers and bears have no way to bite its vital points, and human knives and arrows can't penetrate it. In some cases, the thickness of pine oil can even exceed a knuckle, not to mention knives and arrows, sand guns, shotguns and other home-made guns are no match for them.

And the black substance on Ron's body is obviously the same as the pine oil on the wild boar! It has great smoothness and toughness itself, and when I stabbed it with a knife, it actually felt like it was going to slip away. And even if it penetrates that layer of matter, it will be firmly entangled by its stickiness, and there is no way to go deep inside. If Yi Nian can take a look through the ice wall, you will find that the layer of matter even stretches out a small tentacle-like thing as if it has its own life actively entangled on Yi Nian's blade!

And Xie Zhifei's situation is even worse! After smashing the ice wall, what he saw was the antlers like caltrops lying in front of him, and each branch of the antlers was as sharp as a blade, which could easily penetrate the human body! From top to bottom, the red spear was locked in by these antlers.

In order to smash the ice wall, Xie Zhifei turned on the majestic power of burning blood and mixing energy, and instantly poured it into the Holy White Spirit along those antlers! The latter's obviously beaten head sank, and a crack spread out on the ground under the front hoof! But even so, it still took the blow abruptly!

Before Xie Zhifei came and was shocked, the latter lowered his head abruptly, and the huge force pierced along the spear in an instant, making him almost unable to hold the handle of the gun in his hand! The whole person flew out to the back at a faster speed than before!

When he saw that the attack was unsuccessful, he also flinched. Xie Zhifei finally stabilized his figure in mid-air, stepped down on a branch of ice crystal wood, and fell back in front of Liu Huan's Master Chen, let out a groan, and an abnormal flush rushed across his face, if not If he can control the blood, there should be a blood line at the corner of his mouth.

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