Today's meeting with O'Brien seems to be a simple negotiation, but the details have been scrutinized countless times. So although I have said that no matter how powerful an individual is, when facing a race, they are still powerless. But Xie Zhifei is different from them.

Although there are indeed only four of them, standing behind them is still a race. A weak race that climbed to the top of the world step by step from the darkest bottom! Solving this matter is only the most basic. On top of this, how can we demonstrate the current power of the human world and deter it. Let the sub-exchange incident never happen again, these higher political demands are what they really have to accomplish.

Just when Xie Zhifei was thinking about these things, after completing a series of complicated configurations, Yi Nian finally put a small silver test tube gently into a spherical shell to complete the final fixation.

"I'll leave it to you next!" Yi Nian reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then smiled at Xie Zhifei.


Chapter Thirty-nine Light Bombs

"What is this?" Xie Zhifei took the "earth bomb" from Yi Nian's hand. You must know that although humans are good at making bombs, the power of handmade bombs has always been limited. Especially what Yi Nian made in such a short period of time. No fuze, no igniter, and the main material is still liquid! It made Xie Zhifei wonder what was in it.

After all, he went to class in the second half, and he was dragged by the events of Yue Jianghao and Liu Zhenfeng, so he really didn't know how to plan in the end. Although he was well-known and remembered, and Xi Ke had carried out corresponding training, the scientific research team would come up with 10,000 ideas every day, 99% of them were bombs, and 99.5% of them were bombs. It can only work on a very small scale.

Even if they don't organize the corresponding documents themselves, they may not know what they have done! Therefore, he is still very curious about how such a small thing can get rid of the hundreds of frost demons in front of him. After all, different ways also determine his throwing method.

The laser cannon-type frontal impact type is to throw a straight ball, and the nuclear explosion type mushroom-type collapse and blast type is to throw the lob into the middle...not one kind.

"Well, in terms of name, it seems to be called the Holy Light Bomb." Yi Nian scratched his head.

"Huh?" Xie Zhifei looked down at the small ball in his hand, "Does the effect cause damage equal to the attack power of each follower?" This name is too sloth! Why don't you just call it Holy Grenade? Although the number one player is very popular recently, is it a bit too much to be so hot?

"Well, the naming or whatever, it's up to him. I'll tell you the precautions." Yi Nian spread out his hands, then reached out and took out a small note from his pocket, which should be the precautions written on it.

"You said." Xie Zhifei listened carefully.

"Counting three, shouting 'Hallelujah!' and throwing it into the enemy's center. If you are within 100 meters of the bomb, please get down." Yi Nian read it in a voice without the slightest emotion. "It's over."

"I really want you to be finished!" Xie Zhifei was stunned for a moment, then reacted, glanced at the thing in his hand, and said viciously. "Is it the time to be joking?!" No wonder this thing is a meme from its name to its shape. He just didn't expect that Liu Huan would make such a joke with him.

"Who is joking with you." One thought dead fish's eyes rolled over, "That's it, Miss Lin produces it, the power is guaranteed, you will know after throwing it away."

"You're not finished, are you!"

"Xiao Fei," Chen Ye said suddenly, "Let's throw it away, my old bones won't last long."

Xie Zhifei only then realized that Chen Ye had been intercepting the ice cones all the time, but he actually said that, is this holy grenade, no, holy light bomb, a real thing? ! Although my heart is full of doubts, after all, he is also a person who has experienced several battles of life and death.

He understands that he can't hesitate in battle, so no matter how many flaws he has in his mind, his eyes are still decisive, and then a blood line sticks out from the tiger's mouth, tightly wrapping the Holy Light bomb in his hand.

Throwing a bomb is not a difficult task, especially since this sacred bomb doesn't even have a fuse or a clasp, and it doesn't even need to be taught, just throw it out like a ball. But it is not an easy thing to throw accurately, especially when the frontal ice pick and silk thread are intertwined into a chaotic battlefield, it is almost impossible to throw it into the middle of the frost demon.

So Yi Nian put it in the hands of Xie Zhifei. Although Xie Zhifei's blood control was nothing in terms of strength, it was indeed some kind of extremely convenient means after his ability to control it. The slender blood lines spurted out, forming a large arc in the air, rushing towards the frost demons.

Chen Ye's strong and domineering interception obviously attracted 100% of the Frost Demons' attention. It was inherently weird by virtue of his instinct. When someone was facing the anus, he was naturally angry. The ice picks smashed forward as if they didn't want money, even the ice fairy was no exception.

What's more, the circle Xie Zhifei has circled is big enough, the frost demons didn't feel the politics of extinction at all. Step by step, Xie Zhifei only needs to be careful to avoid the branches of the trees and ice crystal trees, and the blood lines continue. The blood loss caused by the involvement. The latter itself is a matter of habit for him, as for the former, after the power of the soul is strengthened by the green pool, it is not difficult.

Therefore, his flank strike was very successful, and when the blood line carrying the Holy Light Bomb stopped, it was already within ten meters of the Frost Demon cluster. Xie Zhifei hesitated for a moment, then opened his eyes, his blood loss face blushed strangely, and then opened his mouth and shouted.

"Hallelujah!!" The hovering blood line stretched as straight as a bow, and the sound of 'Bang——' sounded, and the bloodshot of the bomb was pulled away, the whip effect reached its extreme, and the fist-sized ball was violently The ground was thrown and flew out, and then the blood line quickly retracted along the way at a faster speed.

The frost demons obviously heard the banging sound, but because the throw was too fast, it was obviously too late to react to what it was. The Holy Light Bomb was thrown into the frost demon without any hindrance. Hit one of them. Xie Zhifei looked nervously in that direction, waiting for something to happen!

But one second and two seconds passed, nothing!

really! When I read this bastard, I dare to joke at such a time! Hallelujah! Ha, your grandma's legs! How could there be such a stupid setting! He just turned his head to look for a reckoning. However, he found that Chen Ye's defense suddenly disappeared, and countless ice picks flew towards him!

Xie Zhifei turned back faster in shock, only to find that including Ye Chen, several people were lying on the ground... lying on the ground? In the guide just now, it seemed to say that if you release within 100 meters, please lie down... I Nian told me that this is what Miss Lin made?

I fuck! Xie Zhifei shouted psychologically, and then slammed down to the next floor, not caring at all that if the thing didn't explode, he would be shoved into a sieve by the ice picks behind him. And just as he was halfway through his flight, a light suddenly lit up in the frost demon! Then came the flames!

Countless flames shot out as if they were scrambling for the first time. The speed was so fast that it swept the range of 100 meters in an instant. The speed was even higher than the ice cone that had been blasted to half, and it passed Xie Zhifei's head by an inch. The instant high temperature instantly vaporized the frost demon and countless ice picks.

"Wang——" Although it seemed that he just sent Xie Zhifei and the others in and acted as the shopkeepers, Oberon and the others were still observing this side from the distant hillside. Naturally, the majestic flames could not hide them. Qiu Zhiyu took a step forward for the first time.

"Smell of pagan gods?" said Oberon, dragging his chin. "What an interesting thing."

"King! If this kind of thing comes several times, the Eternal Land will be destroyed by them!"

"It's alright, won't the fire be gone soon?" Oberon turned to persuade Qiu Zhiyu, "These humans should know what to do. Besides, we still have fire goblins, don't worry if we can't finish burning them. …”

"But it lets them do whatever they want."

"Well, that's what I said, I'll extort a few of these things from them later..."



Chapter Forty Surrounded

"Hi-" When Xie Zhifei raised his head, all the flames above his head had disappeared, even so, the surrounding scene still made him take a deep breath. The ice cones in the sky, hundreds of frost demons, and the ice goblin disappeared in the instant high temperature and returned to the sea of ​​elements. Together with a large piece of ice crystal wood, it has melted into countless rugged appearances.

Xie Zhifei reached out and touched a big tree beside him, and instantly a layer of white ash fell all over his hand, revealing the dense xylem underneath. It can be seen what kind of situation the temperature has reached at the moment just now.

White ash is that the bark is carbonized in an instant, and the carbonized bark is burned out in an instant, leaving only the remaining inorganic salts. It's not that the level of these trees is much higher than that of the ice fairies, but it's simply a matter of patience. The high temperature just now was impossible for both of them to resist. The ice fairy, which is completely composed of ice elements, is naturally neutralized by the huge flame in an instant, and these trees can survive entirely because the flame lasts too short and the heat transfer of the trees is too slow.

"What is this?" Xie Zhifei got up and asked a second time.

"Well, didn't you say it?" Yi Nian shrugged, "Light bomb."

"Even the flames of the blazing angels can't do this!" Xie Zhifei was not a child, so he wouldn't be killed so easily. And it's not that he hasn't had contact with people in the Vatican. Although they didn't meet directly, whether it was Agrace's seance or the angel summoned by Edward, Xie Zhifei had experienced the properties of the so-called sacred fire.

Although it is also incomparably hot, it is essentially a kind of light, and it is more appropriate to say that it is purifying rather than burning. In terms of characteristics, it is completely different from the almost violent flame just now. On the contrary, it is more similar to the molten city in the hands of Scipio, but you must know that the flames of the molten city in the hands of Scipio come from the Hellfire Demon!

One thought might not be reliable, but Lin Xue definitely wouldn't. She didn't have the spare time to complain about things like naming things. Since it was called the Holy Light Bomb, it proved that it was definitely related to the Holy Light. And how to use holy light to achieve this terrifying flame made Xie Zhifei very curious.

"Do you still remember my lighter?" Yi Nian drew a big square with Xie Zhifei while he was doing it.

Xie Zhifei reacted immediately, Yi Nian did have countless lighters, even if he had seen a lot of them, but if he really had an impression, it was only that one! In the swarm of skeletal bees, the flame that spewed out was like a dragon roar, and the fuel was so strange... Wait, why did he say this, isn't it?

Seeing Xie Zhifei's expression, he immediately understood what he thought, so he nodded, "It's an upgraded version of that. In the blood of Cato, the Alfred lineage was basically wiped out by us, Miss Lin and the others. I got a lot of materials.”

"..." Even if you catch a vampire, your first reaction is to use it as a bomb? ! ! Isn't there any other use? Xie Zhifei didn't know what to say anymore.

"In short, the small ball is filled with highly concentrated source blood. If you find an ordinary person to pour it into him, you can directly raise it to the level of a viscount. Then the small test tube I put in at the end is purified holy water. The eldest lady has been inerted in some way, and the call to Hallelujah is the password to cancel the inert state. As for what will happen after that, you have seen it." Yi Nian spread his hands.

It turned out to be such a holy light bomb, and it is not wrong to say that, the flame or something is just an incidental product. However, understanding the principle did not make Xie Zhifei feel much better, but he was more determined in his heart to not get into Liuhuan's car or take Lin Xue's things!

"Let's go." Gossip said that this kind of place is almost the same, and Chen Ye signaled that it was time to move forward. After all, after all the frost demons were finally solved, they had to rush forward, lest new ice fairies be born into frost demons again. There are not many such things as holy light bombs themselves, and even if they really have enough, they don't dare to throw too many, causing the goblins to resist, it will not be worth the loss.

Entering the depths of the cradle, the transparent ice crystal wood replaced the general big tree. Unlike the tumorous trees, the ice crystal wood was polluted in a way that was different from that of the ice fairies, and dark ink stains circulated in the tree.

"Blizzard!!" Another voice sounded, Xie Zhifei and the others encountered the second ice fairy. But without the assistance of the frost demons, plus the experience and precautions, this one is obviously much more skilled than the first one. The red spear in Xie Zhifei's hand was released almost as soon as the sound rang out, passed through the fine ice blade, and took straight to the chest of the ice fairy.

Immediately afterwards, the ice blue light lit up, and the ice fairy turned into a phantom in the ice ridge escape, and when he escaped more than ten meters and showed his body again, the crimson knife light had already lit up behind it. . The crimson crescent moon vanished in a flash, and the speed was so fast that the ice fairy who had just escaped from the ice edge was unable to react at all, and was passed through by the light of the knife. A red line slanted through the body, and then turned into a burst of shattered ice flowers in the next moment. This way of dying is just like in the game, when the monster dies, it is broken into pieces of data.

"Be careful!" Liu Huan's voice suddenly remembered that Xie Zhifei, who was bowing his head and drawing his gun, reacted immediately, drawing his gun and retreating, but Yi Nian was much more dangerous, his position was closer to the situation! The water was surging, and on the ground covered with ice and snow, layers of water patterns spread out, and then the water mound rose from the ground, as if a geyser was about to spew.

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