"Gift." Hou Tu's voice even had two points of joy, "The gift from the world, the gift that is awarded to hope."

The prize of the Destiny Arena, although he didn't know why Houtu needed that thing, but Xie Zhifei showed a wry smile from his mouth.

"Sorry, if that's the case. I may not be able to give it to you right now. Although I know I did receive something, what exactly is it and how should I hand it over, at least I don't know yet."

"So that's why I want you to come here." Houtu's voice was still warm and soft, as if comforting him, "Relax, just leave it to me next." Two faint blue tentacles came from below. He stretched it out and gently and slowly lifted Xie Zhifei up.


Chapter 3 Deep Green

The back soil didn't actually touch Xie Zhifei, and there was some kind of mysterious force field between the two tentacles, which separated the connection between gravity and him. This feeling is almost flying, soft and floating.

"I will find it." Hou Tu said slowly, in her huge body, all the flickering points of light flashed brightly and dimly like breathing, and the two surrounding Xie Zhifei The root tentacles also slowly lit up as the light began to rise and fall.

More and more light spots light up at the same time and dim at the same time, like an ocean of light. And after each tidal wash, the energy was concentrated on the tentacles that surrounded Xie Zhifei, and it was already bright like two bands of light.

One light strip pointed at Xie Zhifei's head, and the other was quietly attached to his chest. The dazzling light was clearly not far in front of him, but Xie Zhifei, who looked directly at it, did not feel any dryness or pain in his eyes. Gentle light like Houtu's voice poured in from his pupils until it reached the deeper part of the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

"It's hard work my child, I saw the hard battle you went through." Houtu's voice seemed to come from the distant sea of ​​light. Her voice was so sincere, as if she really saw Xie Zhifei go The battles that were close to death in the end were just like that.

"Flowers watered by blood and sweat will bloom, darkness will always come and dawn will come, trouble will always come and hope will come."

Following Houtu's words, Xie Zhifei could feel his body. In the middle of his chest, something began to beat, as if there was another heart in that place. It was rhythmic at the same speed as the tide of light. Point, the light is pulled out from there, and the light is lit up from the darkness. As Hou Tu said, light will always come.

"Is the constant presence of darkness and the arrival of light destined by fate?" For some reason, Xie Zhifei suddenly remembered this question. At the end of the arena, about the unsolvable dead proposition of resisting and accepting fate, although he defeated this layer by means of a second paradox, it does not mean that he has understood this problem. So at this time, he instinctively asked, he was almost helpless, there was no hope at all, his dark destiny.

"My child, destiny is never a painted line, it is a flowing river, and its direction is determined by you."

"But what should I do?"

"My child, you are strong and wise, with all the qualities that a legendary hero should have, and you deserve victory." The two rays of light finally met, and the dazzling strip of light touched the spot of light that had just been lit.

As if the continuation of the fire, the weak point of light became brighter and brighter, and a star rose on Xie Zhifei's chest.

"You challenge fate in order to protect, so I hope you will cut the sword of darkness."

The light belt on the chest lifted the group of bright stars, and with the words of the back soil, a sword appeared in the middle of the light, a slender sword forged by the light.

"Hope me with a sword?"

"Sacrifice, dedication, resistance and pursuit, flowers will bloom at the end of the dead end, and the torch of inheritance will be lit in your hands until it is handed over to the next one..."

The sword born in the light finally made its way. It has a long blade, the blade is transparent, like a green crystal, the etched thorns are wrapped around the surface of the sword, and on the thorns, flowers bloom.

And as the sword fell, the light also flowed in along the light belt stretched out by the back soil, as if a river merged into the ocean, and gradually disappeared into the body of the back soil. The flickering spot of light finally reached the peak of its brightness at this moment. The dazzling light completely enveloped the dark underground. The light of the stars directly penetrated the rock cover that was several kilometers away, and shone on the back soil, reconciling with her.

Xie Zhifei fell on the ground in a dazed and ignorant manner, as if he knew something, but also as if he didn't know anything. Looking at the beautiful sword floating in front of him, he could feel the breath of the majestic life from the sword, the whole body was like a long sword of emerald green crystal.

Even just looking at it, there is a feeling of wanting to reach out and hold it. Although he has never used a sword or even learned to learn, what stands there seems to be connected to his own blood. A partner who has been with us for more than ten years.

"The name of the sword is Shenqing. It doesn't have countless legends like Xuanyuan or Chixiao. It is an unknown sword, and its master is not a well-known hero or legend." The light on Houtu slowly dimmed. He returned to his original appearance and explained to Xie Zhifei.

"But every user of Shenqing is such a firm and persistent person. They are not as smooth as the legendary heroes. They have fallen and climbed up countless times. They can also feel the warmth of the back. No matter what is in front of them, they will go down step by step."

"Now, pull up this sword, my child." Xie Zhifei slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the dark green hilt, which was slightly rough, but unexpectedly fit his palm.

He gently lifted it up, it was clearly a long sword floating in the air, but it made a soft moan as if it was pulled out of its sheath. There is no momentum to go straight to the bullfight, and there is no dragon roar or tiger roar, just a faint joyful chanting like the sound of a clear spring. The pleasant and cordial breath spread down the arm into Xie Zhifei's body, washing him from the inside out. Then the sword fell silent.

"The red dust of ten feet flies over the purple moor, and the deserted cloud dreams into the deep blue." The ancient seal script left these two sentences on the hilt.

"Is it done? Houtu?" Before Xie Zhifei sighed, Greedy Wolf strode forward and asked about the Houtu in front of him. There was no respect or nostalgia for the Mother Earth in the tone of voice. It was objective, stiff, and even guarded and vigilant.

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that his relationship with Houtu is closer to the relationship between jailers and prisoners. The feeling of being held back and unable to leave this place for decades is not a good idea.

"The ability to see through the fog has indeed been restored." Houtu was not at all unhappy with Greedy Wolf's tone. Judging from Greedy Wolf's previous attitude, he didn't have the slightest sense of hiding something in front of Houtu, and the latter was already used to it.

"To what extent can you see through?" Greedy Wolf didn't match her skills in Zen language, and the question went to the core.

"If there are major events that can affect the world, I will have corresponding feelings."

"Just know the event? What's the difference between that and Tianhu's scorpion or star? Don't tell me that the ability of the prophet bestowed by the arena of destiny is only this. I know you are called immortal, but you must also understand that in Over the years, how much we have researched you, and how much of the so-called immortal existence has perished in our hands."

"My child, I understand what you mean." Facing this almost naked threat, Houtu just explained patiently. "As I said before, destiny is a river and its flow changes with every decision we make."

"The so-called prophet can only see one or several possibilities. The difference between me and the group of little foxes is that I can see more possibilities, and then tell you the best one."

"As for whether I have concealed it, you can confirm it with your own eyes..." The storm of information erupted from the back soil, like a bubble being blown up, replacing the world inside.

That's the future unfolding...


Chapter 4 Prophecy

This kind of feeling is very strange. In fact, Xie Zhifei has experienced prophecy and flashback, and even said that during this period of time. The number of times he has experienced this situation can be said to be terrifyingly high, and he should have an incomparable understanding, but after the storm of information broke out from the back soil, he seemed to fall into a dream.

The magic of 'realization of fantasy' to rewrite reality is generally realized in two ways. One is to release massive amounts of information. Countless information forms a self-consistent cocoon world, which will change the surrounding space into completely different landscape. Some powerful races like dragons or the Throne of the Gods can even build a constant and stable cocoon world, forming something like a demi-plane.

The other is the illusion. If the former is to construct the real, this is to construct the illusion, from the most basic illusion of light and shadow to the illusion of the spirit that can directly extract the human mind.

Originally, when he was going to show him the future after he finished speaking, he thought it would be similar to the prophecy that the last elder of Frost Bite gave his life, one after another, pictures and fragments, and some pointers of unknown meaning. Sexual prophecy, let them guess.

But after the storm of information unfolded, he realized that he was wrong, but when the storm subsided, it was not a cocoon world that appeared in front of him, there was no such cocoon world at all! If such a huge amount of information is constructed by a single existence, it... even a single person can crush the entire world.

The slender and secluded road is outlined by the continuous but scattered beige houses. They are not high, only two stories, casual and beautiful, making the street look not like a horizontal and vertical street, but like a crooked street. The trails converge and intersect. It was a huge town like a spider web.

That's right, when Xie Zhifei found out, he was already standing in a city, the night sky was a strange blue-blue color above his head, and the huge moon would stay in the sky before it had set, occupying half of the sky, not a single one. star.

There was no one on the street. At this moment, the real city was emptied. Xie Zhifei went on and watched, trying to analyze where it was from the surrounding buildings. But it soon gave up, because in a short period of time, he saw more than five different architectural styles.

The stern Gothic minaret stands next to the domed mosque and temple, the carvings on the iron railings are in a prosperous Rococo style, and the house where it is located is indeed a typical Baroque architecture, and he even saw the short-lived Norman Empire. Unique architectural style.

The rigorous and practical architectural style of the Nordic people from Scandinavia is also accommodated in it. It seems that the entire European history is stewed together in this city. How in the world could there be such a place?

If it was just a hodgepodge of architectural styles, then the building in front of him should be a fusion. From the outline, this should be a church, the main entrance column is Gothic style, the side facing the square is Catalan style, Gothic double spire windows and arches, Catalonia The styled porches and columns, the geometric patterns of the Muslim style of the apse are all perfectly integrated.

The exterior of the cathedral combines the design of an Islamic mosque with a Christian architectural style, but it is still in Baroque style as a whole. The pointed top of the tower pierced directly into the huge moon in the sky. The moonlight flowed down the wall to the ground, and in the copper wires on the ground, the shadowy patterns seemed to come alive. Such scenes can only appear in the most beautiful dreams of the artist and in the paintings made according to them.

And in this beautiful picture, the broken human figure crouched and knelt in desolation, the whole body was broken, and it was composed of some kind of black fragments. It seems that the next moment will be unrestrained and shattered in the air.

He was curled up on the ground, his back was high, his hands crossed in front of his legs, his head was buried deep in his knees, and his whole body was shaking slightly.

Even if he just glanced at the figure from a distance, he was stunned by that back. He was crying, heart-wrenching, all the strength of his broken body was used up in ordinary crying.

Passing through the hands in front of him, the ten fingers bent like hooks, clasped them heavily into the ground, and scratched the hard floor tiles on the square. That is what kind of emotional outburst can make people do their best. What kind of pressure can make such an outburst with only a barely audible pumping body and my trembling back.

The surging waves, the grief like landslides and tsunamis spewed out of his heart, but they were suppressed in that fragmented body. At this moment, it seems that the emotions are real, and the sadness spreads like a black hole, attracting the moonlight into it.

"You're here?" The humanoid said suddenly, and the voice was broken, emotionless, and even lacking some syllables, but Xie Zhifei understood it right away. Even including the indifference and habit of reuniting after a long absence, he understood immediately.

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