"Saint?" Xie Zhifei suddenly felt that something was wrong. At first, he thought that the other of the two was Ji Qinger, but now it sounds like it's Agrace. "Who said these news?!" He immediately grasped the essence of the incident.

"Qing'er. She woke up earlier than you. In fact, everyone woke up earlier than you. Then your glorious deeds spread..."

When he heard Ji Qing'er's name, Xie Zhifei subconsciously looked down at his hand. On the ring finger of his left hand, if he looked carefully, he would see a circle of darker marks. You can even feel the warmth coming from inside. Then she was startled and raised her head, "That... when she said this... how was her mood?"

"Emotions?" Mu Xiao tilted his head, "You look very happy, your smile is brilliant."

Mu Xiao's answer sent a chill down Xie Zhifei's back, NTR at the scene... Then Ji Qing'er smiled so brightly, how tragically she would die... Then Xie Zhifei fell into a terrifying fantasy, so much so that Mu Xiao's Xiao waved in front of him and shouted in his ear, but there was no response.

"Mu Xiao." Xi Ke's hoarse voice sounded from the door, "Why haven't you brought him there?"

"Ah—this?" Mu Xiao turned his head and stretched out his cute voice, "I forgot?" She reached out and tapped her head, sticking out a small tongue.

But Xi Ke doesn't seem to buy it at all. Turning straight, "Master Greedy Wolf and Master Pojun are waiting for you."

Xie Zhifei quickly got Ji Qinger out of his head, he should have thought about it long ago, Mu Xiao came right after he woke up, and made it clear that someone was waiting for him to wake up. Mu Xiao definitely didn't come just to chat with him.

Thinking of this, he rolled over and got out of bed without hesitation and followed. Mu Xiao pouted and followed. Along the way, people kept pointing at him, and almost 90% of the eyes were firmly attracted to him.

"Hey, you don't know where you're going?" Mu Xiao had a temperament that couldn't rest. After walking a few steps, he approached Xie Zhifei and asked.

"Anyway, if I want to know or not, you will say no?" Xie Zhifei shrugged.

"...Why do I think you've learned badly?" Mu Xiao frowned, and she couldn't say why. The Xie Zhifei he saw today always gave him a strange feeling that there was a change, but she couldn't say that. Where is the change.

If Shi Yuqing was here, he would feel that the boy who had drawn a gap between himself and the world and isolated him, once again opened the door of the world and walked in.

"So, where are we going?" Xie Zhifei was noncommittal to Mu Xiao's question, and turned the subject back.

"Where you are going is one of the Fool's true secrets." Mu Xiao showed a mysterious smile and refused to go on.

"The real secret?" Xie Zhifei frowned, "I thought the existence of the Fool was already a secret."

"That's natural," Mu Xiao didn't notice the way he guided the conversation at all, "but even if it's a secret, it needs to be classified, just like the information about the throne of gods before you entered the arena of destiny. It is not allowed to spread freely among the fools."

"That is to say, the place we are going is a higher secret than the Throne of the Gods?"

"Of course, to know that it is alive..."

"Mu Xiao!" Xi Ke suddenly cut off Mu Xiao's words. Even so, Xie Zhifei caught the key words in Mu Xiao's words at once. Alive, creature? Or weird? But why bring yourself to see the weird?

Under the gaze of Xi Ke, Mu Xiao, who was stopped, could only purse his mouth and walk forward angrily without saying a word. Although he has been walking in silence, Xie Zhifei can also feel that his direction is getting further and further away from the crowd.

The action team and researchers who pointed at him gradually disappeared, and even a closer look at the structure of the unknown black alloy around him would reveal differences. It's changing from a tech-savvy new-age base to some sort of solid, solid, and even rough fortress made entirely of dark iron.

The texture of time flows out of those thick steel beams, which have been standing here since earlier time.

"Here." Xi Ke stood in front of the elevator. Xie Zhifei originally thought that the building sunk under the Gobi Desert was already an underground building. But now I know that it can only be regarded as the top part. The pitch-black elevator shaft continued down, as if to follow this steel cable to hell.

"You have to make sure that you can't mention a word to anyone about everything you see next." The elevator stopped, but Xi Ke did not open the door immediately, but stood in front of the door, saying a word. One sentence to Xie Zhifei emphasized. Xie Zhifei nodded silently. Xi Ke stared at his eyes for a few seconds, confirming something from those eyes.

Then he let go, it was clearly the elevator door switch, but it made a sound similar to a steam mechanical door lock, and there was a whole set of interlocking guarantees to lock the elevator together.

The integrally forged steel blocks have been reinforced with special materials. Even with a professional welding torch, they would have to be removed for several hours. They are generally only used as vault doors. Besides, Xie Zhifei can tell just by listening to the sound. There are more than seven locks, and the constant smell in the air tells him that if this place is violently dismantled, hot molten steel will instantly pour into the interlayer of each layer of locks, turning this place into a sealed can. .

This kind of defense is not used as a passage, it can only be used to prevent things from outside coming in... or, things inside going out...

Finally, the elevator door slowly opened, and a blue brilliance occupied Xie Zhifei's entire line of sight.

"The one in front of you may be the only Protoss that currently exists."


Chapter 2 Rewards

In the Chinese concept, the greatest of the gods should be the legendary Jade Emperor, but this statement is actually problematic. In the folklore of chickens and dogs ascending to heaven, the man known as Zhang Bairen was named the Jade Emperor.

As long as this statement is carefully researched, you will know how huge the problem is, and according to the relatively rigorous history verified by the fool. Like mythological systems everywhere in the world, humans are ruled by gods. During the prehistoric period of mountains and seas, the lich coexisted, and the demon clans such as Tiandi Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi were the Zhengdu at that time, and even they were not omnipotent.

Another race, or another Protoss, the witch race with a number of great witches is not under their jurisdiction, as if it were self-governing. This contradiction also led to the outbreak of the Lich War. At this time, in order to supplement the population and power damaged in the war, the two tribes almost simultaneously began to accept the weak, but the human race with super reproductive ability. as a supplement to the backup force.

That protracted war ended in a near-simultaneous decline of both factions. This decline was so sudden because the humans who had been the main force in the war at the end of the war, or the hybrids of the demon race and the witch race and the human race, united against the classes that once created themselves. Almost all the demon clan and witch clan were exterminated in that battle.

The entanglements, relationships and stories of the three races are definitely left over to write a million-word book. But we will not give an overview here, and go directly to the follow-up. Humans are precisely the hybrids who won, but they did not hand over the fruits of victory to the real humans. They are still the rulers, they are the gods of the next generation, they learn from the human beings to establish a stricter class, but they also learn the absolute rule of the lich, forbidding ordinary human beings to enter their class.

This is the origin of what was later called the Heavenly Court, but it is not like the dynasties of the earth, where the king has absolute power. The Jade Emperor sounds unique, but in fact there are not no existences of the same level as him.

Among them, the back soil, also known as the back soil. The full name of Chengtian imitates the law of virtue, and the **** of the land emperor is one of them. As the goddess of the earth, she is always called the "Mother of Heaven and Earth" with the Jade Emperor, or the "Emperor of Heaven and Earth".

"This is... Houtu?" It took Xie Zhifei almost half a minute to regain the ability to speak. When he uttered such a sigh, his eyes still did not take his eyes away from the existence in front of him. There is no way to move.

It is such a great existence, the light blue translucent body is so huge, entrenched in the bed that is the size of two football fields in front of it. Only the upper body maintains human nature, and you can see her warm and dignified face. The lower body penetrates into the ground like soft water. Thousands of tentacle-like things float from the body like water, countless like stars A normal spot of light flickered on her body, then slowly flowed to the tip of one of the tentacles and lit up.

Something like the forest will or the group consciousness of the anthills that I felt in the earthly paradise permeates the entire space, but it is softer, like a warm stream, not only does not bring any discomfort, but produces a kind of like. The feeling of sitting in the spring breeze.

"The Japanese army who built no-man's land and poison gas research fortifications here 80 years ago had a serious landslide after digging down to a certain depth. They found her." Slowly walked towards Xie Zhifei.

Po Jun spoke slowly, his voice folded and reverberated in the huge void, producing a shock like a chant.

"Surprisingly, she didn't choose to destroy the group of Japanese soldiers when she woke up, and even communicated with them a lot. The Japanese army opened their yin and yang dormitory and scientific research center here. But soon, Japan announced that Surrendered. And the government took over here almost as quickly as possible. None of the institutes and soldiers were released back home.”

"The Fool can become an organization comparable to the Vatican and the imaginary space in such a short period of time. She is also a very important factor."

"She... is on the side of humans?" Xie Zhifei swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he saw that huge monster who was absolutely qualified to be included in the rank of the Throne of the Gods.

"What is weird?" Greedy Wolf raised the corners of his mouth, pushed his glasses, and asked Xie Zhifei, "Things that are absurd, without logic, reason, or any rationality are called weird."

"It must be the task of destroying humans, isn't it an order in itself? So what's so strange about having one or two weird people who like humans to help humans?"

Xie Zhifei nodded dumbly, but saw Po Jun turn his head and give Greed Wolf a blank look, causing the latter to spread his hands.

"In fact, even now we still can't guarantee whether she holds true goodwill to humans. That's why the Fool's headquarters needs to be established here, and Greedy Wolf needs to stay here. In fact, in the early years of According to the records, although Si Tu's back soil is milder than Zhu Rong and Gong Gong, the Eight Great Witches have never regarded human beings as their own race or friends. This mild difference is only for pets or ants. of."

"When they are in a good mood, they may be careful not to step on the bugs on the ground, but if they accidentally step on a few, they will never be moved. The concept of the gentle Mother Earth merged with her.

This concept changed her in some cases, and then led to what she is now. However, we have no way of guaranteeing whether such perturbations are complete or reversible. "

"So, you have to be vigilant at all times."

"Okay." Xie Zhifei nodded, "What can I do for you?"

"Because I need something in your body, and in return, I will help you find what you need. My child." Answering his question was a gentle female voice that suddenly sounded in his mind.

Following this sentence, the back soil, which had been crawling on the ground, slowly propped up, and the translucent body rose along the wall of the cave, reaching a height of more than five floors, extending that face to the place where several people were standing. On the corridor, look at them.

This sudden change shocked Xie Zhifei. He always thought that Houtu was in a deep sleep. If she could hear her own problem, then Po Jun and Greedy Wolf just now, I believe she must be able to hear it. . You know, there's not much good to say in it.

"Don't worry, my child. I can understand your doubts. In fact, I am delighted by your doubts." As if seeing through his thoughts, Houtu continued, "It is only by maintaining this cooperation that With an attitude of non-dependence, you can go further."

"Then..." Xie Zhifei felt that his throat was so dry and sore, he turned his head stiffly and looked at Po Jun, and after getting permission, he continued, "Excuse me, what do you need here?"

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