"Then...why is the seed..."

"Political compromise." Ji Qinger shrugged before Xie Zhifei finished asking, "The rise of the new faction, plus the three members of the previous generation are all from the new faction. At this time, since the two sides are similar, give that spot to the new faction. They're not good either. Besides..."

"What's more?" She said half of her words and suddenly stopped talking, making Xie Zhifei feel itchy and asked.

"It's nothing." Ji Qinger shook her head directly, without explaining, "Before participating in the Destiny Arena, the two of them were stronger than me, so the seeds were them. As for the reasons that I, Agrace and Catherine are familiar with, in Five and three years ago, four organizations held a competition, which is too complicated to be specific. In short, it is probably that, put the few of us together and compete, who is the strongest woman in this generation. "

Gudu, Ji Qinger and Catherine and Agrace are in a big melee, why does this kind of battle sound so awesome, it feels more powerful than the arena of destiny, and the feeling that winning people can gain control of the world.

"Want to know who won?" Ji Qinger was tempted at the right time.

"Hmm." Xie Zhifei nodded happily.

"I won't tell you." The little fox who had successfully seduced him turned his head happily, leaving Xie Zhifei with a confused face. "Look at the arena, it's on."

This sentence ended the relaxed conversation in an instant, Xie Zhifei turned his head quickly, and as expected, the two of them reacted almost at the same time and nodded. Then started fighting. This was explained after Mahanabo was off the field, meaning that after a period of not participating in battles on the field, the fire of war would come. It was very light at first, and it didn't even feel great. If it kept dragging on, it would get bigger and bigger, and finally it would become the kind of situation where all the reason was burned, and the other party just wanted to shred.

The two on the field did not wait for that final situation, but started on their own initiative before losing their minds. After all, the time they could set aside before was long enough that no one could say they weren't. The state of berserker who is completely irrational may be a mezzanine for some people, but for most people, it will reduce the combat effectiveness. Of course avoid it as much as possible. But even so, the two of them on the field fought fiercely.

Especially every time Sha waved the black spear in his hand, Xie Zhifei would have a new trend surging along with it. Nazarudinsha, the spear-bearer of the Vientiane Temple, also has very little information about him. After all, compared to other organizations, the Vientiane Temple also has an extremely powerful and solid religious attribute. Their number of believers may not be as many as the Vatican, but they are more devout and crazy.

It is difficult for spies or spies to infiltrate, and there is a possibility of being instigated. For this reason, the Vientiane Hall has always been the most mysterious of the four organizations. But compared to Mahanabha, Sha has more information. Ascetic monk, inheritor, very good at melee! The polar character is marked in red, and it expresses how important this news is in a special way.

And after he really saw his fighting style, Xie Zhifei understood the meaning of these words. Compared with the maha Nabo, whose face is like a crown of jade and handsome and handsome, he looks so inconspicuous, with a face that is blank but expressionless like a mask carved by rotten wood. The figure is also very thin, like a famine refugee, and you can even see the folds formed by the atrophy and dryness of the exposed skin. Dry and thin.

Just like the black spear in his hand, it twisted and twisted like a dead vine and a corpse of a snake. It was only when he started to attack that the whole person seemed to come alive. Violent, his attack can only be described by such words, the tungsten steel-like withered claws grabbed the same withered black spear, and every blow was like a wind and thunder.

The strong attack was like a violent horned dragon, each blow was straight and violent, ripping apart everything in front of him, and then continued to move forward. A spear smashed on the ground can often erode more than ten meters, and people can't help but wonder, where is such a huge force from such a dry and thin body, and how is the huge reactionary impact eliminated? Could it be that he is the same as the corpse summoned by the previous big man, his whole body is made of bronze?

"It's very troublesome." Ji Qinger, who had not spoken since the joke just now, suddenly said. "It's a stupid play."

Xie Zhifei nodded, yes, this kind of stupid play is really troublesome. Especially for him.


Chapter 117 Advantages and Disadvantages Three

I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I'll explain it now. The essence of war and battle is extremely simple. The strong win and the weak lose. There is no other law, the so-called tactics, skills and the like are in some ways to partially reverse the concept of strength and weakness, and then achieve victory.

The simplest example is recorded in elementary school textbooks, which is called Tian Ji's horse racing. In a simple comparison, the upper, middle and lower horses are all at a disadvantage, but through Tian Ji's tactics, the partial formation of the middle-to-lower and upper-to-middle forms is obtained. local advantage. The same is true of so-called time lag, sneak attacks, and thousands of miles of surprises. By cutting people's food and grass, attacking unpreparedness, and making noises in the east and attacking the west, the inversion of the ratio of strength and weakness is achieved, so that the weak can overcome the strong.

Applying the theory of this kind of war to the battle is also a trial. As for the two words, it is enough to equate the two words. Tactics are equal to moves. Through a certain move, the effect of greater strength, faster speed, and greater power is formed at a certain moment, and then the victory of this move is obtained. The next step above this is the style of play, and the style of play is equivalent to the strategy. Through a certain design to achieve a higher than tactical effect.

The way of play, that is, the strategy, is divided into smart and stupid, but smart and stupid are not concepts of strength and weakness. In fact, dumb play is harder because it's more demanding. It's like in a battle, one party has more troops, stronger troops, and more refined weapons. In this case, all he needs to do is to level A in the past.

This is how stupid play is. It doesn't take into account any broken moves, the characteristics and psychology of the opponent. The most basic thing is to exchange moves for moves, play steadily, not quickly, not lightly, and may even be injured, and there is no way to deal with the damage. Reduce to win in the smallest cases. The most mediocre way to play.

Under normal circumstances, most people will not choose such a play, they will pursue a less expensive, less damaged, simpler or even better-looking play, that is, a smart play. In the previous battle between Xie Zhifei and Victoria, Victoria's play was a smart play.

Through a lot of calculations and simulations, Xie Zhifei's psychology, ability and personality are all taken into account. The strategy involved. This kind of play is very strong, so Xie Zhifei almost capsized in the gutter, but it doesn't mean that a smart play is stronger than a stupid one. The smarter the strategy, the more it needs to be implemented, and there can be no flaws and mistakes.

Victoria didn't consider that Xie Zhifei could react so early, and even just ignored her desperately, so she lost the whole game by one move. The stupid way of playing is not good. He is the most honest, and he is not greedy for petty gains, so he will not suffer. He wants me to lose 800. Yes, I can exchange it for 1,000.

The dumbest strategy can be the strongest strategy, as long as its users are the strongest. And this is exactly the problem that Xie Zhifei is encountering now. Sha's style of play is stupid, not aggressive or impulsive, and his offensive is like fire but stable like ice. So Xie Zhifei was very uncomfortable.

Because Sha, as a seed, is very strong, in terms of strength, speed and the power of his moves, he is very strong, stronger than Xie Zhifei, and when he doesn't think about playing smarter at all, this kind of strong will be more obvious. Either turn around and run, or honestly match his moves and whose attacks are faster. Then lose.

"What should I do?" After looking at it for a while, Xie Zhifei still didn't think of any way to break this stupid play. Because smart play will always have something smarter or more subtle to target those vulnerable key links. But stupid play is already stupid, it's a whole ring, no, or an iron rod would be more appropriate to describe it. Why is it aimed at a lump of iron?

Ji Qing'er also frowned, and even put her right thumb in her mouth, biting her fingernails finely, obviously thinking constantly. "I don't know." The final answer was also this, "I can only call it later."

Although it is the same as the answer to No. 6, there is still an obvious difference between the two. The former is smart to the extreme. He has not found the weak link yet, so he can only fight while searching for it with the help of personal experience. The latter is because that weak link may not exist at all. This situation may be worse than the former.

"What if I can't beat it?" Xie Zhifei scratched his head and asked this question. He must beat him, but if he can't beat him, that's the problem.

"Huh?" Ji Qinger tilted her head and made a nice nasal sound, "Then continue." Just as Xie Zhifei was about to speak, she stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'll fight first, but I can't. You continue. You can fight first, but I can't. I'll continue."

Xie Zhifei's words suddenly didn't know how to continue, so he could only swallow the next words and nodded. The words have already been said about this place, and it is meaningless to say any more. It's just that Xie Zhifei hadn't heard Ji Qing'er's words full of iron and blood, steel and softness.

Just at this time, Sha's opponent finally couldn't stand this kind of offensive. He brazenly chose to self-destruct, bringing his strongest output, and slammed into Sha. If it is an ordinary person, at this time, he will definitely choose to give in and dodge. But the pitch-black iron spear in Sand's hand slammed heavily towards the attacking opponent. An astonishing explosion exploded in the middle of the arena, with air waves and cracks spreading for dozens of meters. It's like leaving a crater like a grenade hit, and a player who has lost his intuition lying in the middle.

He pulled back the iron spear behind his back, and his figure became a shambling sand. In the end, this outrageous confrontation was like adding an annotation to the conversation between Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger.

Then the white light flashed, and two new figures stood on the ring, Chen Bingyi in a blue Taoist robe and Scipio in a black robe covered in dust.

"Are we waiting?" Maybe it was because of preparations, there was no special reaction on the field or on the stage, but everyone turned their eyes and stared at the stage. In the direct dialogue between the seeds in the second match, on the Fool's side, Luo Yunxi had already been eliminated in the first match, and Chen Bingyi's victory was crucial.

And the situation in the Vatican is hard to say, unless someone like Ji Qinger knows very well, Agrace, who has burned out the holy light, is basically labeled as half-use in their hearts. It is difficult to say that there is a possibility of winning against other seeds, so this game can almost be said to decide who will be the first to be kicked out of the two organizations.

"You suffer." Scipio replied earnestly.

"It doesn't wait?"

The latter pulled out the door-like great sword directly from behind. This is the best answer by removing the strips of cloth one by one. The battle is imminent.


Chapter 118 Hengshan

The first opponent that needs to be solved is the fifth party, which is the premise of Mahanabha's proposal, because the number six is ​​very strong. When he finally killed Edward, the power it showed was almost trembling, and there was no hope for non-seeds. This is judgment.

Therefore, it is necessary to give the seeds enough physical strength and time to achieve sufficient mental and physical advantages. But what about excluding the fifth party? The remaining four major organizations still have to fight, and no one will give up the championship position and give up the future of the fifty years.

Consistent with the outside world and beware of each other, because there can only be one winner, the relationship between the four parties is far more complicated than imagined. Mahanabha's opinion seems fair, but no one can guarantee that there is no selfishness in it, such as the damage that Sand's fighting style will inevitably cause, this kind of delay will help him win the game. And what about Mahanabha himself? His ability to not know the real body until now may just need a lot of time for buffering. The ambiguity of the period is too large, and the room for manipulation is even greater.

Therefore, Chen Bingyi asked Scipio at the beginning. After all, the seed bears a heavier burden, which is above the exclusion of the fifth party. And if what they are standing opposite is also a seed, there is almost no room for them to think about more, because that is one of the great enemies that needs to go all out. This is also the reason for Scipio's answer.

Because of the loss, Chen Bingyi won the first game almost without any effort, but Scipio was different. The fight between him and the big man took a long time. In fact, not counting the battle between Agrace and Rosenberg, his preliminary round was definitely the most protracted and intense of all competitions.

The hand-to-hand combat between the not-weak big man and Scipio, although Scipio has the advantage, does not mean that there is no damage at all. Coupled with the corpse called out after the big man, after all, it is a monster that has entered the third-level monster in all directions, and its strength is even higher than the general third-level monster.

You must know that it was extremely dangerous and difficult for Ji Qinger to win against the Apocalypse Type 3 half a year ago. After all, she was not familiar with even a single realm at that time. Compared to Yokoe, Alice's defense seemed safer. But it's only relative, and the possibility of fainting directly after using it is still not low.

So even if Scipio is stronger, it is almost impossible to get rid of that corpse without paying any price. After all, before the melting city ignited, he forcibly received more than one attack from the opponent, and he vomited out half a liter of blood. As for igniting the molten city, there was no further injury. But no one knows what price he needs to pay for igniting a weapon like the Molten City.

Simply put, Scipio spent a lot of money in the last game, and his answer also confirmed this. I'm hurt and you don't, it's not fair to you to wait and waste time. Now that an agreement has been reached, there will be no more hypocritical things between the two. Circles of bandages were removed from Scipio's sword. The dark, broad, rough and irregular giant epee was raised by him with both hands, showing a faint yellow color, and only a faint circle of light also lit up outside his black robe.

Chen Bingyi's side looked much more elegant, the blue Taoist robe was bulging, like an invisible ear surrounded by aura. There were no more words between the two, and Scipio charged forward with his sword. His sword was still the same, straight and sharp. Like a black tide coming head-on.

Chen Bingyi didn't dodge the wall, but he actually faced the giant sword with his fleshly body. The huge breath exploded, and the giant sword carrying the ten thousand force was actually blocked by that hand. If you look closely, you can see that once the blue-white white transparent talisman floats two centimeters in front of his hand, the white air wave also surges backward where the swords meet, forming a semi-circular sphere, like a rainproof sphere. cover.

wind. Chen Bingyi's talisman controls the wind, and what blocks Scipio's talisman is the wind from the talisman. Even though Scipio's sword is powerful, he still cuts through the wind. When the sword power was exhausted, Chen Bing pushed his palm again and again, the talisman cracked, like a one-sided blast, the massive wind instantly pushed Scipio away.

Taoist priest, it is difficult to distinguish what kind of occupation or rank it is in a sense. They make swords, they control beasts, they can use talismans, they can use spells, they can even heal and prophesy. In the eyes of Westerners, this is almost impossible, because it is almost impossible to master all the abilities of warriors, magicians, hunters, priests and prophets. There are so many things to learn, and it is far easier to have such time than to specialize in one subject.

However, such a profession has been circulated in China for thousands of years. Every Taoist master goes hand in hand with every discipline. There may be one or two disciplines that they are good at, but they have never given up any aspect of training. For them, what they need to master is not much, it is just the same thing, Dao.

Daofatian is the way of heaven, and Daofajian is the way of kendo. What they have learned is only Dao. And Yu Jian, alchemy, exorcism, and writing talismans are just add-ons to their heavenly cultivation. The strength of a Taoist priest can never be determined by his age or practice time, only by his Taoism. What is Taoism? His comprehension of the Dao. The Dao is me, and I am the Dao, which is called the Dao.

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