Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger stepped aside almost at the same time, letting go of his bow. Ji Qinger frowned directly, Xie Zhifei thought about it and walked up, "No, what should we do like this? If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Naturally, his statement was not just for Luo Yunxi's apology, but also because after he realized what happened between the second generation and the wolf disaster just now, Xie Zhifei and Ji Qinger had clearly separated from them. And now they are a rare and important fighting force that has entered the quarterfinals, and he took this opportunity to take the initiative to eliminate this matter.

To put it bluntly, his statement is that even though both of us still have nails in our hearts, I will make a statement first. At this level, you can't show your face to me anymore. There is a two-point threat in it, which is why Ji Qinger instinctively feels unhappy. Xie Zhifei felt that it didn't matter. After all, there was nothing wrong with this matter.

Anyone who knows that his teammates may jump back at any time, and then turn back in the nest, 呲呲呲 is like stabbing a knife, it is impossible not to respond. Alertness and vigilance are normal. The estrangement between the two sides is nothing more than a difference in their positions. He even admired the other party's initiative to put down his face and bend down. Although it is not perfect, it is even quite rigid. But considering that he was cultivated as a seed since he was a child, compared with Luo Yunxi, who has a worrying emotional intelligence, he can perceive it.

Forbearance, patience, shrewdness, leadership, and talent are all in short supply. As long as Chen Bingyi has enough time, he will definitely become a generation of heroes or heroes.

"Then I'll just say it." The reason why it's comfortable to talk to a smart person is that he knows the meaning of elegance by hearing the strings, and Chen Bing cuts to the chase. "Now the two of you need to seriously think about how you can win against six people, including Sand and Scipio! It's not a draw, or consumption, but a win."

Xie Zhifei wanted to open his mouth and complain when he heard it, but, your requirements are not high at all. Five seeds, one monster. What's the matter with not even a tie, and considering yourself as a loser? But in the end, considering the atmosphere, he kept this thing in his stomach. Just nodding, Ji Qinger asked whether it was a matter of direct matter. She... probably didn't think she would lose.

"Xingli has a deep research on spells, and Yue Feng is a master of melee combat. As for Yunxi, he knows everything." Seeing Xie Zhifei nod, Chen Bingyi introduced Xie Zhifei to the others who pointed to the Fool one by one. Although he probably knew them in the materials, the meaning of Chen Bingyi's introduction was also very simple. Let the other few let go of all prejudice and fully assist.

Luo Yunxi seemed to want to say something again, but was directly suppressed by Chen Bingyi turning his head and looking at him, "Please." Nodding to the two of them again, he turned his head and left, probably preparing to go back to design the next game. .

"Hey," Xie Zhifei suddenly stopped him, and Chen Bingyi turned his head suspiciously, "Don't think that Scipio will make mistakes, you can treat him like a machine."

Chen Bingyi, who was stunned for a moment before realizing what Xie Zhifei meant, suddenly smiled, then nodded, "Thank you."

"Boring." Ji Qing'er rolled her eyes at Xie Zhifei, then walked to the guardrail. Xie Zhifei also followed. Sand held a dark and twisted iron spear in his hand and stood upright in the field. He well implemented the suggestion put forward by Maha Nabo in the previous game, and he had no intention of taking action at all. Just standing so straight.

"Do you want to win?" Xie Zhifei raised the corner of his mouth slightly.


Chapter 115 Pros and Cons

"Finished talking?" Ji Qing'er said directly as she watched the two separate. Hearing her words, Xie Zhifei scratched his head, he knew her character.

Ji Qinger is quite disgusted with this kind of human interaction, and it is not because she does not understand, on the contrary, she belongs to the type that I understand the meaning of the other party, and I know that the other party is showing goodwill, but she is unhappy. Is it necessary to hold it like this, to be so hypocritical? This is probably the logic of her thinking.

"He told us not to worry about him and to think about how we could win."

"It's like if he doesn't say it, I'll worry about him and I won't be able to win." He secretly turned his face, stretched out a finger and pulled down the lower left eyelid, stuck out his tongue and made a face. "It's more nagging than Master Chen." Xie Zhifei suddenly had a headache. Although her appearance and temperament were clearly a dignified lady, and she looked like a creamy treasure, she was actually a straightforward little girl.

The biggest problem is that she is also very good at concealing her true side, which 99% of people have never seen. Remembering the first time he saw her like this, he sighed again. He is the legendary one who has seen the appearance of Guandi's big boss. He has always only two choices, or he is accepted as a dog's leg. or die. He doesn't want to die, so let's be a dog's leg honestly.

Forced himself to ignore the opponent and jumped away suddenly, "Then how do you think you can win?"

"Hit." Ji Qinger rolled his eyes, and Xie Zhifei just wanted to roll his eyes. He still knows how to fight! Isn't this how to fight!

"Then..." As soon as he raised his voice, Ji Qing'er squinted his eyes and glanced at it lightly, and the suppression was completed in seconds, "Then... just say one by one, number six. How to fight and win?"

"I don't know." Ji Qinger gave the answer without thinking at all. Xie Zhifei really wanted to roll his eyes this time, but before he had time to complain about Ji Qinger, he continued, "Just look, I don't understand his ability." This sentence is not a joke or nonsense, but Really genuine point of view.

"What do you mean?" Xie Zhifei frowned, "Isn't his ability a warlock...?" He hesitated when he said the word warlock. Warlock.

"It seems so, but again..." Ji Qinger didn't know how to explain this strange feeling. After all, unlike Xie Zhifei, who was purely theoretical, she was closer to the intuitive side in terms of combat. "Anyway, you have to fight first to find out.":

In the end, she concluded that Xie Zhifei also knew that she was definitely not hiding her secrets. After all, she said it at the beginning, I don't know, everyone doesn't know what it is. It's too unnecessary to communicate. . But he also thought more about the sixth question.

At first, he mainly thought about how the other party could accomplish the kind of thing that broke the limits and iron rules of the warlock, some kind of technology, new ability, legendary weapon or something. Now Ji Qinger has provided a new way of thinking. He never said that he was a warlock, and even if he did, who would dare to guarantee that it would be reliable?

There must be a problem with the extraordinary ability of No. 6, otherwise it is too crushing. This kind of thing can be classified below the third level, and no one will believe it. But how he achieved this level of ability below the third level is something that everyone studies.

It's like in a magic game, a magician shows a super powerful magic that has never been seen before. If the other contestants can't even analyze the principle, then there is no need to continue the game. Others will. He will, but his is unique. He must be the victor. No. 6 is the magician, Xie Zhifei and the others are crackers, and their time limit is to debunk the opponent's trick that can turn one card into a hundred before the end of the arena.

"Let's not talk about him, Agrace. She should be the easiest opponent after burning out the Holy Light?" Xie Zhifei continued. Prepare to be excluded one by one.

"No." Ji Qinger replied without hesitation, "She is definitely one of the most troublesome ones." Xie Zhifei didn't say anything this time, just turned his head to see what he was going to say.

"That woman's trump card must be more than that!" Ji Qinger was incomparably determined, "At least she didn't let that platinum construct come out when she beat the little fat man?" Xie Zhifei was suddenly stunned. Only then did it respond.

The platinum construct that almost instantly killed him did not come out. In fact, the strange speed of that thing is the most suitable thing to kill the little fat man. Nine times out of ten, it can be done before the opponent's defense matrix is ​​constructed. But maybe the fight was too complicated, Xie Zhifei didn't think about it for a while.

Sister Butcher, Titan, and Sacred Flame burned one by one with big moves one after another, and the last two god-level things smashed each other to make it explode. It was almost the most splendid game so far. It is almost impossible to make people think that such a game is actually a secret and deliberate guidance of one of the parties. But when he really thought about it, Xie Zhifei felt a chill behind him.

"How do you..."

"How did I find out?" Ji Qinger interrupted, Xie Zhifei nodded, after all, whether it was from the opponent's identity as a saint in the Vatican or the ferocity of the battle, to suspect and imagine that the opponent had not run out of cards. It's hard to come out. Ji Qinger tilted her head, "Because when I first saw her, she couldn't use the Holy Light yet."

"Ah?" Xie Zhifei was stunned. I didn't quite understand what the other person was talking about.

"I said, when I met her for the first time three years ago, she couldn't know the Holy Light." Ji Qinger repeated it again.

three years ago? In other words, she has trained Shengguang to this level in three years? When it is ignited, it can even project part of the Lord's will? Wait, this doesn't seem to be the key. Three years ago, Ji Qinger was sixteen years old, and Agrace was a little older. At that time, she was fourteen years old, but she was canonized as a saint when she was nine years old, right? A Vatican saint who doesn't know the light? Does the Vatican play so big?

Then he realized that it was wrong. The Vatican would definitely not take such a gamble, betting on how far the Holy Light could develop after so many years. Women's position for five years. There can only be one reason for this. In another aspect, this is the same as the Holy Light, even an overwhelming power.

Holy flame burning? Exhausted? Turning out a hole card that is not a hole card, so that the real hole card can be hidden? Xie Zhifei shuddered. Suddenly I found that the girl who had lived with me in the earthly paradise for so long was actually so far away from me. Suddenly he remembered another question.

"Why do I think you look familiar to them?" Xie Zhifei turned to ask Ji Qinger. Whether it was Agrace or Catherine, I had this feeling when they met in the jungle. They were very familiar with each other and seemed to know each other. In the beginning, it might have been that they had seen all the contestants' profiles for the arena victory. But Catherine and Agrace obviously don't know themselves...

And later, Chen Bingyi and Luo Yunxi's attitudes were also very strange, although she explained that the other party had been an exchange student in Huangquan for a while. But this attitude also seems a little too frivolous. It's not just the two of them, in fact, her attitude towards all the seeds is obviously the same, frivolous and not paying enough attention, and it's not right, it's the kind of equality that doesn't take each other very seriously or far.

Just like the words she used just now, 'she is definitely one of the most troublesome' troubles, not strong, difficult or powerful. Even the strongest and most powerful are just troublesome, not that they can't win, it's just that it is troublesome to win.

"Ah?" Ji Qing'er was taken aback by his sudden question, then she reacted and smiled. "Because I am also a seed."


"Huh? Huh????"


Chapter 116 Advantages and Disadvantages II

Continuing from the previous chapter, Xie Zhifei is now in a situation, are you riding a horse and teasing me? No, you just want to tease me with a more reliable excuse to tease me, okay, wait, if you can't tease me with this kind of joke, what you said is actually true. How the **** can this be true? You're still joking with me...

"What about you?" Ji Qing'er looked at his chin that was about to fall to the ground and smashed a hole, and followed the corners of his mouth and squinted slightly, just like a little fox who had succeeded in stealing food.

"As for." Xie Zhifei nodded earnestly, his face filled with the expression that you will never end with me if you don't make it clear.

"What do you think the seeds are?" Ji Qinger asked back.

"Ah?" This made Xie Zhifei stunned and didn't know how to answer, "The most talented people in each organization..."

"Not this." Ji Qinger stretched out a finger and dangled it in front of his nose, "I mean, is there a clear line between seeds and non-seeds?"

"This..." Xie Zhifei probably understood what she was trying to express, shook his head and replied. "no."

"Well, no. The so-called seed has never been a certain attribute, it is just a customary name. It does not mean that it is strong because it is a seed, but that a strong person is just a seed. No one has stipulated that an organization's There can only be two strong people in the middle, right?"

"Now it seems that the reason why the two seeds and non-seeds are not at the same level is very simple, but because of that level of genius, in terms of probability, one or two organizations will appear almost. And it is not All seeds are of the same rank, or at least slightly exaggerated."

"Rosenberg lost to Agrace, but if his opponent is Scipio or the spear on the field, it is still difficult to say whether he will lose. If it is not because of this generation of imaginary space Edward or Catherine are even more If it's exaggerated, he should definitely be able to get a seed spot."

"So it's not surprising that a certain organization burst out with more talents enough to have seed-level people. Although they are the same as the four major organizations, the ones governed by the Fool are definitely the largest in terms of population. In terms of probability, we have three It's not surprising to see a seed." Xie Zhifei's head hurts when he hears the logic of a cannonball, but he still understands it.

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