Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 337 Strong Artificial Intelligence

Far Eastern Star Region-Esbanese Star Region-Faya

A beautiful blue-green planet with two giant iron-gray man-made space stations in orbit. The predecessors of these two space stations were the two natural satellites of Falla. Russell deployed the Cybrex Arsenal on it and hollowed it out one after another. two moons.

The hollowed-out asteroid was later transformed and strengthened by the Order of Truth, and gradually developed into what it is now in nearly 300 years.

The two large space stations have gathered a large number of research results and technological crystallization accumulated by the Order of Truth so far. They are the well-deserved academic center of the entire Far Eastern Star Territory. But beneath these two highly industrialized steel satellites, the main body of Falla is covered by the lush Bao forest, and there are almost no traces of artificial development.

Such a contrasting scene is Russell's personal interest. He likes to transform his home planet into a beautiful natural paradise, rather than destroying the sacred Terra that gave birth to him into a dry and poisonous death land like the humans in this universe.

In Space City 2 above Falla, an academic conference has just ended.

A tall, aging man with many traces of prosthetic implants and modifications on his torso stood up from the main seat in a white robe and slowly walked out of the conference room with the support of another participant.

This person is Gustav, the official director of the Mechanical Department of the Order of Truth. Due to his rejection of deep prosthetic transformation and consciousness formatting, he is only 241 years old and his various body functions are at an extremely low level. Dangerous state.

This is always the case with the older generation of scientific researchers. Their stubborn minds always hold the old ideas of the human empire and refuse to let go, and the young people sneer at this.

With the support of his students, Gustav watched the tall and strong figures walking out of the conference room in front of him. They were all young people who had undergone integrated prosthetic transformations. They were full of energy and vitality. Just looking at their appearance, they looked like All of them are radiantly handsome men and beauties, but in fact they often have less organic flesh and blood tissue than the high-ranking sages of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

"They are so rude. Teacher, you have made a huge contribution to the scientific research of the order, but these young and frivolous guys don't even have the most basic respect for you... How about even pretending to be?" Staff's students looked angrily at the backs of the participants leaving in a hurry, complaining about their teacher.

Gustav himself did not care about this, "Because the contribution I made back then is no longer important to the current Order of Truth."

The student was speechless for a moment.

Gustav, the director of the Mechanical Department of the Order of Truth, his greatest achievement in his life was to conquer important technologies such as fine gold synthesis, zero element coating, and pure spirit field in the humble environment of the underground research institute in the south of Falla. The difficulties in mass production laid the foundation for the human federation's starships to fly out of space without fear of chaos.

However, the technical difficulties that he worked hard to overcome back then seem to be ordinary now.

"Young people have a better educational environment, more solid academic skills, healthier bodies and clearer brains. The little gadgets I tinkered with back then seem to them now like elementary school students doing arithmetic." Gustav said nonchalantly: "You can't expect a group of college students to respect a man who became famous by solving elementary school math problems."

"Even so, but!——"

The student wanted to say more, but Gustav interrupted him, "I don't have much time, and I don't want to spend my precious time on meaningless arguments. Let's go, let's continue the previous topic." "

"……is teacher."

The teacher and student slowly left the conference room of Space City 2 and walked towards Gustav's private laboratory.

For hundreds of years, Gustav has been dedicated to studying the most practical applied sciences. Some people say that he lacks innovation, and some criticize him for running out of talents. But the old minister never paid attention to it, and his research was always in-depth. Those fields that are considered thankless are in completely different directions from those newcomers who are eager to make results to prove themselves and gain social status.

In recent decades, the topic he is studying is the "black stone" related to the Necron.

"This is not a new creation, but a decompilation and reinterpretation of existing alien technology. This project cannot win me the respect and appreciation of the current academic community, and you will not get the status that all young people want by following me. and the realization of self-worth." Gustave stood at the door of the research room, letting the intelligently controlled servitor cleanse his whole body.

He said to the students behind him: "You are still young. It is not too late to change the direction of your research. There is no need to waste your good years on black stone creation with a bad old man like me."

The student was silent for a moment and asked softly: "Since this research cannot bring you more respect and corresponding academic status, why do you want to invest your remaining time in it?"

"Because it can bring greater benefits to the order." Gustave simply replied:,

"Decompiling the Black Stone cannot make the scholars who study it famous, but it can bring great help to the Order of Truth and the Human Federation."

"Scholars in the new era pay more attention to something called 'cost-effectiveness'. The time and energy spent on research must be efficiently converted into their own status and reputation. They refuse to make useless efforts... But I have already become famous. I have I have enough voice to apply for enough resources from the federation, and I don’t have to compete with colleagues for time to publish papers to gain fame, so I can calm down and do something that is truly beneficial to the federation.”

Someone has to do the thankless stuff, so why can't it be me?

"Me too, teacher." The student said softly.

"I hope you won't regret it when you see your senior brothers and sisters in public." Gustav sighed and approached the door of the research room that opened automatically.

The conversation with the students made him relax a little, but Gustav's expression was still solemn.

Because his research on black stones has reached a bottleneck.

The logic coding written by the Necrons into the Blackstone creations is completely different from the human programming language. Even the instruction system has no similarity at all. There is no shortcut to decompile such technological creations, except to use massive computing power to pile them up. The violent solutions and resources and time consumed are completely out of proportion to the research progress achieved.

It’s no wonder that this is a thankless job.

Unless a Necron technocrat is willing to personally teach the code of Necron logic to the scholars of the Terran Federation, such clumsy deciphering will continue.

Gustav was already on the right track, and it was only a matter of time before he truly unlocked the secrets of the Black Stone.

But this time will be very long, very long... until his life ends naturally, and he may not be able to see the slow progress bar come to an end.

"There is a way to make the brute force crack faster, but I need the approval of the leader or Secretary Gray Wind." Gustav's eyes were hesitant.

He understands that he needs more computing power, more flexible adaptive computing logic, and... strong artificial intelligence with self-iterative evolution capabilities.

Happy New Year!

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