Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 336 Breaking the Line of Defense

Although he has left the Tzeentch camp, Magnus's style of conduct still retains many elements of the Lord of Change, just like all Tzeentch demons - just run away after spreading rumors, exciting!

Guilliman, who is about to be crowned King of War, is indeed no longer what he used to be. Magnus has absolutely no hope of defeating him by force, but he risks being killed by the Emperor's Sword and never being resurrected. , Marching crazily towards Guilliman's bottom line is more exciting, isn't it?

Entertaining oneself to death, taking any risks and paying any price, including one's own life, just to have fun. This is exactly Tzeentch's style.

After escaping from the Darnak system, where all forces were beating their brains out, Magnus quietly took a Firestorm-class frigate from Guilliman's war fleet, started the subspace engine and left directly Great Ultramar.

With powerful psychic powers and skilled skills, Magnus effortlessly adjusted the battleship's onboard machine soul into his own shape, and drove her through the turbulent waves in the Sea of ​​Souls, cutting through the waves along the way. Arriving at the Eye of Terror star field.

The Eye of Terror is an exceptional area where the real universe and subspace overlap.

The laws of physics lose their meaning here, the dimensions are distorted, the timeline is confused, and even the stars are dyed with weird and twisted colors. Demonic worlds are soaked in the evil energy of chaos, and their bodies are deformed due to the influence of subspace. , mentally distorted mutant human race struggling to survive in this endless purgatory.

Yes, even in places like the Eye of Terror, there are human colonies. The tenacity of the human race can often exceed human imagination.

Although this kind of tenacity is not always a good thing.

Because in the Eye of Terror, subspace navigation does not require the help of the Mandeville Point, and it is not difficult for a starship to directly penetrate the planet's gravitational circle. Accompanied by Magnus' powerful psychic power, the enslaved Firestorm-class frigate slowly emerged from the twisted illusion and appeared directly in the orbit of a planet filled with dull and dead air.

This is a demonic world called Sicarus, home to the 17th Legion of Word Bearers.

This planet has absolutely nothing that can be called a 'geographical environment'. Mountains, plains, oceans, valleys and other landform features that often appear on other planets are completely absent here.

Every square centimeter of the surface of Sicarus is completely covered by a variety of temples, ancestral halls, churches, altars, monuments and other religious buildings. This is a religious planet that does not even have a single conventional building. There is nothing here but faith. Countless densely packed spider cranes travel up and down the Senta Forest. Countless mortal slaves, driven by the Word Bearers, work all day long, constantly building more and more religious facilities on top of the original buildings.

It seems that this is the only way to demonstrate the loyalty of the 17th legion's demonic ascendant primarch 'Lorgar Aurelion' to the true god of chaos.

——This is how Magnus felt when he came to Sicarus last time.

Returning to their homeland this time, the Word Bearers' home world has been destroyed by war. As soon as he emerged from the subspace navigation state, Magnus noticed 'that thing' located in the center of the galaxy.

It was a transparent shadow similar to the box-shaped jellyfish in the ancient Terran ocean. It was looming like a tethered balloon floating vaguely on the edge of the star, giving off an illusory texture.

That is the dimensional anchor of the Boundary Breakers, and it is the frontline of the Chaos army to resist the high-dimensional invasion.

The 'Unbroken Line of Defense' built by Chaos Warmaster Abaddon in the name of the gods connects the demonic worlds controlled by different forces one by one. The Word Bearers' home world is one of the pearls on this interstellar necklace.

The Worldbreakers and the Word Bearers are engaged in a protracted war over the Pearl.

Magnus could feel the power of the Chaos Evil God suppressing the dimension anchor of the World Breaker, preventing this terrifying high-dimensional creation from locking the time and space of the Sikalus galaxy. The religious planet of the sacrificial facility has become an excellent transfer point for the power of the evil gods. The power of the four gods is simultaneously blessing the Word Bearers. At this moment, each of them is a warrior chosen by the four gods.

Unless Sicarus is destroyed, it is absolutely impossible for the Boundary Breakers to break free from this pearl necklace called the 'Unbreakable Line of Defense' and enter the depths of the High Sky to feast on the divine bodies of the Four Gods of Chaos.

Magnus stood on the track and looked down, seeing the burning temple and the ruined church.

Ghostly shadows wander among the ruined buildings, and physical matter cannot stop their footsteps. At the same time, the space warriors blessed by the four gods are the best food for the boundarybreakers, second only to the chaos demons. So they descended to the ground and played hide-and-seek with their dessert before eating their main meal.

In the orbit of the planet, the Word Bearers war fleet blessed by the evil god is fighting against a high-dimensional warship of the Boundary Breaker with heavy casualties - yes, there is only one.

Magnus went down to the surface of the planet and randomly selected a lucky Word Bearer Captain for brainwashing. Through his memory, the Red Devil roughly understood the battle situation in the Eye of Terror.

The so-called unbreakable defense line of the Chaos Warmaster was actually breached as early as the day it was announced.

The main force of the Boundary Breaker's fleet marched straight into the depths of the subspace to devour the Chaos Demons hiding in the Evil God's Realm. Only one battleship was left in each node system that did not break the defense line, responsible for destroying the remaining Chaos on the planet. After the army has finished eating, it is really a good habit not to waste it.

"Ridiculous." Magnus casually shattered the soul of the Captain of the Word Bearers, got up and walked deeper into the temple complex on the surface of Sicarus.

According to this person's memory, the primarch of the 17th Legion, Lorgar, is still holding on to the planet Sikarus, and together with Angron, the Lord of the Red Sands, who leads the World Eaters, he fights the World Breakers on this religious planet. Ground predator units fight to the death.

"It seems that even those fleets that successfully broke through the unbreakable defense line and successfully entered the subspace are not the real main force of the boundary breakers..." Magnus saw the reason for this.

Even if the defense line is not broken, it is still a line of defense. The chaos node planets play the role of suppressing dimensional anchors for the gods. Once this suppression is broken, the army of the boundary breaker will no longer be restricted, and the four gods of chaos will be able to cry Saying da baa baa, so many people will die.

Magnus took a long breath. He didn't care about the life or death of the four gods of chaos. He came here just to complete a mission, the mission of the star bomber.


Something suddenly occurred to me recently. Llane took the Emperor's Shield and Guilliman took the Emperor's Sword. What will the other Primarchs take when they return?

Considering that the Emperor's remaining equipment is the Emperor's Claws and Cloak.

Rogal Dorn, the original body of the Imperial Fist, happened to have lost his hand, so...

——After successfully attaching the Emperor's Claw, Dorne's domineering power immediately increased sharply, wildly, and powerfully! Kill kill kill kill kill! His momentum at this moment is fifty times more powerful than at any other time; his incomparable domineering thoughts, incomparable madness, such a terrifying original body, what else in the galaxy can resist it? Damn it, what else can we resist in the galaxy?

"Father!! I have felt your domination and I have understood your ambition."

Dorne, who returns in this style of painting, looks less like the original body of the Imperial Fists and more like one from the Black Templars.

In addition, Dorne, who had his hand cut off, used his claws, and Ferrus Manus, who had his head cut off, was...

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