Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 688: Changxia, can seaweed make wine?

"Gen, what are you doing in exchange for wild fruits?" Xi Feng stared at Gen, his eyes full of curiosity. Eat, he doesn't believe it.

Gen glanced at Xifeng and said, "Wine."

"Making, brewing. Is this the wine I know?" Xi Feng swallowed his saliva, his copper bell-like eyes firmly locked on the roots, and stood up at the same time, very excited.

"Chang Xia said that wild fruits can make fruit wine. Oh! By the way, my clan exchanged a batch of sweet potatoes with the snake clan, and these batches of sweet potatoes were brewed into sweet potato wine, which can be drunk in half a month." Gen used the most bland tone, Said the most arrogant words. .

"Chang Xia, can seaweed make wine?" Xi Feng turned around and squatted, looking at Chang Xia. Asked if seaweed can make wine, there is not much else in the Daqingfeng Mountains, and seaweed grows all over the mountains and plains.

Chang Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Seaweed wine, what kind of wine is this brewed?

"Chief Xifeng calm down, seaweed can't make wine. If the bear clan wants to drink, they can either go to the Holubad Basin to exchange wild fruits and make fruit wine. Or they can exchange sweet potatoes with the snake clan to make sweet potato wine. Of course, the wolf clan's golden rods and corn They can also make wine, but the wolf clan should be reluctant to exchange these two grains to make wine." Chang Xia explained.

The golden rods and corn of the wolf tribe are the staple food.

If it is not necessary, the Sirius Tribe is probably not willing to exchange them in large quantities.

Of course, Changxia also feels that making wine with gold bars and corn is too extravagant at this stage. However, after the orcs are completely out of poverty, it is also possible to make wine with gold rods and corn. Grain and wine, drink it.

"The wolves are absolutely reluctant to exchange large quantities of gold sticks and corn. The sweet potatoes of the snake clan can be considered. Daya, do you really want to go to the Holubad Basin?" .

Just now, he scolded Da Ya severely.

this time.

Knowing that wild fruit can make wine, the chief Xifeng felt shameful.

Da Ya raised her head in surprise, nodded earnestly, and replied, "Father, I want to go." She was in great shape recently, so she wanted to go for a walk in the forest. It just so happened that Nanfeng Honeydew and the others wanted to go to the Holubad Basin to exchange wild fruits, so she was naturally moved.

"I asked Li Li to bring a few clansmen with you." Xi Feng said.

Wine, no orc can resist the temptation to get wine.

Patriarch Xifeng couldn't refuse either.

"Yadong, let's go find Lili now. Patriarch, when will we leave?" Da Ya was so excited that she took Yadong's hand and wanted to jump a few times.

Yadong's eyes are quick, and he grabs the person.

The orcs looked at this scene, and their expressions became very good-looking.

Geng held his breath, looked at Nan Feng, who was also looking forward to it, waved his hand, ready to be invisible, and said, "Go to Bai Qing and let him decide when to leave..."

The accompanying elders also asked Bai Qing to communicate.

After getting the clear information, Da Ya Nanfeng walked out of the council room beaming.

Before leaving, he forgot to say goodbye to Chang Xia.

"Chang Xia, you don't want to go?" Su Ye asked with a smile.

Chang Xia shrugged and said calmly: "I don't want to. The last time I went out was very hard. Besides, I have to take care of the vegetables in the vegetable field of Xiaohechuan Wilderness. How can I go out? Next, the tribes really decided to keep their people there. In the White Lake business district, the tribe will only get busier."

She is in the tribe and can also give some advice.


Hearing what Chang Xia said, Gen was quietly relieved.

Similarly, the expression of the Xifeng patriarch also brightened a lot.


According to Su Ye's calculations, the six major tribes are indeed insiders.

"Yes, entering the forest is very hard." Su Ye said with relief. After Chang Xia became an adult, Su Ye chose to let go and let Chang Xia grow wildly. So far, Changxia has been doing pretty well recently.

This time Taya wants to go to the Holubad Basin.

Su Ye was worried that Chang Xia also wanted to go.

However, she and the six major tribes plan to open the Baihu business district and allow various tribes/tribes to settle in Baihu Street. Su Ye felt a little unsteady, and hoped that Chang Xia could help watch it.

"There are more than 100 rattan baskets sent by various tribes/tribes. Even if they don't enter the forest, it is enough for me to think about it at home." Chang Xia smiled.

Her bloodline abilities are suited to the forest.

However, follow the forest comparison.

This ability is also suitable for farming. In addition, Chang Xia originally wanted to farm and improve the current way of life of the orcs.

After waiting, the twilight forest orcs decided to go out of the forest.

Chang Xia estimated that he would have another idea.

Now, she thinks it's good to stay in the tribe to study farming and farming.

For some things, trying once is enough.

"Where's Shen Rong?" Su Ye asked.

Chang Xia shook his head lightly and replied, "He seems to have gone to Woye, but where did he go?"

The tribe has been crowded recently, and Chang Xia helped to dry the herbs and ginseng today, but didn't pay attention to what Shen Rong was doing. She remembered that Shen Rong seemed to have said it, but she didn't hear it.

Su Ye Changxia chatting here.

Gen took the patriarch Xifeng out of the council room.

As soon as the Bear Clan came over, Xifeng Patriarch was pulled by Geng to ask about Da Ya. At this moment, after the conversation was over, Patriarch Xifeng naturally wanted to go to the cave where the Bear Clan lived.

At the same time, we have to talk about future arrangements.

Before, the tribes/tribes didn't pay much attention to the shops on Baihu Street.

It's different now.

If you want to live in the Baihu commercial area, the shops naturally need to be dressed up, UU read www. and how often the tribe sends things to exchange, these things need to be discussed in advance.

The white lake business district is lively and lively, but the expressions of the orcs of various tribes/tribes are not very relaxed. Obviously, the decision of the witch and the six major tribes will inevitably affect the future development, and they cannot afford to ignore it.

"Grandma Su Ye, really let Da Ya go to the Holubad Basin?" Chang Xia whispered.

At this time, there was no one else in the council room.

Chang Xia spoke casually.

"Didn't you say it well just now, why are you asking again now?" Su Ye poked Chang Xia's head and chuckled.

Chang Xia smirked and said, "I saw Da Ya's determination, so I simply offered a few words to help."

"I checked her body, and proper exercise won't hurt the beast cub. She wants to go to the Holubad Basin, but she wants to go into the forest to hunt. After enjoying it, she will naturally not think about anything else. ." Su Ye said lightly.

This statement is indeed the same as what Chang Xia thought.

Some things are more useless the more you stop them.

Blocking is worse than sparse.

Once the road is clear, it is easy to go to the Holubad Basin.

At most, it's a little harder to travel.

With Daya's physical fitness, she can bear this hardship.

"Hehe!" Chang Xia continued to laugh, holding Su Ye's arm, and said, "Mother Su Ye is leaving, let's go back to the cave. Two days ago, I made a lot of cakes and balls. Do you want to eat? I'll do it for you."

"What pastries and balls?" Su Ye said.

She heard about this from the orcs when she came to the White Lake business district.

However, looking at Chang Xia's flattering face, Su Ye pretended not to know, and asked Chang Xia to repeat it.

"Meatballs, radish meatballs, sweet potato and taro balls..."

Under the sun, the figures of Su Ye and Changxia were sticking together, and the gentle voice of conversation melted into the wind. At this moment, it seemed that even the sky was a little brighter.

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