Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 687: Chang Xia, what do you think?

Chapter 687 Chang Xia, what do you think

into the night.

The orcs go home.

The cave courtyard ushered in tranquility.

"Shen Rong, do you think the wolf clan will agree to Aomori staying in the Baihu business district?" Chang Xia asked Shen Rong while wiping his dripping hair.

Shen Rong squatted by the water tank and washed his changed clothes.

"Yes." Shen Rong affirmed.

Maybe the other orcs haven't figured out the situation yet, and the six major tribes definitely received Su Ye's orders. The opening of the Baihu Business District is imperative. If the five major tribes do not want to fall behind, they will definitely arrange their tribesmen to settle in Baihu Street.

Aomori is a little clever.

You will definitely get this place in the Heluo tribe.

Building a road is the first step.

The second step is to let the orcs go out of their respective territories.

Whether it's hiring, or building a city together. It all takes time to implement, Su Ye and the six major tribes began to make arrangements.

Its purpose is to gather the orc tribes/tribes scattered throughout the Dusk Forest into the region where the six major tribes are located.

Then use the six major tribes as bases - build a city.

The wolf tribe brought fifty Kirabs, which was the bait to lure the orcs.

"I feel that Granny Su Ye and the tribe are hiding something from us." Chang Xia muttered.

This exchange event started too suddenly without any warning. Based on Chang Xia's understanding of the root, he will definitely let the tribe prepare in advance for the opening of the Baihu business district.

However, this time he didn't say anything.

And the mallard tribe came a little faster.

Shen Rong chuckled lightly and said, "The tribe is hiding it, and naturally they don't want you to participate. If it's really a big deal, even if the tribe is hiding it from you, Wu will tell you. Since they didn't say anything, it shouldn't be a big deal. "

Shen Rong comforted Chang Xia, but he couldn't help pondering in his heart.

Yun Dong and the others left the tribe, clearly saying that they were patrolling the Twilight Forest and chasing the wandering orcs. Shen Rong couldn't help but wonder if the Yuan family from Xilu appeared in the Twilight Forest? Or what did the Qinghai Plateau Bird Clan and the East China Sea Fish Clan do...

The Twilight Forest is always calm, and the six tribes patrol the Twilight Forest regularly.

The tour was clearly no longer anticipated.

After listening.

Chang Xia thought about it carefully, it seemed a bit right.

"Don't think too much, quickly dry your hair and go to bed early." Chen Rong said.

The tiger clan and the bear clan have not arrived yet, it is estimated that it will only be two days. Meanwhile, other tribes/tribes will arrive one after another. Fortunately, the tribe has expanded the Baihu business district, otherwise they would have to worry about the lack of space.

"I really have to go to bed early, there are quite a lot of things to do tomorrow." Chang Xia said.

Silent night.

The sound of insects sounded quietly.

The Heluo tribe ended a day of noise, and all the orcs fell asleep.

In the next few days, the Heluo tribe was very lively.

The Tiger Clan arrived at the Baihu Commercial Area the next day, while the Bear Clan was one day behind. In the early morning of the third day, Chief Xifeng brought the Bear Clan orcs to the Heluo Tribe.

Da Ya was the happiest when the bear clan arrived. She didn't wait for the bear clan, and Da Ya got angry in a hurry, and blisters formed on the corners of her mouth.

Gen told Taya that as long as the Bear Clan agreed to her going to the Holubad Basin, the Heluo tribe had no objection and allowed her to go out.

"Chang Xia, Wu asked you to go to the council house on Baihu Street." Nan Feng, panting, pushed open the door of Chang Xia's courtyard and said loudly.

Chang Xia helped to dry the medicinal materials of Su Ye in the pharmacy, and at the same time turned over the ginkgo. These ginkgo fruits were picked from the vegetable garden. The ginkgo fruits in the vegetable garden ripened half a month later than those in other places, and were just picked recently.

The Baihu business district has been very lively recently, and Changxia restrained herself from hanging out.

She is famous, and she is surrounded by people as soon as she passes by.

Once or twice is fine, but more often, Chang Xia is too lazy to go.

The bear clan was late, not to mention Da Ya was in a bad mood, even Nanfeng Honeylu was in a low mood. Bai Qing approached the three tribes, and the three tribes agreed to exchange wild fruits. At the same time, they are willing to go back with Bai Qing and the others.

The three tribes participated in the exchange activities to increase their knowledge.

In the past few days, all kinds of insights have been seen.

They want to go back to the Holubad Basin to collect wild fruits. In addition to Bai Qing and the others, there are many tribes/tribes who expressed their willingness to exchange wild fruits with them.

"When did Granny Su Ye come to the tribe?" Chang Xia asked in surprise.

"In the morning, it didn't take long." Nanfeng said: "You go, hurry up."

Chang Xia was pushed and shoved by the south wind and walked towards the White Lake Street Council House. Chang Xia frowned, looked at Nan Feng in confusion, and asked, "Nan Feng, are you in a hurry for me to see Granny Su Ye?"

"Yes!" Nanfeng said.

"Why—" Chang Xia looked at a loss, she saw Su Ye, what does it have to do with Nan Feng. The pile of materials that she and Qinghe sorted out, Chang Xia handed it over to Gen, and asked Gen to take it to the White Lake Street Council House. Every tribe/tribe who has received the materials will be registered in the council room, so that there is no need to worry about omissions or fear. Some orcs take more and waste it.

"The witch and the bear clan discussed about Da Ya." Nan Feng said quickly.

Because of Da Ya, they didn't set out for a long time, and now they finally waited for the bear clan to come. Nanfeng can't wait for the witch and the bear clan to make a decision right away. The sooner they can exchange wild fruits, the sooner they can drink the fruit wine. How can Nanfeng not be in a hurry?

Drag it further, and the sweet potato pulp is fermented.

Nanfeng didn't want to wait for them to come back from the Holubad Basin. The sweet potato wine brewed by the tribe was consumed by the tribe, and they couldn't even taste it.

"I haven't decided yet on this matter?" Chang Xia said with a headache, holding his forehead.

How could such a trivial matter take so long?

"Yeah! It's so annoying, it's procrastinating." Nanfeng complained, obviously it was a trivial matter, and it had to be delayed for four or five days. If you delay any longer, the sweet potato wine will be ready.

Passing through Baihu Street, Nanfeng dragged Chang Xia towards the Council House. Along the way, there was no time for Chang Xia to greet the other orcs. However, Chang Xia felt very good.

dong dong!

Nanfeng knocked on the door and pushed it open.

"Wu, I called Chang Xia here." Nan Feng said.

Saying that, he pulled Chang Xia across the threshold.

In the council room, Su Ye, Xi Feng, and Gen and other orcs suddenly sat.

Daya Yadong stood by the side with her head lowered, unable to see the expression on her face.

"Wizard, Xifeng Patriarch." Chang Xia waved his hand and greeted.

Su Ye smiled, pointed to the wooden chair beside him, and let Chang Xia sit down. Patriarch Xifeng laughed, and this laughter was comparable to that of Elder Pukang.

"Chang Xia, sit down." Su Ye said.

After Patriarch Xifeng finished laughing, he said loudly, "Chang Xia, I will prepare a present for you, you will definitely like it."

"Many thanks to Patriarch Xifeng!" Chang Xia thanked him.

She wondered in her heart, did the bear clan make new sugar?

"Daya wants to go to the Holubad Basin, what do you think about this?" Su Ye asked.

The corner of Chang Xia's mouth twitched, she really wanted to answer and sit and However, looking at the expressions of Su Ye and Patriarch Xifeng, if she dared to answer like this, the two of them would probably be confused.

"When the road is clear, Da Ya can afford it. I think she wants to go, so she can go. The big deal, let the tribe arrange a few more totem warriors to go with you. In addition to the wild fruits in the Holubad Basin, the vegetables and melons in the gray mist grassland. Some fruits can also be exchanged for Hui tribes. At this time, the vegetables, melons and fruits in the gray fog grassland are in the harvest season, and our tribe can exchange some more for pickling or drying, which is very good.”

This said.

Patriarch Xifeng followed suit.

Each tribe/tribe does bring supplies to the White Lake business district for exchange.

However, these supplies are limited in quantity.

(End of this chapter)

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