Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 662: The Return of Elder Senda, the Secret of the Snake Clan's Inheritance

"Shen Rong, speed up." Chang Xia said.

She was too lazy to look at Nanfeng, for fear of a heart attack.

Nan Feng Xu noticed that Chang Xia's attitude had changed, and after coughing, she remembered the purpose of her coming to Xiaohe Chuan Wilderness to find Chang Xia.

"Chang Xia, I didn't do it on purpose." Nan Feng sneered and said, "Daya has been in good shape recently, so nothing should happen."

The tribe arranged totem warriors to go to Weihe to catch black fish.

One is to nourish Da Ya's body, and the other is to let the cubs of the tribe eat together. The white fish in the waterfall pool of Weishan Holy Land has the same effect.

However, the white fish in the pond is easy to die when left out of the water.

If you want to eat white fish, you can only go to Weishan in person.

"I'm too lazy to talk about you. You've been working hard with Snake recently. Don't wait until winter arrives to find out that there isn't much food in your cave. At that time, Xylophone Amu can kill you." Chang Xia urged.

In the past, Nanfeng liked to catch her and nagging her.

Now, the situation is reversed for both of them.

Chang Xia thinks it's pretty good, Nan Feng occasionally cramps, but most of the time she's a normal female. However, Chang Xia was really afraid that she would delay hunting and picking, so she couldn't help but remind her.

At this time, the tribe usually organizes totem warriors to hunt in the forest.

The clansmen who stayed in the tribe went out to pick.

Bring all the edible things you see back to the tribe.

Due to the long summer this year, the Heluo tribe picked a lot of ginkgo early, dried and ground them into powder. Every household in the tribe hoarded enough fruit powder and wild vegetables for winter, and they also picked a lot.

In addition, the tribe dug and built cave dwellings.

The clansmen are looking forward to the arrival of the cold season, instead of fearing the winter as before.

"Chang Xia, don't worry! Snake and I will seriously stock up on supplies. Besides, am I so unreliable?" Nan Feng retorted with black lines all over her head, and she let go of herself, why even Chang Xia was worried wake her up?

think about.

Nanfeng suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

"You're more unreliable than you look." Shen Rong complained.

Thinking back to when he first came to the Heluo tribe a few months ago. Nan Feng had a cold expression on his face, always glaring at him with the eyes he was looking at.

In just a few months, Nanfeng has been reborn.

It's like a completely changed person.

The character is similar to that of the tribal beast cub tits.

Love to play, love to play, and love to eat.

"Nanfeng, you can't step on the pit, the soil won't grow if you step on it tightly." Bai Qing pointed at Nanfeng's stomping feet, reminding Yoyo.

"..." Nan Feng stiffened his face and retracted his feet.

Chang Xia: "Okay. The seeds are all buried and ready to go back to the tribe."

She neatly snatched the seeds from Nanfeng's hands, quickly sprinkled them into the dug hole, and gently bulldozed the seeds to bury them. Then he patted off the soil stained on his hands, shouted, and returned to the Baihu cave.

Elder Senda returns to the tribe.

Take Chang Xia's knowledge of Gen and Xylophone.

At this time, most of the tribes arranged totem warriors to run towards the Snake Mountain tribe. The koji has been prepared, and when the sweet potatoes, wild fruits and other things are in hand, you can start brewing at any time.

Not to mention the expectations of the clansmen, Chang Xia is also full of hope.

Soon, Changxia and the others returned to the cave.

Elder Senda was not at Changxia's house, so Su Ye sat alone at the square table in the corridor pavilion in the cave. There are pen and paper on the table, Su Ye is transcribing something.

"Mother Su Ye—" Chang Xia called softly.

Nan Feng looked left and right, and said in surprise: "Elder Senda? I remember that he was still here just now, why is Da Ya Yadong not seen?"

Nan Feng muttered and followed across the courtyard gate.


Su Ye looked up.

"Chang Xia, it's a bit slow to come back this time." Su Ye put down the pen and chuckled.

Chang Xia walked to the water tank, fetched water, and prepared to wash her face and hands, "Nanfeng went to Xiaohechuan Wilderness to find me, didn't say anything, and sowed seeds with me. When she was about to be busy, she suddenly said that Elder Senda came back……"

"Haha!" Su Ye laughed loudly, raised his head, and nodded to Nanfeng from a distance. This thing is indeed like what Nanfeng will do now.

Say it, do it.

"I saw Chang Xia planting seeds in the past, and I forgot about Elder Senda's return for a while. After a while, I remembered." Nan Feng explained in a low voice, she really couldn't blame her for forgetting things, after all Farming in the long summer is fun to watch.

"Mother Su Ye, did Elder Sheguo'er speak?" Chang Xia asked lightly.

Su Ye nodded and said, "Sheguoer didn't want to talk about it at first, but Senda mentioned you and Shen Rong."

"Why does this matter have anything to do with me?" Chang Xia was slightly startled and asked suspiciously.

"Interracial marriage is a taboo." Su Ye said word by word, long ago, orcs rarely chose to marry across races, and they were basically the same clan to marry and prosper. Occasionally there are interracial orcs who seldom give birth to cubs.

Chang Xia looked bewildered.

Beside him, Shen Rong Nanfeng understood.

If you want to breed beast cubs through interracial marriage, you need to pay a certain price.

The Snake Clan obviously knows the reason for this.

"Taboo—" Chang Xia looked at Shen Rong absently, and said hesitantly, "Interracial marriage is taboo, why did the Snake Mountain tribe want Snake to marry Nanfeng?"

"The Snake Clan knows the taboos." Nanfeng opened his mouth and said calmly: "Snake said that when I was pregnant, he would take me back to the Snake Mountain tribe. The anaconda snake is the snake spirit of the Snake Clan, and the Snake Clan believes in anacondas. Snakes, it is forbidden for any orcs to hunt anaconda snakes. Daya became greedy after she became pregnant, and after eating the jerky anaconda snake meat, she no longer felt hungry..."

In the case of the south wind, it is But.

It fell into the ears of Chang Xia and other orcs, but it was like thunder.

Put the messy words together and think about it.

They come to a useful conclusion.

Females who give birth to beast cubs by interracial marriage will become greedy, and the meat of boa snakes can relieve and even rescue females in this state.

The snake tribe believes that the anaconda is a snake spirit, and its purpose is not simple.

Thinking about it, all the orcs changed their faces.

"Nanfeng is right, anaconda snakes, black fish and white fish can help inter-racial union of pregnant females. I think the wild fruits in Weishan Holy Land also have miraculous effects. I have discussed with the root and let Senda grow tomorrow. He personally escorted Taya Yadong to the Holy Land of Weishan. You should not have heard of the anaconda snake thing, after all, this is the secret of the inheritance of the snake clan." Su Ye warned.

If it weren't for Chang Xia and Nanfeng, Elder Sheguo'er might not be willing to speak.

The number of anacondas in the Mochizuki Mountains is limited.

The replacement of the head of the Snake Clan often takes decades or centuries.

Even if the patriarch of the snake clan breeds beast cubs, the snake clan will hunt down at most one boa. However, with the rise of tribal marriages, things will get out of hand.

Elder Sheguo'er is not afraid of revealing the secrets of the Snake Clan's inheritance.

Instead, he was worried that the Mochizuki Mountains would eventually be hunted and killed, and the needs of the orcs would still not be met. At that time, things would become very terrifying.

Obviously, Su Ye and Elder Senda are also aware of this.

However, there is a notification from the elders of Sheguoer.

Su Ye has more options and ideas.

First of all, she thought of the wild fruits in Weishan Holy Land, except for wild fruits. Su Ye pondered the nourishing decoction. Of course, all of these will take time to verify, but at least he sees hope, instead of putting all the possibilities on the anaconda.


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