"Sweet potato wine, sweet potato wine?" Xylophone said excitedly.

Nanfeng pointed to Snake and explained: "Amu, the Snake Mountain tribe grows a lot of sweet potatoes, which were first discovered in Changxia near Wangyue Ridge in the Wild Fungus Forest. This sweet potato can be eaten as food, and can be made into sweet potato powder and sweet potato. Dried, it can also be brewed into sweet potato wine.”

"Are the Snake Clan willing to exchange sweet potatoes?" Xylophone said neatly.

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked towards Snake.

Snake Road: "When the tribe finishes building houses and roads, they will fully harvest sweet potatoes, mashed beans and other things. The exchange is naturally willing to exchange, but it will take a while."

When Chang Xia left the Mochizuki Mountains, the Snake Patriarch promised to give Chang Xia sweet potatoes for making sweet potato wine. At the same time, I also want to exchange koji with Changxia to make sweet potato wine.

"Elder Senda just went to the Snake tribe, waiting for him to return to the tribe. I will arrange for the clan to go to the Snake tribe and exchange sweet potatoes with them." Xylophone was very excited.

On the side, the other orcs got a letter of approval from the xylophone.

One by one, they were equally excited.

"Changxia, let's make wine koji!" Nanfeng said.

Hunting, picking.

These are all pushed back directly.

Now, the most important thing is to make koji.

Chang Xia held her forehead and hesitated: "You don't have to go out hunting and picking?"

She knew that even if Nan Feng was the cub of the patriarch, after getting married, he still needed to support himself. The materials hoarded in the tribal warehouse are only used for exchange, or given to tribal elders and beast cubs. Adult orcs cannot obtain them for free.

"For hunting, I will go to the fertile fields in the afternoon. Picking, don't be in a hurry for the time being." Maple Leaf explained that before the rainy season, they picked a lot of ginkgo, and they stored a lot of fruit powder in their cellars. These fruit powders are enough for them to eat the harvest season, plus the wild vegetables picked, and the fish and shrimps in the White Lake/White River.

Even if he stays in the tribe for three or five days, he doesn't go out to hunt and pick.

They are not worried about going hungry.

See you.

Chang Xia understood their determination.

"Okay! Let's make koji together, and first clean the spicy Polygonum."

"Shen Rong, please go to the cellar to bring up the fruit powder. Don't be in a hurry to open up the wasteland in Xiaohechuan. When the wine is ready, we will go there together."

Nan Feng and the others were all there, and Chang Xia kept Shen Rong behind.

So, the orcs in the cave courtyard got busy. What was missing, Xylophone brought people back to the tribe to get it. For a time, the orcs were very busy.

In the distance, Su Ye chased away Bai Qing.

Let Bai Qing find a friend to play with. She called Da Ya and checked her body again. Yesterday was in a hurry, so Su Ye simply checked it out for Da Ya to confirm that she and the beast cub in her belly were no different, so she didn't take a closer look.

"Da Ya, how's the situation recently?" Su Ye asked.

From the corner of her eyes, Da Ya stared at the orcs cleaning the spicy Polygonum grass, her eyes full of envy. This room suddenly heard Su Ye's question, so he raised his head and replied, "I have the jerky anaconda and snake meat given by Chang Xia. Now I have four or five meals a day, and I don't need to eat too much each meal."

In this situation, Daya felt comfortable.

Before, at least six meals a day.

With dozens of pieces of barbecued meat per meal, no matter how good the barbecued meat tastes, Da Ya is also tired of eating it.

However, if you don't eat it, it won't work. If you don't eat, your stomach is so hungry and your head feels dizzy.

"Wait, wait for Senda to come back. I'll think about your physical condition. If it's stable recently, you should move more." Su Ye said warmly.

When the words fell, Daya stood up abruptly.

"Witch, I'm going to help clean the spicy Polygonum grass—"

The corner of Su Ye's mouth twitched, was Da Ya's inference speed a little faster? She only said to let Da Ya move, this child really has no time to spare.

"Daya, why are you here?"

"I'm here to help wash the spicy Polygonum grass, Wu said, I'm in good health recently and can exercise properly."

Daya said that Wu supported her to do more exercise.

Chang Xia and the other orcs didn't stop her anymore, and let her participate in the cleaning of the spicy Polygonum. Hundreds of kilograms of spicy Polygonum grass are long enough to keep them busy all morning.

After washing, chop it up and make it into spicy polygonum.

Mix water with the fruit powder and knead.

After the work is over, it will take about three or five days.

During this period, Chang Xia asked the Xylophone Hui tribe to get some wooden frames and rattan sieves. It is convenient to drain the water, and the koji has been placed.

The cave courtyard has a limited area, and there is not much wine koji.

Chang Xia pondered that after teaching Nanfeng and the others to make wine koji, they had to go to the Tribe Square to make wine koji. Recently, the Baihu Business District is empty, and the space is not enough. Maybe it is good to borrow the Baihu Business District.

the next few days.

The Heluo tribe is busy making koji.

Even the flour and sugar making stopped. The clansmen went to the Baihu commercial area to learn how to make koji. The koji is related to wine. The clansmen's attention to koji is almost catching up with thatch root candy and dry powder, which shows how powerful the liquor is. .

"Changxia, why aren't you staring at making wine koji in the Baihu business district?" Nanfeng muttered, standing in the wilderness of Xiaohechuan, watching the strange wild vegetables planted in Changxia.

Shen Rong Baiqing helped dig the pit, and Chang Xia was in charge of sowing seeds to bury it.

The three of them cooperated tacitly and quickly.

Hearing Nan Feng's question, Chang Xia looked up.

"The xylophone Eminem is staring at the production of wine koji. It's the same whether I'm here or not. Besides, it is more important to open up wasteland in Xiaohe River. I need to do it myself." Chang Xia said seriously. This batch of seeds was bred with bloodline ability in Changxia, and after germination, they were brought to the Xiaohechuan wilderness for planting. If it weren't for the lack of space in the cave courtyard, Changxia plans to wait for the seedlings to be transplanted.

However, the germination rate of this batch of seeds is very good.

Chang Xia has the confidence to grow and live.

These seeds come from areas such as the Forest of the Clear Moon, the Lost Jungle, and the Mochizuki Mountains~www.wuxiamtl.com~ can be said to be everywhere. If all are planted, it is of great significance.

"Forget it, I can't tell you." Nanfeng said, "Do you need my help?"

"Come on! Help me sow the seeds." Chang Xia said.

Soon, the south wind joined in.

"Snake walking?" Chang Xia asked. It was rare that Snake was not with Nanfeng, and Chang Xia couldn't help but ask curiously.

Nanfeng said: "He and Bai Qing went hunting in Woye. I want to marinate the meat in soy sauce, but there is no fresh meat at home."

"The meat in soy sauce, just happened to be together. I've also finished eating the meat in soy sauce, so I have to make more." Chang Xia said. Her family is not short of meat, and Chang Xia plans to take time to marinate some soy sauce meat.

"Okay! The taste you made is delicious. When the snake hunts come back, I will come to find you to make soy sauce meat together. By the way, Elder Senda seems to have returned from the Snake Mountain tribe. I think his expression is a bit strange..." The south wind suddenly said.

Chang Xia moved for a while, and looked at Nan Feng speechlessly.

She was sure that Nanfeng came to inform her that Elder Senda was back.

However, Nan Feng came to talk to her for a long time.

Finally, I talked about Elder Senda's return.

Chang Xia let out a long sigh, such an unreliable Nan Feng really worked hard. It's no wonder that after Nanfeng got married, Gen and Xylophone had more and more smiles on their faces. Dareqing finally kicked out their unreliable beast cubs...


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