"Mr. Su Ye, let me tell you that this white-cut chicken would taste even better if it had fish sauce from the mallard tribe as a dipping sauce."

into the night.

Chang Xia Shen Rong sat around the square table in the corridor pavilion.

On the table, there are various delicacies, the aroma is fragrant and mouth-watering.

"The fish sauce of the mallard tribe is really delicious. I've eaten the fish sauce and raw marinade of the mallard tribe, and the taste is indescribable." Su Ye was eating the white-cut chicken, reminiscing about the fish sauce and raw marinade of the mallard tribe, and nodded, Definitely Chang Xia's praise for fish sauce.

"The juice from the boiled root is very fragrant, and tastes better than soy sauce fruit." Shen Rong said.

Weishan has a limited number of seasoning trees. Changxia wants all the orcs to eat soy sauce, and the mallard tribe will be the best choice. Looking at the calm appearance of Yufu talking about the fish sauce grass and the taste root, presumably these two things are not lacking in the Erdos swamp.

"All the tribes have opened the way, and it is easier for the mallard tribe to contact other orc tribes. Once there is contact, the exchange becomes easier." Su Ye said indifferently.

She would not force a certain orc tribe to exchange supplies.

All exchange behaviors are entirely up to the orc tribe to decide.

"Mother Su Ye, did the mallard tribe really not have contact with the orc tribe before?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

Many orcs in the Dusk Forest do not even know the existence of the mallard tribe.

This is very strange.

Su Ye said: "The mallard tribe has a weird way of life. They chase the Subu Detroit River to live. They rarely have contact with other orc tribes. In addition, their beast body is more inclined to the fish tribe."

Chang Xia listened to Su Ye's unfinished words.

At the bottom of my heart, I understand somewhat.

The mallard tribe was afraid of being isolated by the orcs, so they chose to isolate themselves.

Contact with other orc tribes may be related to Su Ye. The appearance of Su Ye changed the mallard tribe's self-isolation attitude towards life, and gradually walked out of the Erdos swamp and began to contact other orc tribes.

The Mallard tribe agreed to participate in the exchange of the Heluo tribe's Baihu business district.

Perhaps it was an attempt by the mallard tribe, once they found out that there was an orc tribe who had an idea for them. The mallard tribe may resume its previous way of life again, no longer in contact with other orc tribes.

"I will recommend fish sauce and flavor root to other orc tribes." Chang Xia said.

Su Ye admired and glanced at Chang Xia, as expected of her beloved cub.

Even if she didn't say anything, she knew how to help her.

Shen Rong Baiqing was immersed in the food, and turned a deaf ear to the conversation between Chang Xia and the two.

After the meal, Chang Xia didn't pester Su Ye to chat more.

They washed up and went back to their rooms.

At the dinner table, Su Ye told Chang Xia that he would stay in the Heluo tribe for a while.

The main reason is to worry about Da Ya. When Senda returns from the Snake Mountain Tribe and see if Da Ya's physical condition can be resolved, Su Ye will set off and return to the Sacred Mountain Wizard Hall of Karna.


There are orcs guarding the Sorcerer's Hall in the Holy Mountain of Karna.

There really was an accident in the orc tribe, and the orcs who stayed behind came directly to Su Ye to report the situation, and then Su Ye made the decision. After all, the road is clear, and the Sacred Mountain Wizard Hall of Karna came to the Heluo Tribe in just an hour's journey.

The beast is on his way, and he can arrive in half an hour.

Back then, it was no exaggeration that the tribes almost broke their heads in order to compete for the Baihe Basin. The Baihe River Basin is close to the Sorcerer's Hall of the Holy Mountain of Karna, which is really convenient.

In fact, the location of the Sorcerer's Temple in the Holy Mountain of Karna.

It can also be regarded as the Baihe River Basin.

It's just that it's a witch who lives in the Sorcerer's Hall in the Sacred Mountain of Karna.

So he was separated.

The next day, Chang Xia sat at the square table and drank corn porridge with golden sticks and grains. Chatting with Su Ye, I asked her if she wanted to go to the Xiaohechuan Wilderness together to watch her and Shen Rong open up the wasteland.

"Chang Xia, are you sure you can get out of the cave today?" Su Ye said with a smile.

Yesterday, there was a lot of uproar about the spicy Polygonum grass.

Su Ye didn't believe it, Chang Xia had the opportunity to leave the cave.

Liquor, not wine.

However, with koji, you can make wine. With the desire of the orcs for wine, today Nanfeng and the others will definitely beg Changxia to make wine koji in the cave.

"..." Chang Xia patted her head and sighed softly.

She almost forgot about the spicy Polygonum grass.

"I went to Xiaohe River to open up wasteland, and you stayed in the cave to accompany the witch." Shen Rong said.

To open up wasteland, we must first burn the weeds, then turn the soil, and pick up the sand and gravel in the soil. The soil in the Xiaohe River Wilderness is very fertile. After turning the soil and drying it for a day or two, it can be used for planting in the long summer.

Season is not season, Chang Xia has not thought about it for a while.

After all, these vegetables, melons and fruits, were all dug by Chang Xia from the forest and other orc tribes.

Chang Xia plans to cooperate with the bloodline ability to try out.

Whether it is successful or not, Chang Xia doesn't care about it, but he wants to record the process of planting.

"Okay." Chang Xia nodded and said, "Shen Rong, try to use tools to open up wasteland."

To tell the truth, Chang Xia disapproved of beastification turning the soil with both hands. Orcs, as intelligent beings, should learn to use tools instead of simply using force.


Chang Xia did not let the orcs give up their advantages.

And I hope the orcs can put their advantages in other places, not simply waste their own abilities.

"Okay." Shen Rong said.

Da da--

Suddenly, the sound of messy footsteps came from the courtyard gate.

Hearing the sound, several people around the square table looked at each other.

"So early?!" Bai Qing said in surprise.

Shen Rong gave Bai Qing a look and said, "Morning, it's normal!"

In fact, he was worried last night that Nanfeng and the others came over before it was dawn. Shen Rong was surprised that they could endure it until now.

"Chang Xia, here we are." Nan Feng said loudly.

With a bang, the courtyard door was pushed open. I saw Nanfeng and the other orcs, either carrying rattan baskets or carrying baskets on their backs, and everyone was carrying a large pile of spicy Polygonum grass.

Looking at ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chang Xia felt hot in her nose.

"Is this all crazy?" Chang Xia murmured with black lines all over her head.

I'm afraid there are hundreds of kilograms of Polygonum vulgaris, wouldn't they plough the bushes again? Although Polygonum vulgaris is common, it takes time to find and harvest so many Polygonum vulgaris.

Su Ye finished drinking the golden stick and corn porridge, and said, "You guys have done a disaster for the bushes, do you know about the tribe?"

According to Su Ye's knowledge, there are many ginkgo trees, thorn fruits, sour fruits and astringent persimmon trees growing in the shrub forest. The Heluo tribe attaches great importance to the shrub forest, which is the picking place of the leopard tribe. Looking at Nanfeng and the others, they were covered in mud, and nine times out of ten, the bushes were harassed by them.

Hear the words.

The expressions of all the orcs froze.

After returning to God, only then did I remember the place where they were in trouble before.

It seems to be an important picking place for the tribe.

Immediately, all the orcs were dumbfounded.

"Chang Xia—" Nan Feng begged and looked at Chang Xia, looking for help.

If this is known to his own Eminem, a beating would be inevitable. However, with Maple Leaf and the others taking on it together, Nan Feng felt that it was not a big problem.

The corners of Chang Xia's mouth twitched, and she whispered, "You didn't cut down the ginkgo trees in the bushes, did you?"

If this is a ginkgo tree or something.

Chang Xia also did not dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers.


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