Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 658: Eating sauerkraut raw is so sour

"Really." Su Ye nodded.

"The mallard tribe's raw pickled and fish paste tastes great!"

"The juice of the mirin root is very similar to the soy sauce fruit. The fish sauce, used to make a dipping sauce, is also delicious."

Immediately, the orcs were talking about the mallard tribe.

At the same time, he expressed that he was looking forward to the mallard tribe appearing in the Heluo tribe.

While chatting, Chang Xia talked about the sweet potatoes of the Sheyue tribe and told Su Ye that sweet potatoes can also make wine. When the koji is ready, the sweet potatoes of the Snake tribe should be delivered. Sweet potato wine will be brewed faster before fruit wine may be brewed.

"How many sweet potatoes are there in the Snake Mountain tribe?" Su Ye asked.

Chang Xia Dynasty Snake pouted and motioned Snake to answer Su Ye's question.

"Witch, there are a lot of sweet potatoes growing in the Mochizuki Mountains. After the tribe builds houses and roads, they will be able to harvest sweet potatoes, peas and other things with all their might." Snake Road. Although he is now a member of the Heluo tribe, he is also very concerned about the affairs of the Sheyue tribe.

After the two tribes passed through, they got close.

Snake is looking forward to taking Nanfeng to the Snake Mountain Tribe for two days.

"Changxia said that mashed beans can extract oil, does the Sheyue tribe plan to try it this year?" Su Ye asked.

The orcs have eaten the stir-fried vegetables in Changxia.

The importance of oil is self-evident.

Pure animal oil, only lard is the most suitable for cooking. However, the lard obtained from hunting cannot supply the daily diet of the orcs, after all, farming has not yet developed. If the mashed beans can extract oil, it means that in the future, more orcs will be able to eat all kinds of delicious stir-fried vegetables.

"Yes." Snake said seriously.

The Snake Patriarch did say that after the peas were harvested, the Snake Mountain Tribe planned to try the oil extraction that Chang Xia had said.

"Snake, you urge the Snake Clan to hurry up to squeeze the oil, we are all waiting to eat the dish fried in mashed soybean oil." Chang Xia joked.

"Definitely." Snake said seriously.

Bai Qing never returned.

Nan Feng was in no hurry and stood in front of the courtyard gate and watched.

"It's too slow!" Honey dew complained.

Shen Rong went into the kitchen to make a fire to boil water, scooped out the fruit powder and kneaded it to ferment.

"Changxia, come and see—"

Across the courtyard gate, He Sen's shouting came.

Hearing this, all the orcs stood up in unison and greeted them at the courtyard gate.

Soon, he saw Bai Qinghesen walking in with a bunch of plants. Heimeng followed behind, with empty hands. It can be seen that it is not that he wants to be lazy, but that Bai Qinghesen did not let him have room to play.

"Chang Xia, quickly see if this is spicy Polygonum vulgaris?"

He Sen's words fell, and all the orcs all gave up their place, waiting for Chang Xia to come forward to check.

Chang Xia took out a sprig of Polygonum vulgaris from Bai Qing's arms, sniffed it close, nodded, and said, "This is indeed Polygonum vulgaris, where did Heimeng pick it? It's not dry yet, so it's very suitable for making koji."

"Heimeng, tell me where did you find the spicy Polygonum grass?" Bai Qing gave Heimeng a push, urging him to speak quickly, don't stand dumbfounded and say nothing.

Being stared at by all the orcs, Heimeng was a little nervous.

"The shrub forest south of Baihe Beach is full of these weeds." Hei Meng said.

Heimeng doesn't know about spicy Polygonum grass or something. However, this weed black is much more common. He picked these weeds back, intending to dry them for fire.

"Go, go to the bushes." Nanfeng shouted in high spirits.

Chang Xia raised her head, patted her arm twice, and said, "Nanfeng, what time is it? Go back to the cave for me now. Even if you want to harvest the spicy polygonum, you have to go tomorrow."

The tribe has no golden sticks/corn, no wild fruits, and no sweet potatoes.

What are you doing in a hurry to pick spicy Polygonum?

Although I'm in a hurry to make wine koji, there's really no need to hurry for a day or two.

Being scolded by Chang Xia, Nan Feng smiled foolishly, looking at the gradually darkening sky, all the orcs knew that picking the spicy Polygonum grass can only be done tomorrow.

So, in twos and threes, I said goodbye to Changxia.

We invite you to get up early tomorrow and go to the bushes to pick spicy polygonum.

Liquor is not afraid of going bad after a long time, and Changxia did not restrain the clansmen from picking spicy Polygonum less. Seeing their excited expressions, Chang Xia couldn't bear to disturb their Yaxing.

Besides, orcs love wine.

Make more wine koji and wait for the orc tribe to come over in the future.

Chang Xia can also take wine koji as a gift and give it to other orc tribes.

When the orcs left, Chang Xia chatted with Su Ye about Daya, "Mother Su Ye, is Daya okay?"

With what she knew about Su Ye, the first time she came to the tribe, she would definitely check Da Ya's body to make sure she was safe, and then do other things.

"It's okay for now." Su Ye nodded and said, "It's right for you to give Taya the dried boa snake meat, and the black fish and the white fish in the Weishan Waterfall should also be good for Taya. I and Gen I said, let him arrange for the Leopard people to go to Weishan."

The white fish in the ponds of Weishan Waterfall are easy to die when they leave the water.

However, Weihe Heiyu is not afraid.

There are anaconda and snake meat as the base, and catching black fish also needs to arrange a schedule to prepare. No matter how bad it is, let Da Ya live at Weishan Waterfall and find Weishan Monkey to live there for a while.

"I asked Elder Senda to ask Elder Sheguo'er about something..." Chang Xia blinked at Su Ye and didn't finish his sentence. She believed that Su Ye could understand what she meant.

as predicted.

Su Ye understood.

"You are indeed right to ask Senda to find Sheguo'er. The inheritance of the snake clan hides a secret. If it wasn't for Da Ya's physical condition this time, I wouldn't tell you. If you encounter other things in the future, it's best not to act rashly. "Su Ye whispered, as a warning to Chang Xia not to explore the secrets of other orcs at will.

This beating.

Chang Xia was suddenly dumbfounded.

After a while.

She suddenly understood the meaning behind Su Ye's words.

"Mother Su Ye is right, this time I was really When I see Elder Sheguoer in the future, I will personally apologize to her!" Chang Xia said seriously.

After listening.

Su Ye nodded in satisfaction.

My own cubs are well-behaved and sensible.

Chat for a while.

Chang Xia is going into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Su Ye said that he wanted to eat something fresh, so Chang Xia naturally couldn't be fooled.

Pickled cabbage fish, stewed pork belly with pickled cabbage, and boiled chicken. The sauerkraut in the tank should be eaten quickly, otherwise it will be broken. However, the sour radish or something is not afraid.

"It's so sour!" Bai Qing swallowed his saliva and watched Chang Xia pull the sauerkraut out of the pot. He leaned forward and whispered, "Chang Xia, can I eat some?"

"It's a little sour, are you sure you want to eat it?" Chang Xia blinked and hesitated.

Bai Qing nodded and affirmed, "I'll have a taste if I eat a little bit."

Smelling this sour smell is really high. Bai Qing couldn't help but want to taste it, even if it was a little sour, he wasn't afraid.

"Okay, as long as you're not afraid of acid." Chang Xia replied. He grabbed a little pickled cabbage and handed it to Bai Qing, saying, "If you're afraid of acid, just rinse it with water, don't eat it directly."

"Okay!" Bai Qing took a small piece of sauerkraut, walked to the water tank, rinsed it with water, and then stuffed the sauerkraut into his mouth. Soon, Bai Qing's face contorted with sourness.

This scene.

It caused Chang Xia Suye's muffled laughter.


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