"Chang Xia, what are you two burning—"

Elder Pukang fell to the ground, returned to human form, raised his head and looked around.

Changxia encircled five acres of land and dug an isolation belt. When the elder Pukang arrived, the circled wasteland had been burned, and the ashes of weeds remained on the ground.

"To open up wasteland. I'm too lazy to cut the weeds, so I just set a torch to burn the weeds." Chang Xia pointed to the isolation belt and explained: "Before setting the fire, I asked Shen Rong to dig the isolation belt. There is an isolation belt, so you don't have to worry about burning it. Forest."

Elder Pukang looked at the isolation belt that Shen Rong dug up.

"This method is quite good!" Pukang stared, squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil and sprinkled it lightly on the ash. The forest is afraid of fire. Once the fire breaks out, the entire tribe of the orcs will suffer, and even the hunting territory of the tribe may be destroyed.

The orcs go into the forest to hunt, and they are careful every time they make a fire, they are afraid of fire.

Therefore, when the orcs inhabited.

Usually chosen near the water source.

However, the most terrifying and dangerous places are near the water source.

"Chang Xia, are you burning something again?"

"Is it like the wilderness at the south of Baihu last time?"

Then, one after another, familiar voices sounded.

this moment.

Chang Xia felt inexplicably embarrassed.

Knowing that this kind of thing would happen, she would rather spend some time with Shen Rong to slowly open up the wasteland.

"You are all busy?" Shen Rong said warmly. Qing Jun's face was stained with a slight smile, raised his head, and quietly watched the clansmen who came to watch the show.

Immediately, the clansmen were bustling with excitement.

He lost his voice in an instant, looked at Shen Rong in horror, and took two steps back carefully.

This kind of Shen Rong made the back of their necks feel cold, and the memory of being caught by Shen Rong before to communicate and learn from each other instantly appeared in their minds.

Speaking of black hands, the entire tribe except the elders.

Shen Rong was definitely the most ruthless.

"Not free, we are not free."

"Yes, we are all free."

"Let's see if Chang Xia is okay, it's okay, we'll go back to the tribe right away."

Chang Xia covered her eyes, what did Shen Rong do to the clan? Seeing the people of the clan quickly change their faces, she felt like she had gone to the wrong set.

Just a few short breaths.

The Xiaohe River Wilderness returned to tranquility from the bustle. If it weren't for the footprints left by the clansmen on the ground, Chang Xia even thought it was just an illusion.

"Shen Rong, don't you explain?" Chang Xia raised her eyebrows and asked narrowly.

Shen Rong smiled slightly, elegant and kind, and said softly, "What to explain?"

"They are very afraid of your appearance, what's going on?" Chang Xia looked at Shen Rong who was pretending to be a fool, and straight to the point. It was the first time she saw the people of the day and the earth, and she had such a fearful side in private, don't say , quite interesting.

"I'm afraid, Chang Xia is wrong! The clan can't be so close to me, how can they be afraid?" Shen Rong resolutely vetoed.

Chang Xia squinted at Shen Rong, is she blind?

never mind.

One of them is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

Chang Xia was too lazy to join in.

"As you say, clean up the wasteland!" Chang Xia waved his hand and said casually.

As long as they don't hit the fly, they are free to toss. If something goes wrong, the elders of the tribe will intervene.


The two walked slowly back to the cave.

Before I got home, I vaguely heard a commotion from my cave.

The two looked at each other.

"The witch is here." Shen Rong said.

Chang Xia said happily, "I guess Granny Su Ye is also here."

While talking, the two quickened their pace, changed their leisurely pace, and headed straight for their cave.

Push open the courtyard door.

"Mother Su Ye—" Chang Xia said happily.

Su Ye stood up, looked at Chang Xia with a smile, and shouted softly, "Chang Xia, long time no see!"

"Mother Su Ye, I miss you so much!" Chang Xia threw away the clutter in her hands and ran straight towards Su Ye.

Shen Rong licked the corner of his mouth and looked at the two hugging each other.

When Yu Guang glanced over Su Ye, he felt unhappy.

Su Ye raised his eyebrows at Shen Rong, holding Chang Xia like a demonstration.

"Shen Rong, I heard that you went to the Forest of Qingyue, are you still used to it?" Bai Qing approached and whispered. Recently, some friends have been studying and exercising with him. Bai Qing has changed from the serious and old-fashioned little old man before, and the paralyzed face has become alive, more like the innocence he should have at his age.

Shen Rong raised his head and rubbed on top of Bai Qing's head.

"What's your name, Shen Rong, brother. The Forest of Qingyue is very good. We also met the orcs of the mallard tribe in the Detroit River in Subu." Shen Rong said.

"When I finish learning with Wu, let's go back to the Forest of Qingyue together." Bai Qing invited Shen Rong to confirm Shen Rong's attitude towards the Sirius tribe. Bai Qing became more and more close to Shen Rong and wanted to stick with him Together.

Shen Rong nodded and said, "Yes."

"Chang Xia, let's talk about Kirab." Su Ye took Chang Xia and walked to the corridor pavilion. Besides Kirab, Su Ye had many things to ask Chang Xia.

Chang Xia patted the back of Su Ye's hand and said warmly, "Mother Su Ye, don't worry, I'll go wash my face and wash my hands first."

"Wu, as soon as Chang Xia arrives, you will forget us. You have to compensate us." Nan Feng pouted and acted like a spoiled child. She never dared to do this before, but now, Nan Feng has released himself, let alone competing with Chang Xia in front of his own Eminem, Nan Feng has become calm and comfortable even facing Su Ye.

Su Ye smiled slightly and asked Chang Xia to wash his face and hands.

"You are older than Chang Xia, and you still have the face to compete with her for favor? Besides, Chang Xia has been my favorite since childhood. However, if you want to make amends, talk about it. If I have it, I can promise to give it to you." Su Ye said with a smile.

To her, there are only two types of orcs.

Chang Xia, and other orcs.

Except for Chang Xia, Su Ye treats other orcs fairly.

Nanfeng's rare temperament has become cheerful and lively~www.wuxiamtl.com~Su Ye doesn't think there is anything wrong.

"Wu is really willing to make up for me?" Nan Feng's beautiful eyes widened, excited.

Su Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

"Witch, I want too."

"Me, and me."

For a while, maple leaves warm spring honeydew...

As if they were all shameless, they were scrambling to please Su Ye and begging her for compensation.

"You guys, don't fight. Nanfeng hasn't said what compensation he wants. If I don't have it, how can I give it to you?" Su Ye laughed, these cubs really said that wind is rain. However, Su Ye didn't hate this kind of atmosphere, but enjoyed it.

She is dedicated to the development of the orcs.

If the orcs treated her tremblingly with a look of fear, Su Ye would be heartbroken. She dotes on Chang Xia, besides pity Chang Xia's poor background, more is Chang Xia's whole-hearted dependence and affection for her.

Now, Nanfeng and the others have changed.

Su Ye is more joyful and happy.

After all, who doesn't like to kiss and fall in love with their own cubs? !

"Witch, I want wild fruits from the Holubad Basin. Chang Xia said that wild fruits can make wine, but I have never drank wine since I grew up." Nan Feng said, winking at Su Ye.

That said.

Maple Leaf and other orcs swallowed their saliva.

Especially the orcs such as Bai Qingkongshan were more straightforward.


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