Chapter 655

"Swing on the swing—" Chang Xia turned her head and replied.

Shen Rong took three steps and made two steps, and rushed over quickly. When he saw the situation in front of him, his tight worries dissipated in an instant.

Just now, it was too far away.

He saw Chang Xia fall toward Baihu.

Not to mention that Shen Rong was very frightened, Bai Qing and the other orcs were so frightened that their souls almost flew away.

"Wofu, I thought Changxia fell into Baihu." Yadong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the swing under Changxia curiously, and asked, "This thing is a swing! Look, it's nothing special. of."

"Yadong, I want to play too." Da Ya said.

She stretched out her hand and took Yadong's hand, acting coquettishly with him.

Yadong's eyes slid down and landed on Taya's belly. He hesitated, "Taya, are you sure?"

"Sure. If you push it lightly, I'll be fine." Da Ya said seriously.

Yadong swallowed his saliva and looked at Shen Rong and other orcs for help.

see it.

Shen Rong and the other orcs turned their heads one after another.

How dare they make suggestions on this matter?

"Maple Leaf, stop." Chang Xia said, asking Maple Leaf to stop pushing people, giving the swing to Da Ya, and letting Ya Dong push the swing to Da Ya.

Yadong took a deep breath and pushed the swing carefully.

"Da Ya, will it be too high?" Ya Dong asked.

On the side, all the orcs were covered in black lines, and Yadong didn't push the swing at all.

It's too high and totally bullshit.

Da Ya: "Maple Leaf, please help."

She was afraid that if Yadong pushed a few more times, Da Ya would be congested. What pushes too high, Yadong doesn't push the swing at all, let alone swing.

"Daya hold on to the rattan, and I'll push you higher." Maple Leaf squeezed Yadong away, swinging. Naturally, she wanted to swing. If she couldn't, what would you do?

"Yadong, don't be nervous." Chang Xia reassured.

When Maple Leaf pushed her just now, Chang Xia didn't feel any danger. Besides, Da Ya is much more courageous than her. If it wasn't for her pregnancy, she would be even more crazy than Nan Feng.

"Is it really okay for Da Ya to play this game?" Yadong asked nervously.

Chang Xia glanced at him and said calmly: "Maple Leaf isn't pushing too high, what can Daya do? Besides, Daya's pregnancy is very stressful. If you don't let her play, what will Daya think?"

He was scolded by Chang Xia.

Yadong's nervous mood has eased a lot.

That appearance made Shen Rong's hands feel itchy. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to beat someone up. After all, it seems that I haven't communicated with the clan for a while.

"Chang Xia, the feather duster is ready?" Shen Rong asked lightly.

The swing is simple to make, and Shen Rong can see what the swing is about by looking at it. He thought about building a swing for Chang Xia in his own courtyard when the vine trees in his cave courtyard grew up.

"Yeah!" Chang Xia nodded, "What do the people think of the slide and the Trojan horse?"

"Two each of the slide training ground and the tribal square, one big and one small." Shen Rong twitched his face when he mentioned the one, the small one, of course, belonged to the beast cubs. Great, it goes without saying.

Trojan horse, Shen Rong didn't say much.

According to Changxia's understanding of the tribe, after two days, the tribe will sprout many strange "Trojan horses" like bamboo shoots.

"Big..." Chang Xia raised her eyebrows, looking at Shen Rong's half-smile expression.

Shen Rong smiled lightly and replied, "Yes, a big slide."

After all the orcs were satisfied, the sky was getting dark, and it was already approaching dusk.

"Let's go! It's time to go home." Chang Xia shouted, holding Shen Rong's arm and running towards his cave. She chatted with Shen Rong in a low voice, and not long ago, she promised Elder Dalai that he would make a toy for the grown-up.

Shen Rong saw that there was no sorrow between Xia's eyebrows.

"Chang Xia, what are you thinking of doing?" Shen Rong asked curiously.

Chang Xia walked briskly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "I have some ideas, but don't be in a hurry. Focusing on reclaiming small rivers and wilderness, we must plant the vegetables and fruits we brought back from the forest as soon as possible, and I also have to study. Lower bloodline ability..."

Think carefully.

Chang Xia has a lot to do.

"Do you need my help?" Shen Rong asked.

The more Chang Xia said nothing, the more curious he became.

Looking at Chang Xia's mysterious smile, Shen Rong felt that his concentration was a little weak.

"Yes. I want you to help you make a few juju, make a circle with leather, and fill it with hair. Of course, stone **** and hollow pottery **** are also fine." Chang Xia whispered.

As she spoke, she deliberately looked behind her.

They were terrified of being entangled by Nanfeng.

"Okay." Shen Rong cooperated with her and lowered the volume.

Except for Yadong Daya, Chang Xia drove the other orcs away. Back at the cave, Chang Xia asked Yadong to bring the jerky of the boa and snake that Da Ya wanted to eat, and told him to take good care of Da Ya. If you are missing anything, find her or the tribe directly.

Based on Chang Xia's understanding of Su Ye.

Su Ye will definitely come over in two days at most.

I haven't seen Su Ye for more than two months, and Chang Xia misses her very much.

Speaking of which, this is the first time I haven't seen Su Ye in such a long time. The last time, it was Su Ye who went to the Qinghai Plateau Bird Clan.

The next two days.

Changxia Shen Rong left early in the morning and returned late, busy working in the wilderness of Xiaohe River.

Xylophone asked several times whether to arrange for the tribe to help open up the wasteland, but Chang Xia refused. Chang Xia told Xylophone that she opened up wasteland only for farming, and for the time being to experiment and develop her bloodline abilities. Currently, she does not need help from her clansmen. When she needs it, she will naturally ask the tribe for help.

"Shen Rong, has the isolation belt been dug?" Chang Xia asked.

Shen Rong nodded and replied, "After digging, it's time to set fire to the weeds."

Chang Xia chose a small piece of wasteland in the Xiaohe River Wilderness, saying that it was a wilderness, but it was not true. The tribe had dug this land once before, but the weeds were full of vitality.

It's only been a few months.

In the wilderness, it was once again invaded by weeds.

Chang Xia was too lazy to mow the grass, so he decided to set fire to clean up the wasteland by burning it.

the day before.

She and Shen Rong planted some that required meticulous care in their own vegetable garden.

Today, the small river wilderness is organized, mainly planting golden sticks, corn and peppers brought back from tribes such as the wolf and lion.


Soon, the flames quickly devoured the nearby weeds.

Shen Rong asked Chang Xia to stand further away, and he stared at the flame seriously. Not staring, he was worried that the sparks would ignite the wasteland next to him. If the tribe knew that they were burning the wasteland, they would probably arrange for a group of orcs to come over.

Orcs live in the forest.

The worst thing is fire.

"There is a lot of smoke, and the tribe probably noticed it." Chang Xia twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Shen Rong speechlessly. She didn't forget what happened in the wilderness in the south of Baihu, and once again, the patriarch would be mad.

Shen Rong: "..."

He forgot to say hello to the tribe in advance.

"Do you want to put it out?" Shen Rong said Chang Xia waved his hand and said calmly: "Forget it, this place will be burnt out soon. When the clansmen come over, they don't know what to say."

Shen Rong silently looked at Chang Xia, hiding his ears and stealing the bell, is it useful?


as predicted.

Elder Pukang's familiar shout, from far to near.

At the same time, there was his signature grinning sound.

(End of this chapter)

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