"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

"It's amazing!"

"Shen Rong, a wooden house built like this really won't collapse?"

The foundation is built, and the resin is very easy to dry. With the experience of the wolf clan, Shen Rong taught the snake clan to build wood-carved wooden houses. While building, the orcs asked why.

All kinds of problems, fragrant, smelly.

Chang Xia felt a headache listening to it.

Shen Rong has a good temper, no matter what he asks, he can answer well. Bai Qingkongshan was assisted by the side, and a council house was built neatly before noon.

The Snake Patriarch and the other Snake Clan orcs stared at this wooden-carved council room, speechless for a long time. Before that, they had imagined the scene in front of them countless times in their minds. However, when I saw with my own eyes the moment when the wood-cut corrugated wooden house took shape.

All previous fantasies vanished.

Excited, shocked, joyful.

All kinds of complicated emotions flooded into my heart, and finally turned into happiness.

"It's so beautiful! Chang Xia, can we really live in such a beautiful house? I think the bird's nest of the bird family is definitely not half as good as the wood-cut corrugated wooden house in front of me."

"Compared with the woodcut corrugated wooden house in front of us, the animal den we used to live in is really less than one ten thousandth. I want to learn to build a house now, and then go back to my tribe to build a woodcut corrugated wooden house."

"Quick, let's hurry up and build the second woodcut corrugated wooden house."

all of a sudden.

All orcs are hot.

Chang Xia smiled and listened to the conversation of the orcs. She had experienced this scene in both the wolf clan and the lion clan, and was no stranger to it.


No matter how many times I experience it, the warmth in my heart is real.

This group of simple orcs deserve the best.

Chang Xia has always firmly believed in this point. Those who love life and treat life seriously deserve to be treated beautifully.

"Don't make any noise. Go back to the cave/tree house to rest in the noon and prepare lunch. Then build houses in the afternoon. If you have experience, try to build more woodcut corrugated wooden houses in the afternoon."

The snake snake patriarch clapped his hands and loudly stopped the talking orcs.

They can skip lunch, not in the long summer.

So the patriarch of Snake and Snake resolutely drove everyone to leave. It was noon, the sun was hot, and people were lazily basking in the sun.

Such a shout.

All the orcs can only spread out, no longer entangle Chang Xia and them.

"Chang Xia, I looked at Patriarch Xifeng and seemed to have changed his mind!" Nan Feng urged narrowly.

During a bonfire dinner.

Patriarch Xifeng clearly said that the bears built stone houses.

However, today, building a wood-carved wooden house, Patriarch Xifeng's eyes lit up when he looked at the wooden-carved hall. Anyone with a discerning eye could guess that he was moved.

"The Daqingfeng Mountains are suitable for the four seasons. Whether the Bear Clan builds a wood-cut corrugated wooden house or a stone house, it is similar." Chang Xia said.

Building a stone house requires a lot of stone and resin.

Wood-cut corrugated wooden houses consume more wood.

How to choose depends on the meaning of the bear clan, Chang Xia will not intervene, nor will he make suggestions.

"We left the tribe for more than two months, and we don't know how Da Ya is doing?" Maple Leaf frowned and said softly.

Yadong Daya was lucky, not long after they got married, Daya became pregnant.

This time.

If Da Ya is not pregnant, Ya Dong will definitely follow.

"With Yadong and the tribe to take care of, Taya will be fine." Nanfeng said.

"Let's help the Snake Mountain tribe build a wood-carved wooden house, and then teach the orcs of other tribes to build houses. After that, we can return to the tribe." Chang Xia said.


The maple leaf south wind is full of intentions.

"Tiger Clan and Bear Clan, you really don't plan to go?" Milu whispered.

Chang Xia said: "The Yuanhu Tribe and the Dadi Tribe have already built the road. I just need to teach them to build houses. I don't have to rush to go there now. It's okay to push it later."

Right now, she has more important things to do.

Whether it is planting or breeding, it takes a long summer to study and ponder.

Of course, Chang Xia would personally discuss with the Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan to get their approval.

It's getting hotter.

The temperature is getting higher.

Walk back to the cave from Waigu Tribe Square.

Chang Xia was sweating all over, but the other orcs were fine.

Seeing that Chang Xia was covered in hot sweat and her face was flushed, Shen Rong did not let her get close to the stove. Draw water, let her wash her face, and at the same time take out the cold stone, put it in a pottery bowl, add water to the wooden basin, and put the pottery bowl with the cold stone and water in the wooden basin.

Soon, the temperature in the cave dropped.

Xu is because the weather is hot, Bai Linger is reluctant to move because of Bai Qing.

Lazy, looking like he was about to fall asleep again.

Once Bai Linger fell into a deep sleep, she could not control her cold air. At this time, Bai Qing did not dare to stuff Bai Linger into Chang Xia, for fear of frostbiting her.

"What's for lunch?" Nan Feng muttered, walking over to the rattan basket.

Chang Xia drank the cold boiled water and said, "Sour and spicy potato shreds."

"What hot and sour shredded potatoes—"

In an instant, all the orcs looked towards Chang Xia.

"Cut the potatoes into shreds and fry them with vinegar fruit and sour peppers. There are peppers, but there are no sour peppers. Fry them with vinegar fruit, and the taste is worse." Chang Xia explained.

From the seasoning fruits brought by the tribe, there are still three soy sauce fruits left, and there are more vinegar fruits, there are six. Looking at the expressions of the orcs, I'm afraid it will cost one or two meals today~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Can't you put meat? "

"The fried potato chips don't put any meat, and the taste is also good."

The meat-loving orcs immediately started talking when they heard that there was no meat to fry.

Chang Xia didn't argue with them, and directly asked Maple Leaf Honey Dew to cut the potato shreds. Thinking about the number of people, let them cut more and prepare.

In fact, she also wanted to eat French fries.

Considering that there is no ketchup or anything, Chang Xia swallowed the words in his mouth. As for the french fries, we should wait until we return to the tribe.

"Nanfeng, wash a few clean wooden basins and remember to fill them with water. Put the chopped shredded potatoes in the water and soak them in the water to make them more crispy when fried."

"Qing He, please help organize the drawings."

"Shen Rong, cut these ribs, wash them, and prepare some yam slices or diced pieces. When the ribs are cooked, put them down and simmer together."

Chang Xia was methodical and arranged for everyone to prepare lunch.

She just made arrangements here, and Patriarch Hu Qi came over first. When we parted at the Tribal Square just now, Chang Xia invited Patriarch Hu Qi to come and have a meal together.

The fox clan is good at making tools, and Chang Xia wants to learn.

By the way, I mentioned the employment to Patriarch Hu Qi, and the tribe would warm spring and carve jade with several patriarchs, and the manpower was not enough.

This jade Changxia is prepared for the bird family and the fish family.

Be prepared, be prepared.

Before, she felt that the orcs in the Twilight Forest lived far away, and the information was slow to transmit. However, after this experience, Chang Xia believed that the previous cognition was an illusion.

The changes of the orcs in the Twilight Forest, whether it is a bird or a fish.

Most likely the wind has been heard.

Maybe, without waiting for next year's Normandy Bazaar.

Birds and Fish may come to the Twilight Forest.

Because of this possible guess, Chang Xia wanted to plan ahead and do something in advance.

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