Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 628: Fox clan is good at building, fingers are more delicate

"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

"Patriarch Snake Snake, these are—"

Chang Xia was excited, and couldn't help but walk to the snake patriarch, pointed to the stone tools they used, and asked aloud.

"The digger, the stone digger made of rock, is more durable than the iron wood." Snake spread his hands and explained: "The snake tribe is different from other orcs. External help."

In the distance, He Sen Luanmu pressed the snake.

He grabbed the stone digger in his hand, and imitated the other snake orcs, brandishing the stone digger to shovel soil. The orcs are powerful, and although the stone diggers are heavy, they swing very easily, and the speed of shoveling soil is no slower than that of beast claws.

"Snake Clan, are there any other tools?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

She looked for a long time at the stone digger, which was between a shovel and a hoe. It is bulky and has less strength, and it is estimated that it cannot hold a stone dig.

"There are some more, do you want to take a look at Chang Xia?" Snake said: "Snake rice, you bring all the other stone tools, Chang Xia wants to take a look."

very quickly.

Snake came with a pile of stone tools.

There are big and small, long and short.

The more he looked, the more shocked Chang Xia became. She had never underestimated the Orcs, but what the Snakes saw today still shocked Chang Xia.

"These can be used for digging soil, but some are suitable for digging wetlands, and some are suitable for use on sandy ground. These stone tools of our clan are modeled after the Qingqiu tribe. In terms of grinding tools, the fox clan is more sophisticated." While introducing the stone tools to Chang Xia, he explained.

Not far away, Patriarch Hu Qi listened to the praise of Patriarch Snake.

Happy and proud.

The fox clan is not as powerful as the six major tribes, and the territory they occupy is rich in ginger, onion, and garlic.

The tribe is more than enough than the other, and they can live a small life. Unlike other orcs, foxes are better at hunting with tools.

Among the many orc tribes, the Qingqiu tribe communicated most frequently with other orcs. The tools built by the fox tribe are not exchanged by the six tribes, but among the weak tribes, the Qingqiu tribe is the most popular.

"Fox tribe, Qingqiu tribe." Chang Xia was slightly startled and looked at Patriarch Hu Qi in surprise.

For the fox family, the deepest impression on her is the succulent ginger, onion and garlic, as well as the finest seasonings such as Chinese prickly ash, pepper, and star anise.

Who would have thought that the most powerful of the Qingqiu tribe was to create tools.

Thinking about it, Chang Xia suddenly thought of jade carvings.

Regarding the employment mentioned by Shen Rong, Chang Xia wondered whether to discuss with the Qingqiu tribe and hire a few fox orcs to the Heluo tribe to help carve jade articles.

this thing.

At noon, talk to Patriarch Hu Qi.

"Yes." Snake nodded and replied.

Chang Xia smiled and said, "When I have time at noon, I will chat with Patriarch Hu Qi and ask about these tools."

"Don't Chang Xia feel ashamed of using tools?" Snake whispered.

Because of the body of the snake clan, the snake clan is different from the other five clans. Need to use tools to work, which makes the snake tribe a little embarrassed among the six tribes.

"Shame?" Chang Xia paused and said suspiciously, "Using tools can save time and effort, why would I feel ashamed? I think it's easier to use animal claws to dig soil and swing a stone digger. This time I went out into the forest, I found that if the orcs can domesticate some beasts and beasts as tools, the other day the orcs enter the forest, there is no need for the beasts to carry rattan baskets..."

Taking advantage of the snake clan's venue, Chang Xia Xiaoxiao revealed that she wanted to change the transportation of the orc clan. Being a beast at every turn, and using the body of a beast to carry things, made Chang Xia feel too tired and exhausted.

Every time he saw Shen Rong's majestic beast body, he was running around the forest with four or five rattan baskets tied up. Chang Xia felt distressed and uncomfortable.

Shen Rong, who was so beautiful, shouldn't be so tired.


Anyone who can hear Chang Xia's words clearly.

They all showed incredible expressions.

Among them, only the orcs of the Heluo tribe have no special expressions.

"Tame the beast?" Snake looked at Chang Xia in shock, his face full of disbelief.

Chang Xia smiled slightly and explained: "Shen Rong said that the life in the Western Land is different from our Twilight Forest, and I also want the Eastern Land Orcs to live better. The Twilight Forest Orcs have always lived a primitive hunter-gathering life. Life is very unstable and the risks are too great. I want the orcs to enter the era of slash-and-burn farming. We grow crops to feed our stomachs; we raise livestock and poultry to satisfy our desire for meat; we tame vicious beasts as means of transportation…”

this moment.

The outer valley of the Snake Clan is exceptionally quiet.

All the orcs looked up at Chang Xia, who was obviously the shortest among the orcs.

However, in the eyes of the orcs, her aura was five meters away.

If another orc were to say this, all orcs would only find it funny, and even sarcastic.


It was Chang Xia who spoke.

Everyone felt that the blood of the beast was boiling for no reason.

The orcs knew that Chang Xia would not deceive them, nor would they draw a pie.

"Is it possible?" Qing He murmured.

Chang Xia said decisively: "It's possible."

"Changxia, tell me how to grow crops?"

"Raising livestock and poultry, what does this mean, I don't understand a bit."

"I'm interested in taming the beasts. I want to catch a Timberwolves to tame them and let them help carry things."

After quiet.

There was a deafening voice of discussion.

Despite the meaning in Chang Xia's words, most orcs could not understand the true meaning. This could not stop the orcs from discussing, all the orcs discussed and communicated.

Chang Xia waved his hand and pressed calmly said: "Don't get excited, everyone, building wood-cut corrugated wooden houses is the most important thing. Planting and breeding needs to take your time. I am also exploring, wait for me. If we find a way, we will tell everyone.”

"Quickly dig the foundation, whoever dares to delay the Snake Clan's construction of a wood-carved wooden house, I will swallow him in one bite." Snake and Snake swept over the orcs indifferently, and said the most brutal and tyrannical words with the most beautiful face.

In an instant.

All the orcs died, and they dared not make a fuss.

Snake Patriarch said to swallow people, that would really swallow people, it was definitely not a joke.

To appease the orcs, the foundation was dug and spread out smoothly.

Although everyone still wants to talk to Chang Xia.

However, Chang Xia instructed the Snake Clan Chief to arrange for the Snake Clan orcs to dig and build a drainage ditch.

Wood-cut corrugated wooden houses are built without resin. However, the foundation needs to be built with stones, which requires resin bonding, and naturally resin is indispensable.

While the snake-snake chief asked the snake orcs to move the wood, he prepared to melt the resin. After a while, the foundation is dug and a resin foundation is needed.

The many orcs who came to the Snake Mountain tribe to study this time were not to be outdone.

They stepped forward to help, and if they didn't understand, they directly asked Shen Rong or Bai Qing and other orcs to ask why. This is related to their return to the tribe to build houses, and no orcs dare to be careless.

The foundation of the snake tribe is high, and it is deeper than the lion tribe when digging.

Here comes.

The consumption of stone and resin will increase.

In order to build a house, the Snake Clan made preparations early, and they did not care about this consumption. The other orcs are a little worried, after all, their family is not as rich as the Snake Mountain tribe, and they can't stand the consumption.

So Shen Rong helped explain that the snake tribe built houses near the river, and the foundations were built high, and the consumption of raw materials would naturally increase.

Conversely, the consumption of raw materials will be reduced.

Saying this, Patriarch Hu Qi and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

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