"Nanfeng, you want to eat harvest cakes, why don't you make them yourself?" Chang Xia asked suspiciously. It is indeed difficult to say that it is difficult to make harvest cakes. However, it is not difficult to really do it.

She didn't understand why she had to exchange with the Horde?

"I can't do it." Nanfeng smiled mysteriously and shook his head.

On the side, Fengye and the others didn't make a sound. It can be seen that they all agree with Nanfeng's statement and are willing to exchange harvest cakes, but they don't know how to make them.

This harvest cake can only be made by the tribe, and they will ask the tribe to exchange it if they want to eat it.

Chang Xia tilted his head, looked at Nanfeng, then at the xylophone. It's a pity that everyone seems to have no intention of explaining, Chang Xia can only figure it out by himself.

"The tribe will give you 40% of these exchanged materials in silver. The remaining 60% will be stored in the warehouse for the construction of the tribe, as well as supporting the tribe's elders and raising beast cubs. I hope that Changxia will not blame the tribe for being stingy. 40% with you." Gen patted the dirt off his hands, and continued: "The income from the shops on Baihu Street will be 40% to you, which is what you deserve."

"10%, the tribe only needs to give me 10% or half." Chang Xia said.

She reacted quickly, and the root patriarch mentioned money. Chang Xia immediately guessed that Su Ye minted coins privately, and the progress went very smoothly. Recently, Su Ye frequently traveled back and forth between the two places, and in private, he was probably running about minting coins.

But, do the Bird Clan and Fish Clan know about this?

It doesn't work much if the orcs play alone. If you want to play, you have to be together.

However, according to Chang Xia's understanding, the bird clan and the fish clan have their own trading systems. It is impossible for them to agree to change rashly. After all, using the coins of the orcs will be restrained by the orcs of the Dusk Forest.

Unless Su Ye confessed his identity as ape clan, maybe Su Ye revealed his origin before. Its purpose is to pave the way for the minting of coins.

Otherwise, it would have been hidden for a hundred years.

Why expose the identity of the ape wise man.

In the final analysis.

Su Ye understands that in order for the orcs in the Twilight Forest and the entire Eastern Continent to develop, a currency system needs to be established sooner or later. The development of no civilization is based on bartering.

Currency must be established, and it is urgent to mint coins.

With the idea provided by Chang Xia, coupled with the knowledge of civilization controlled by the ape race, it is not difficult for Su Ye to mint coins. If her identity hadn't been revealed, she still needed to cover it up. With the exposure of the identity of the ape clan, Su Ye became a little unscrupulous.

First, small things such as scales and measurements.


She began to zoom in.

"10% is too little." Gen shook his head lightly and said, "10% is not even a witch will agree."

"Twenty percent, ten years." Chang Xia thought for a while and said.

"Hundred years." Gen made a decision without waiting for Chang Xia to speak again, and said: "What you have given to the tribe and the tribe is far beyond imagination. The tribe is not capable enough to give you more. This is a small gift. , don’t refuse any more.”

Of course, this is just a verbal agreement.

The Heluo tribe's internal meeting had already made a decision.

They knew the final result of that decision, and Chang Xia would definitely not accept it. So, there was this scene of dialogue.

The tribe will unconditionally protect Chang Xia and her descendants.

The tribe felt that Chang Xia didn't need to know about these things.

The benefits on the bright side can be seen.

Those of real value are often invisible.

The root patriarch, Muqin, knew about the decision. Chang Xia said 10%, 20%, ten years, and one hundred years. They didn't bargain, so they simply agreed.

"Chang Xia, congratulations!"

"Yes, treat."

"Just invite us to eat the Harvest Pie, the fresh meat pie is also very tasty."

While chatting, the topic of the clansmen turned a corner and turned into an argument about which kind of cake tastes better? Chang Xia breathed a sigh of relief quietly, she was worried that she didn't know how to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, the clansmen changed the topic on their own and didn't give her a chance to play.


She remembered the conversation between Nanfeng and the others.

Thinking about it in my heart, after finishing my work, I went back to the cave to make some harvest cakes.

Think again, is there any other delicious pasta.

There is soybean oil sent by the Tiger Clan in the cellar, and the room for Chang Xia to toss has increased again. Some fried goods can also be tried by hand.


Ice crystal grass branches are planted.

Chang Xia supported his waist, waved goodbye to the tribe and returned to the White Lake.

There are also Nanfeng and his party of orcs.

Next, the tribe will exchange 23 pots of ice crystal grass branches to the tribe. It's not their turn for these young orcs to intervene in these matters, so naturally they don't need to pay more attention to them.

"Milu, is there any news from elder brother?" Chang Xia asked.

A lot of things have happened in the tribe recently, but there has been no movement from Bai Qing's side. This made Chang Xia a little worried. Could it be that there was an accident?

Because of Bai Linger's matter, the elders of Nanxu directly left the matter of the exchange to the clansmen.

He contacted Nanhe Wizard and went straight back to the Qinghai Plateau. Obviously, the elders of Nanxu went back to give Bai Ling'er Zhang Luoxi Stone and other "gifts".


The Qingkong Wizard contacts the Yuzu and reveals Bai Linger's existence to Donghai.

Believe me, it won't be long.

The Heluo tribe ushered in excitement again.

Such a lively Baihe Basin appeared for the first time in hundreds of years.

No wonder Su Ye agreed to mint coins in advance, she must have guessed something.

"No." Milu spread her hands and shook her head.

Elder Yami was afraid that she would be nervous, so he planned to stay in the Baihu Cave at night. However, she was rejected by Milu. Elder Yami has a lot of things to do, and Milu's health is fine at the moment, she doesn't want Elder Yami to be too tired going back and forth.

"Luoya, you shouldn't!"

The six major tribes built roads extensively, making going to Luoya much easier than before.

With Bai Qing's footsteps, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com should return to the tribe at this time, even if they don't come back, there will be some news.

"You never thought that Bai Qing might move the stone pillar back directly?" Shen Rong glanced at the worried female, thought for a while, and expressed the guess in his heart.

All of them were pregnant with cubs.

Overthinking is not good for them or the cubs.

This said.

Immediately, all the orcs stood still and stopped.

Based on their understanding of Bai Qing.

It is possible that he could do such a thing.

In fact, with the "gift" from the bird family and the fish family, Chang Xia no longer struggled with whether he could find a suitable stone pillar. Big deal, please think of a way for these two families.


It doesn't have to be a stone pillar.

Things like empty whales are also very good.

That thing can be made into a sea ship, and it can definitely be made into other styles.


There are too few people who have anything to do with empty whales.

Otherwise, no matter what, exchange some more with the fish family.

Compared with the busyness of other tribesmen in the tribe, Chang Xia and the others are leisurely.

Guessing that Bai Qing is fine, everyone is relieved.

So, naturally, we chatted.

The clansmen work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

Chang Xia sleeps until he wakes up naturally most of the time.

Recently, I have been busy planting ice crystal grass branches, but I am not free. However, compared with the busy clansmen, they are relaxed.

The tribe handed over the small river wilderness to the deer tribe and the three tribes.

They have been actively opening up wasteland recently, and the progress is gratifying.

As a result, the tribe has more totem warriors going out to hunt and gather. One drink and one peck made the Heluo tribe more vigorous.

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