"I'm looking forward to Bingguo." Nanfeng licked his lips and laughed.

Bing fruit, the favorite wild fruit of the bird family. At the same time, it can be used to raise fruit chickens. Thousands of years ago, ice fruit should be used to feed fruit chickens.


Ice fruit will be used to raise fruit chickens, but the bird family will also eat it themselves.

Compared with other wild fruits in Qinghai Plateau, Bingguo tastes much better.

"Ice fruit is delicious!" Maple Leaf said.

Aside, the other females nodded one after another. They have all eaten a lot of wild fruits, which can make them think about it, and the taste of ice fruits can be imagined.

"Let's go back to the tribe." Chang Xia said: "Don't worry about Bingguo, the Bingjing grass has just matured, if you want to eat Bingguo, wait a few more years."

However, there are carrion vine potions.

This few years should be shortened a bit.

Specifically, it depends on the growth of the ice crystal grass.

When passing through the wall of Baihu, I met Shen Rong who was returning to Baihu Street to get a flowerpot. Chang Xia told him that the Gen patriarch had returned to the tribe.

Shen Rong told Chang Xia not to use Qing Mingshi.

After he sent the flower pot back to the cave, he went to the tribe to help her plant ice crystal grass branches.


Before Nanfeng entered, he knocked on the door loudly.

The Gen patriarch said loudly through the courtyard door: "Nanfeng, don't come in. You take Chang Xia to the tribal square. The Qingming stones are piled up in the courtyard of the cave dwelling. It's colder at home."

You can feel the coolness even through the wall.

The coat that Chang Xia took off was already draped over his shoulders.

heard the words.

Nanfeng and the others retreated in a hurry.

The courtyard of the cave dwelling is very lively, and the noise inside can be heard through the door and the wall. The door was closed, mostly to keep out the cold.

"Beautiful Changxia, you haven't visited me in Tribal Square for a long time. Could it be that there are trees outside?"

The corner of Chang Xia's mouth twitched.

This Guangshu used to like to chatter. He claims to be the most handsome tree in Guangshu, and he likes beautiful flowers and plants. Appropriately good-looking, and arrogant and arrogant.

"Hey! The xylophone is busy recently, so I don't water or fertilize my plants. The plants are all wilted and ugly."

"I don't understand, what are these Twolegs doing all day?"

"Chang Xia?" Nan Feng pushed Chang Xia and said softly.

Chang Xia had a strange expression, and all the orcs stared blankly, looking around. Then their eyes stopped at the light tree in the center of the tribal square...

The character of this light tree.

They all heard it from Chang Xia.

At this moment, Chang Xia's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Everyone is curious about what Guangshu said?

"Chang Xia, what did Guangshu say?"

"It said that the flowers and plants in the tribal square were not watered, they were wilted, and they became ugly. At the same time, I hope that xylophone can replace some beautiful flowers and plants."

finished listening.

The corners of the orcs' mouths twitched fiercely.

It is worthy of being the most handsome tree of Guangshu.

This is shameless, comparable to the root patriarch.


The root patriarch and the others came from the cave.

Flower pots, Qingming stones, ice crystal grass branches...

"Changxia, what should we do?" Gen held a piece of Qingming stone in his hand, and the branches of ice crystal grass were all packed in rattan baskets, wrapped in leaves of big-leaved trees, probably sprayed with rot-eating vine potion, and the vines The ice crystal grass branches in the basket are very vigorous.

"Bury the Qingming stone at the bottom of the flower pot, and then fill it with moist soil. At the same time, add the scavenging vine potion. Ice crystal grass branches need to absorb a lot of nutrients just after cutting. Therefore, the scavenging vine potion in the flower pot must be adequate…"

"Also, the Qingming stone brought back by the patriarch must be marked."

These things are all done in recent days. When Chang Xia said it, he didn't even have to think about it, and just blurted it out.

Wait for Shen Rong to come over.

The root patriarch and the others are busy.

He didn't say much, just joined in.

With Shen Rong joining, Patriarch Gen heaved a sigh of relief. The hands-on ability of the young orcs is better.

When the Qingming stone was smashed, each piece was not big.

Coupled with the barrier of the soil, Chang Xia was wearing long clothes and trousers, but he didn't feel that cold. Being in the sun, alternating hot and cold, is quite comfortable.

"Patriarch, how do you plan to divide the flower pots?"

"The Water Elder suggests bartering—"

"Barter?" Chang Xia tilted his head. Is bartering serious? The tribe is rich, and the cellars of every household of the tribe are full of all kinds of materials, and they barter. Is this true? The ice crystal grass branches are obviously not enough, what's the point of bartering?

The root patriarch nodded and said, "Yes, barter."

"Chang Xia, don't listen to my father's nonsense. What is bartering, it is clearly the priority of exchanging between the elders of the tribe and the families with cubs." Nan Feng rolled his eyes, she is also eligible for the exchange.


The temperature in Baihu cave dwellings is lower than that in the tribe.

Nanfeng did not intend to participate in this wave of exchanges.

Big deal, wait until next time to exchange.

There is a long summer in the tribe, so why worry about not being able to exchange ice crystal grass?

"No way, who limited the number of ice crystal grass branches?" Gen said helplessly.

The ice crystal grass branches on the tribe's side are shorter than those in the White Lake business district. The tribe has scavenging vine potions, but there is no need to worry about planting ice crystal grass badly.

After a while.

The tribe got a total of 23 pots of ice crystal grass branch flower pots.

The number is far less than that of the White Lake business district.

However, when this crop of ice crystal grass grows well, it can be harvested again. With the cold air released by the Qingming Stone, there is no need to worry that the branches of the ice crystal grass will not be able to mutate and grow into young plants of the ice crystal grass.

"I want to exchange the Harvest Cake, don't worry about the Ice Crystal Grass branches." Maple Leaf said.

Listen, Harvest Cake.

Nuanchun Milu nodded, they lived in the Baihu cave, so naturally they would not compete with the tribe's tribe for the flower pots of ice crystal grass branches.

However, if it can be exchanged for some harvest cakes.

They are still very happy.

Chang Xia's Harvest Cakes are ready to eat.

However, you can't rub her house every time. The tribe made a lot of harvest cakes last time, and put some on Baihu 4th Street, which was exchanged for foreigners to taste.

There should be a lot left in the tribal warehouse.

"Patriarch, can harvest cakes be exchanged?" Milu asked.

this question.

Immediately, Fengye Nuanchun looked over.

Of course, the members of the tribe who helped to fill the soil also looked at the root patriarch.

The root patriarch shrugged and said: "You should look for the xylophone for this matter, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I don't know the situation of the harvest cake."

Harvest cakes are indeed delicious.

It has a completely different taste from meatloaf and pancakes.

It's a pity that the storage time of harvest cakes is limited. It would be great if they could be stored for a long time like naan bread!

Unfortunately, Chang Xia clearly told him that it was impossible.

After all, the Heluo tribe does not have a vacuum device.

"This batch of Harvest Cakes is ready and can be exchanged. However, you can only exchange a few. If you eat too many, it's not good for you," Xylophone said.

"Good!" Nan Feng and the others clapped their hands.

Immediately, the snails and the others turned to look at the xylophone.

"Okay, everyone can exchange." Xylophone smiled. Harvest cakes are made to be eaten, and the exchange of tribes was restricted before, only because the number of harvest cakes made in each batch is very limited, and the tribe has thousands of people, so there is no shortage of people, but unevenness.

Naturally, the xylophone had to think carefully before nodding and exchanging.

11-2: Thanks to book friend 535***224 for feeding the February ticket, drinking water and thinking about the source for feeding the January ticket, for making toughened fingers and turning them into injuries, for feeding the March ticket, for the one who lost the thorn, for feeding the January ticket, and for Li Tao, for feeding the January ticket , shonnaAch feeds February tickets, L feeds April tickets, Shen Fang feeds January tickets, hustle and bustle 167 feeds January tickets, Firefox feeds February tickets, Shiyu feeds February tickets, morning maple dew feeds January tickets, beauty Not too late to feed the April ticket, Houseman Xiaotiaoer to feed the January ticket, Blossoms to the Other Bank to feed the January ticket, Haoyue Fenghong to feed the January ticket, o(╯□╰)o77 to feed the January ticket, and Lin to feed the January ticket , Qiaoying feeds the February ticket, Shangmeizi feeds the January ticket, Tangerine feeds the March ticket, book friend 533***514 feeds the February ticket, Xueshang feeds the January ticket.

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