"Chang Xia, do you feel any discomfort in your body?" Shen Rong asked nervously.

Su Ye left the tribe on the front foot, and Chang Xia felt unwell on the back foot.

Shen Rong could imagine that if Chang Xia was really unwell, he would definitely bear the brunt of the unlucky orcs when Su Ye returned to the tribe.

Su Ye can handle other things calmly.

Only about Chang Xia, she is extremely eccentric, and she will never hide it. Of course, Shen Rong was not afraid of being beaten. But the nervous Chang Xia was really uncomfortable, but he never said it.

Chang Xia helped his forehead and explained: "I'm fine. I don't feel any discomfort, I just feel hot, nothing else."

"Is it really okay?" Shen Rong confirmed.

"It's okay, let's go back to the cave, it's so hot and sun-drenched, I feel like I'm going to melt." Chang Xia patted his face, feeling that his cheeks were burning hot and painful.

She thought about it, as if it hadn't been in the sun for long.

Orcs have always been strong and strong.

After Chang Xia felt pregnant with cubs, he was especially afraid of heat in the warm season.

Before, she didn't feel it clearly.

This time, returning to the tribe from Silver Beach is the most obvious.


Shen Rong didn't delay any longer, and quickly ran towards his cave.

After a while, return to the cave.

Chang Xia originally planned to lie down and rest in the pavilion in the corridor.

However, most of the pavilions in the corridor were exposed to the sun. The wind blowing across the cheeks carried a little heat, and as the sun continued to rise, the corridor pavilion would inevitably get hotter.


She turned around and went to the living room.

In this room, Shen Rong took the towel and carried the clay pot into the kitchen.

Find the wooden basin and fetch water. Then put the clay pot into the wooden basin, picked up the wooden basin to look for Chang Xia, and shouted: "Chang Xia, where are you?"

"I'm in the living room—" Chang Xia responded, "The pavilion in the corridor is so hot, I'm on the kang bed in the living room." The kang bed in the living room has the largest area, and it is covered with Kira grass mats, making it soft and comfortable to lie on.

In this season, the cave dwelling is still a bit cool at night.

The kang bed in the cave bedroom was still covered with mattresses, and it was too hot in the long summer, so I went into the living room. The Kira grass mat on the kang bed in the living room is like sleeping on a mat, cool and comfortable.

"I'll separate the cold stone and make two wooden basins for you and put them in the corner of the living room. Don't even think about moving the wooden basins onto the kang bed. One is hot and the other is cold. It's easy to catch cold and get sick." Shen Rong warned.

He is afraid that the long summer will be greedy for cold.

Move the tub directly onto the kang bed.

Don't say it, Chang Xia really came up with this idea.

It's a pity that before it was implemented, it was crushed to death by Shen Rong. Of course, Chang Xia also knows not to be greedy for coolness, as it is very troublesome to be pregnant with a cub.

She hated taking pills and would not take them.

"A Rong, don't you lie down and rest for a while?" Chang Xia asked.

Shen Rong shook his head lightly, and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to cook medicinal food for you—"

Before Su Ye left, he asked him to cook a medicinal meal for Chang Xia. At first, Shen Rong didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Chang Xia had been drinking herbal diet, and there was nothing wrong with his health.

However, today's long summer is hot.

Only then did Shen Rong want to understand why Su Ye told him to cook the medicinal diet.

Carrying a cub puts a burden on Chang Xia's body, and Chang Xia's blood is weak. As the time of carrying a cub increases, her body load becomes heavier and heavier.

In the past, it was rare for various races to get married across races, because of the difficulty of conceiving cubs.

Like the snake clan, if it weren't for the backing of the boa snake secret medicine.

How dare the snake clan marry with a foreign race?

"Medicine..." Chang Xia's expression changed slightly, he wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered the fear of heat. So he acquiesced in Shen Rong's decision to boil the medicine, and he would have to drink this medicine meal every other day or two, and in a few days, he would have to drink it every day.

How long has it been since Su Ye said to change the date of the medicinal diet!

think about.

Chang Xia sighed endlessly.

This broken body is really bad.

Here, Shen Rong left the living room and entered the kitchen.

While preparing herbal meals, I thought about going to Weishan. Hope to catch some black fish, or go to Weishan Waterfall to get some white fish. White fish is easy to die out of water, so it can be directly boiled into fish soup and brought back to the tribe.

Of course, the premise is to bring the cold stone.

Chilling the fish soup with cold stones should bring the white fish soup back to the tribe.


Su Ye went to Wuhai, if he also went to Weishan, there would be no orcs in the cave to take care of Changxia. Thinking about it, Shen Rong took a break from the idea of ​​going out.

At present, the most important thing to do is to take good care of Chang Xia.

Elsewhere, to be considered later.

Big deal, ask the tribesmen to help.

Han Shi was placed in two corners of the living room by Shen Rong, with the doors and windows half closed. The temperature in the living room dropped quickly, Chang Xia sighed.

It was a little cold, she went back to the bedroom and took the quilt and covered it.

At the same time, he also brought the basic ancient animal skin scrolls from Su Ye's bedroom, and lay down recliningly, resting while reading.

Shen Rong stewed the medicinal food.

He brought a lot of snacks and put them on the kang table for Chang Xia.

There are wild fruits in the cellar. It smells like wild fruits from Weishan Holy Land.

Shen Rong took two of each and washed them.

Cut it into pieces with a knife, put it in a bowl and bring it to the living room.

"Long Xia, eat wild fruits." Shen Rong said.

Chang Xia shrugged his nostrils and said, "This fragrance is very strong. The wild fruit from the Weishan Holy Land! The wild fruit in the Horubad Basin is juicy and delicious, and the fragrance is not as good as that of the Weishan Holy Land. Unfortunately, the area of ​​the Weishan Holy Land is limited. Can't plant too many fruit trees..."

The wild fruits of Weishan Holy Land are destined not to be popularized.

Only, for some orcs to taste.

It cannot be exchanged with all ethnic groups at will like the wild fruits in the Horubad Basin. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"The wild fruit in Weishan Holy Land is fragrant and delicious, which may be related to the beast totem. The beast totem is carved from the Qingming stone mine. Maybe the wild fruit is delicious or not, it is also related to the Qingming stone." Shen Rong said.

The Qingming Stone Mine is hidden under the ice crystal valley.

Ice crystal grass grows in the ice crystal valley, and the ice crystal grass produces ice fruit.

Bingguo is delicious, and the fruit chicken that feeds on Bingguo is even more delicious.

This thought makes people have to think deeply.

Chang Xia blinked, put down the ancient animal skin scroll in his hand, and said: "A Rong, what you said is interesting. The ice crystal valley is always low temperature, and there are few other fruit trees in the valley except ice crystal grass. Is this intentional? , or is there a problem in the first place?"

"You can contact Wizard Nanhe and ask her to try." Shen Rong said.

try what?

Naturally, try to plant fruit trees in the ice crystal valley.

Don't stick to any kind of fruit tree, just plant it casually, just wait for the fruit tree to bear fruit, and everything will be clear.

"No." Chang Xia thought for a while, then shook his head.

Ice Crystal Valley is sacred to the Bird Race.

Planting fruit trees in the ice crystal valley, the bird family will not agree.

Unless the Orcs verify that the Qingming Stone Mine can make wild fruits delicious, the Birds will never open the Ice Crystal Valley easily.

This is a matter of principle.

It's like asking Su Ye to open the wizard hall, allowing the orcs to enter and leave the wizard hall at will.

This is clearly impossible.

Regardless of Su Ye's kindness, kindness and approachability. Once a matter of principle is involved, she will change her face every minute. Su Ye is not a kind person to let the beast clan and the bird clan and the fish clan coexist peacefully by himself.


Chang Xia believes that the same is true for Wizard Nanhe. ..

How can the weak convince the orcs?

Orcs believe in the supremacy of strength, without enough strength, it is impossible to be respected and admired.

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