Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1151: Bai Ling'er raised ice crystal grass branches

"Chang Xia, hurry up—" Bai Qing said.

Chang Xia reached into the clay pot and pulled out the last branch of Ice Crystal Grass to activate the blood vessel ability and send energy to the branch.

Then, he handed the ice crystal grass branch to Bai Ling'er.

Bai Ling'er held the ice crystal grass branch in her mouth, and greeted all the orcs.

Turning around and submerging into the White Lake, the snake body rolled a few times on the surface of the lake before sinking to the bottom of the lake. After she sank to the bottom of the lake, Bai Qing jumped into the white lake again and boarded the raft wandering in the middle of the lake. When Bai Linger was sleeping at the bottom of the lake, Bai Qing and the others started to fix the raft, trying to make the raft float near the bottom of the lake where Bai Linger lived. ..

Next, the planning White Lake construction.

At the same time, the tribe should prepare materials for the construction of the White Lake pavilion and the temple at the bottom of the lake. The wood needed for the White Lake Pavilion is simple, just prepare more iron wood.


The temples at the bottom of the lake are different.

It can be regarded as building a shelter for Bai Ling'er.

Bai Ling'er is a different race from heaven and earth, with an extraordinary status.

The tribe wanted to build her an underwater stone house, so naturally they couldn't deal with it casually.

How many stone pillars should be prepared needs to be discussed and decided by the tribe. At the same time, for the jade bed promised by Chang Xia, what kind of jade carving should be chosen, and finally, how to build the stone house/temple, etc. There are many trivial matters.

The corner of Chang Xia's mouth twitched lightly.

Is she looking for trouble?

"I regret it!" Chang Xia pouted and whispered.

Shen Rong smiled slightly.

Beside, the clansmen clearly heard what Chang Xia said.

They understood what Chang Xia meant when he said he regretted it.

It is said that it is rebuilding the White Lake, but it is actually more about construction.

White Lake, except that there are some infrastructure facilities on the shore of White Lake. Everything else needs to be prepared from scratch, and there are naturally more things to prepare.

Timber alone is definitely not a small amount.

Not to mention, the jade and stone materials used for the temples at the bottom of the lake.

After careful calculation, it is definitely an astronomical figure.

The tribe is already busy hunting and picking in the warm season, so it is difficult to free up manpower.

"Don't worry about Chang Xia, the tribe has a stockpile of iron wood. It is enough to build the pavilion on the White Lake, but the stone pillars and the stone houses at the bottom of the lake you mentioned probably require special quarrying." Tian Luo thought for a while and said.

He Yun tilted his head and asked, "Shi Zhu, definitely not just any rock."

"Well! It's better to be a pure natural stone pillar. Ling'er said just now that she wants to bask in the sun occasionally. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to find this stone pillar..." Chang Xia rubbed the bridge of her nose, looked up at Bai Qing, and said in a low voice : "Brother, what do you think?"

"You draw a picture, and I'll find a suitable stone pillar. The stone materials needed for the stone house at the bottom of the lake need the help of the tribe to mine." Bai Qing said.

Beside, the clansmen spoke one after another.

He expressed that he would help to mine stones. There is no shortage of rocks in the Baihe River Basin. Mining stones is very simple. The difficulty is nothing more than transportation and carving.

Bai Ling'er will grow into the patron saint of the tribe in the future.

The Heluo tribe is not stupid, so they will not fool her.

Either the stone house at the bottom of the lake will not be built, but once construction starts, it will inevitably move closer to the palace. Very few people can enter the palace, so Bai Ling'er is not an ordinary person.

As a different species from heaven and earth, she is qualified to live in the palace.

"There should be three stone pillars. They can't be too thick, and they can't be too thin." Chang Xia described, the height and size of the stone pillars should not vary too much. It is not easy to find a suitable one.

think about.

Chang Xia Qing coughed and said, "Luo Ya, maybe there is something suitable."

Li Mi came to the cave last time.

I often chatted with Chang Xia about Luoya.

Chang Xia naturally remembered it.

This time preparing a residence for Bai Ling'er, he couldn't help but think of Luo Ya.

A mention of falling off the cliff.

The clansmen suddenly felt their eyes light up.

Previously, they really had a headache

The origin of the column.

When Chang Xia said Luo Ya, all the orcs were overjoyed.

"Luoya, I didn't think of this place." Bai Qing murmured, and said: "Luoya, where the Baihe River converges, there are indeed many cliffs and stone peaks. If you don't talk about Luoya, I plan to go to Silver Beach Look at the Weeping Cliff, there are reefs all over the place, it was very troublesome in the past.”

Weeping Cliff is next to Weishan Mountain.

There are jagged rocks, seemingly simple river beaches and hidden reefs, which are extremely dangerous.

Bai Ling'er wants the stone pillar, and the Weeping Cliff near the Horde is the easiest to find. Now, when Chang Xia mentioned Luoya, Bai Qing's eyes lit up.

Weeping cliff and falling cliff are also cliffs.

However, the gap between the two is so great that there is no comparison.

"Weeping Cliff, the strange rocks are so sharp, no way." Golei interrupted, rejecting Bai Qing's Weeping Cliff. The rocks of the Weeping Cliff are very sharp and have been washed by flowing water all year round, forming a variety of strange postures. It is difficult to find rocks suitable for grinding into stone pillars.

Even if you find a suitable one, mining is difficult.

By contrast.

Falling off the cliff is safer.

He Yun echoed, "Bai Qing, go to Luoya."

Listen to Ge Leiheyun and other orcs unanimously vetoing Weeping Cliff.

Chang Xia couldn't help being curious about the strange rocks on Weeping Cliff.

The last time she went to Silver Beach, she did not go to Weeping Cliff, and her impression of Weeping Cliff has always been kept in the descriptions of the orcs.

If there is a chance in the future, I must go to Weeping Cliff to take a look.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, wait for Wu to come back from the sea of ​​fog before leaving." Shen Rong said.

He raised his hand and held down Bai Qing who was about to go to the cliff. As for the palace at the bottom of the lake, we must wait for Su Ye to nod before we can do it.

Today, it is okay for tribes to prepare materials in advance.

For others, it's best to wait for Su Ye to speak.

"That's right, don't worry." Chang Xia nodded. The plan hasn't been released yet, so he's not in a hurry to find Shizhu. Besides, you have to wait for Su Ye's consent before you can do anything.

After all, the stone house at the bottom of the lake is not just a stone house.

Chang Xia's wish is to build a palace at the bottom of the lake, and Bai Ling'er is in the growth period and has not yet reached adulthood. The area of ​​the palace at the bottom of the lake should not be too small, if it is too small, when Bai Ling'er becomes an adult, it will have to be rebuilt if it cannot fit in.

These things must be planned.

For a while.

White Lake Gazebo is beyond hope.

However, it has been confirmed that Cold Stone is useless against Ice Grass Sprigs.

Chang Xia dug out the cold stone in the clay pot, put it in the pot, and brought it back to the tribe in a rattan basket. It's hot, don't worry about it.

The cooling effect of the cold stone is awesome.

It's a pity that the tribe has to endure the heat.

However, cave dwellings are warm in winter and cool in summer. Compared with living in the animal dens before, the cave dwellings are obviously much more comfortable, and the clansmen didn't feel too hot.

Chang Xia feels hot, UU reading has something to do with Huai Zai.

something happened.

The sun climbed into the sky and started to heat up.

Chang Xia wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, said goodbye to the clansmen, and took Shen Rong back to the cave.

"It's hot!" Chang Xia said.

Walking casually made her feel too hot.

Obviously in Silver Beach two days ago, Chang Xia didn't feel how hot it was yet.

As soon as he returned to the Heluo Tribe, Chang Xia felt uncomfortably hot and uncomfortable.

Shen Rong paused, and asked, "Is it very hot?" He was holding a rattan basket in his hand, and inside the basket were clay pots. There were a few cold stones in the pots. coolness.

"I'm very hot." Chang Xia said.

Shen Rong frowned and said, "The weather is not too hot."

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