Then, a head with long black hair covering the face rose from the well.

Then Sadako climbed out of the well and stood up.

She was wearing a white dress and her black hair covered her face, so her face could not be seen clearly.

Then, she walked towards the camera slowly, swaying from side to side strangely.

Getting closer and closer. Getting closer and closer


The girl was very confident about playing Sadako.

Her acting skills had reached level 3, which was already proficient.

At the same time, she had seen the original work and knew how to act.

So she was not worried that she would mess up the role.

However, she still asked Zhu Xudan and Dai Si to give her a make-up lesson last night. The real purpose was not the wine, but the beauty. Let

's get back to the point.

"Director Li, is it OK?" Beside Li Yaohuo, Xu Youyue said coldly.

Over there, Mingyue had finished the first shot.

And Li Yaohuo didn't know what was wrong. He didn't call"cut" or anything.

He was like a fool.

At this moment,

Li Yaohuo was really confused.

He thought that the twins couldn't play Sadako well, so he decided to give them a warning so that they would give up.

He even arranged their roles at the beginning of the filming, so that if their acting skills were not good, they would be replaced immediately.

Who would have thought that the twins, who didn't know whether they were the younger sister or the older sister, not only acted well, but also acted very well.

There was nothing wrong with it.

So, at that moment, he was distracted. He was regretting that if he had known that they had this ability, why would he be the bad guy?

"Oh, it passes."

Li Yaohuo came back to his senses and said.

But at this moment.

Xu Youyue frowned, shook her head and said:"It can't pass."

Li Yaohuo:"Huh?"

He glanced at Xu Youyue, thinking, do you know more about filming than me, the director?

Xu Youyue ignored his eyes.

Pointing at various places in the scene, she said:"There is a problem with this camera position, move two meters to the right"

"Here, when the actors climb out later, push them up directly"

"And the lighting, you have a big problem……"


Xu Youyue pointed out the problems found during and before the filming.

Now, her directing ability has reached level 3. Maybe not better than Li Yaohuo, but she has seen the original version and knows what the final filming effect is that she wants to achieve...

At this moment.

In the cold voice of the girl...

The script supervisor: ???


Lighting: ???

Actors watching:!!!

Other staff:!!!

All of them were stunned.

They stared with wide eyes and looked shocked.

What the hell!

What did I see?

You Mingyue is actually teaching Li Yanwang how to film? ? ?

You are not dreaming!

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger.

We admit that you are awesome, but you are not qualified to show off like this.

Some people suspect that the girl is avenging the humiliation Li Yanwang gave her yesterday.

But this... isn't it really a kick on the iron plate?

At this moment.

The studio was terribly quiet.

Tension was spreading.

The air was completely frozen.

There was only the sound of the breeze, the rustling of leaves, and the sound of swallowing saliva.

They were afraid that the screenwriter and the director would fight on the spot.


The girl was not seeking revenge, she just had a little obsessive-compulsive disorder and wanted to be perfect. If she had shot it the way Li Yaohuo did, it would have been watchable, but it would have been a little off.

The shot of Sadako coming out of the well is very important in"The Ring" and cannot be sloppy.


Li Yaohuo has a very strange personality, but he has one advantage, which is that he can listen to other people's suggestions.

When he heard Xu Youyue talking about filming, he was almost furious at first.

Who do you think you are? How dare you point fingers at my arrangement.

But as Xu Youyue pointed out more and more problems, his mentality changed, from anger to surprise, and finally to complete shock.

Because, what the eighteen-year-old girl said in front of him was not nonsense, but very professional. Some of the arrangements were not made up by many experienced directors. She has a sharp eye for finding problems.


He simulated it in his mind based on the girl's camera arrangement. It seemed that the effect of shooting in this way was really much better than what he had just shot.

So, a very magical scene happened in front of everyone on the set.

Li Yaohuo's eyes lit up, and his expression became excited:"Great, this is how it should be shot"

"Do you know how to film?"

""I know a little bit." The transformed woman responded without blushing.

After that, the two of them discussed the director's experience with great interest, as if no one was around.

This scene made everyone drop their jaws.

It was very magical.

""The Gu King... could he really cast a Gu?" a staff member exclaimed.

Everything that happened to Li Yaohuo before their eyes was not only very similar to being poisoned by a Gu, but it was exactly the same!

Zhang Yunlong, Zhu Xudan and Dai Si looked at each other, shocked.

"She can actually direct?"

The three of them felt like they were watching a fantasy drama.

What kind of god is this?

It's so outrageous.


Then, the crew continued filming, and re-filmed according to what Xu Youyue had just said.

And next to the director, there was an extra chair.

Xu Youyue sat on it and directed with Li Yaohuo.

The conflict between the screenwriter and the director was magically resolved.

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